The anonymous author of Amphora (Burns and Oates, 2s. 6d. net.), is
happily not under the common delusion that abundance of piety
can atone for all other deficiencies in religious poetry. We
have not met for a long time so lofty and sustained a poetic
flight as in this series of verses in honour of our Lady. The
thought is not overloaded with verbiage but expressed with
simple dignity; as in the best architecture, what is ornamental
is useful as well. We commend this little volume to all lovers
of our Lady and of good poetry.
Month, January 1909.
Mr. Aleister Crowley's book was published two years
anonymously. It consists of some
three dozen
the glory of
the blessed
Virgin. They are all marked
that facility and freedom
of diction
and metrical fluency that are such striking features of the author's profaner books. Some of them are rather
some are exquisite verses
a Yellow-Booky flavour; and others are somewhat unsatisfactory
exercises in forms which are
customarily used
Here is a specimen of
the last
Enshrined in cloistral sanctity
I sit and worship solemnly:
is everything to me;
I hail thee holy Mary.
By day and night I sit alone
Mute as
a monument of stone
meditate before the throne
Of bright and blessed Mary.
The Jilt of this, and in places its phraseology, have in
which scarcely bears
witness to
a humble and
profound reverence for the
mother of God on the steps of Heaven. Some of
the poems
are very
all of
them lack real fervour
in respect
just as
in respect
of form
that final touch which distinguishes
of the
born poet from that of the
competent turner of verses. Personally,
I find Mr.
the devotee
Mary considerably
much less
the singer of
and obscene
gods, Abracadabras, and things one doesn't mention. "Hail
Mary," in
is dull.
New Age, 21 December, 1911.
This is a garland of some fifty or sixty devotional hymns to the
Virgin, in which the author, while not exceeding the bounds of
Catholic orthodoxy, fills his verses with quaint and charming
conceits, very much in the style of the “metaphysical” poets of
the seventeenth century. Indeed, in turning over the pages of
“Amphora,” as the little volume was entitled when published
anonymously two years ago, by
Burns and Oates, we feel them to be the work of a
recipient of the tradition of Vaughan the Silurist, George
Herbert, and Crashaw, although Mr. Crowley is smooth where they
are rugged, plain where they are perplexing.
These poems indicate a mind full of earnest aspiration
towards the spiritual Queen, a mind of an engaging naïveté,
untroubled by the religious and philosophical problems which
weary more complex intelligences. This little work can be
cordially recommended to Catholic readers.
—The Paris Daily Mail, date unknown.
Mr. Aleister Crowley is a very interesting poet, not so
much for any great originality in his technique, as for the
passionate tenacity with which he holds to a mystical creed, put
forth in an elaborate and eclectic symbolism. . . . He has not
managed to hymn Mary in anything like the strain of poetry which
the worship of Hecate once drew from him. Does this mean that,
after all, Hecate means more to him than Mary?
—The Daily News, date unknown.
We crave for poetry in England, but we do not like
poets, unless they are exceedingly conventional when we can
laureate them, because in the national search for what is called
character we condemn the vagaries which are the attributes of
genius. Every school-girl reads Shelley, yet how badly we
treated him! Byron is not allowed to rest in Poet’s Corner. We
treated Swinburne as if he were Crippen. And we have treated Mr.
Aleister Crowley in much the same way. Yet Mr. Crowley is one
of our few real poets. He has written things in “Ambergris”
which will never die. Some years ago a little book of verse
appeared, called “Amphora,”
which being anonymous was attributed to an actress. It
bore a strong religious note, an ecstatic sense, and it was at
once recognized as genuine poetry. Now it has come
forth again, retitled “Hail
Mary,” and signed Aleister Crowley. We hope it will be
widely read, and serve as an
introduction to some of Mr. Crowley’s other works of
poetry. Particularly we hope the Church will look at it. They
will find a religious sense that will astonish some of them.
The real trouble about Mr. Crowley is this; he is a true
poet—he cannot compromise. The persecution of silly and unkind
men has wounded him. It is for literary men now to come forward
and stand by him. Hear this:
We in the world of woe who stray
Lift up our hearts to Thee and pray:
Turn all our pain to virgin might,
And all our sorrow into light!
May his enemies learn from these words to “lift up”
their hearts with him.
—The English Review, November 1911.
Among the many books which
benevolent publishers are preparing as appropriate Christmas
presents we notice many new editions of favourite poetic
classics. But few, we fancy, can be more appropriate for the
purpose than a little volume of original verses, entitled
“Amphora,” which Messrs. Burns & Oates are on the point of
publishing. The following stanzas from a poem on the Nativity
will surely be a better recommendation of the
book than any words of critical appreciation:
The Virgin lies at Bethlehem.
(Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)
The root of David shoots a stem.
(O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)
She lies alone amid the kine.
(Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)
The straw is fragrant as with wine.
(O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)
—The Tablet, Father Kent, date unknown.
To the
ordinary mind passion has no relation to penitence, and carnal
desire is the very antithesis of spiritual fervour. But close
observers of human nature are accustomed to discover an intimate
connection between the forces of the body and the soul; and the
student of psychology is continually being reminded of the
kinship between saint and sinner. Now and then we find the
extremes of self and selflessness in the same soul. Dante tells
us how the lover kissed the trembling mouth, and with the same
thrill describes his own passionate abandonment before the
mystic Rose. In our own day, the greatest of French lyric poets,
Verlaine, has given us volumes of the most passionate love
songs, and side by side with them a book of religious poetry
more sublimely credulous and ecstatic than anything that has
come down to us from the Ages of Faith. We are all, as
Sainte-Beuve said, "children of a sensual literature," and
perhaps for that reason we should expect from our singers
fervent religious hymns.
We have
published recently in Vanity Fair a good many poems of
Mr. Aleister Crowley, we do not need to tell our readers that he
is a master of verse, who sings of the delights of the body with
a pagan simplicity and directness. Now he sends us a new book,
‘Amphora,’ a volume of religious verse: it contains song after
song in praise of Mary:—
O Mary! Of
Thy Motherhood
To all thy
Bring us to
thy beautitude
Whose sweet
inspiration stirs
The soul
lethargic unto good,
The slaves
to ministers!
Here is
another poem which seems to have the true lyric passion in it:—
Be still,
my soul, and let the sense
Of her
intuitive influence
Steal like
the whispers of young rains
Upon thy
bleak and barren plains
By many a
mental martyrdom
Our sterile
souls to Mary come.
Who passeth
through the surge and fire
At last
shall win to his desire
Be still my
soul, whate’er avail!
Mary they shall not prevail;
And thou
resigned in peace await
Her peace
at Her appropriate date.
We know no
better way of praising these hymns than by simply transcribing
Queen of
Mercy, Queen of Might,
Bring us to
Thine ardent light!
We are weak
and violent:
By Thy
mystic sacrament
Bring us to
Thy power and peace,
To the
passionless release!
Queen of
Splendour; Queen of Love,
Bring us to
Thine House above,
love and splendour dwell
All the
saints that praise Thee well.
Bring us to
their great content
By Thy
mystic sacrament!
9 December 1908.
Outside the Latin Church conflicting views are held
about the worship of the Virgin, but there can be no doubt that
this motive of religion has given birth to many beautiful pieces
of literature, and the poets have never tired of singing
variations on the theme of “Hail Mary.” This little book is best
described here as a collection of such variations. They are
written with an engaging simplicity and fervour of feeling, and
with a graceful, refined literary art that cannot but interest
and attract many readers beyond the circles of such as must feel
it religiously impossible not to admire them.
—The Scotsman, date unknown.
In this slight volume we have the utterances of a
devout anonymous Roman Catholic singer, in a number of songs or
hymns addressed to the Virgin Mary. The author, who has
evidently a decided gift for sacred verse and has mastered
varied metres suitable to her high themes, divides her poems
into four series of thirteen each. thus providing a song for
each week of the year. The songs are all of praise or prayer
addressed to the Virgin, and though many have a touch of
mysticism, most have a simplicity of expression and earnestness
of devotion that will commend them to the author’s
—The Daily Telegraph, date unknown.
This anonymous volume of religious verse reaches a very
high level of poetic imagery. It is a series of hymns in honour
of Our Lady, invariably expressed in melodious verse. The
pitfalls of religious verse are bathos and platitude, but these
the sincerity of the writer and a certain mastery over poetic
expression have enabled him or her to avoid. The writer of such
verse as the following may be complimented on a very high
standard of poetic expression:
The shadows fall about the way;
Strange faces glimmer in the gloom;
The soul clings feebly to the clay,
For that, the void; for this, the tomb!
But Mary sheds a blessed light;
Her perfect face dispels the fears.
She charms Her melancholy knight
Up to the glad and gracious spheres.
O Mary, like a pure perfume
Do thou receive this falling breath,
And with Thy starry lamp illume
The darkling corridors of death!
—The Catholic Herald, date unknown.
interesting group of Catholic songs or hymns appears in a volume
entitled “Amphora” (Burns and Oates). From among them one of the
hymns may be quoted on “The Feast of the Nativity”:
The Virgin lies at Bethlehem.
(Bring gold and
frankincense and myrrh!)
The root of David shoots a
(O Holy Spirit shadow
lies alone amid the kine.
(Bring gold and
frankincense and myrrh!)
The straw is fragrant as with
(O Holy Spirit shadow
are three kings upon the road.
(Bring gold and
frankincense and myrrh!)
She hath thrice blest the
(O Holy Spirit shadow
stands her star above the sky.
(Bring gold and
frankincense and myrrh!)
She hath thrice blest the
(O Holy Spirit shadow
joyful ardour hath sufficed.
(Bring gold and
frankincense and myrrh!)
She is delivered of the
(The angels come to
worship Her!)
—The Shoreditch Observer, 30 January 1909.
As far as we can gather from his other works, the
author is not a Catholic, perhaps not even, strictly speaking, a
Christian; but here we have page after page of most exquisite
praise of Her, whom Wordsworth greeted as our tainted nature’s
solitary boast,. until one marvels at the fecundity of concept,
imagery, and fit expression.
—The Catholic Times, date unknown.
The “Amphora” is a collection of poems in honour of our
Blessed Lady. They are arranged in four books, each of which
contains thirteen pieces. Thus with the prologue there are
fifty-three poems in all. Needless to say they breathe a spirit
of deep piety and filial love towards our Heavenly Mother. Many
beautiful and touching thoughts are embodied in the various
verses, which cannot but do good to the pious soul.
—The Catholic Times, date unknown.
Under this title there has appeared an anonymous volume
of verses breathing the same exotic fragrance of Rossetti’s poem
on Our Lady that begins “Mother of the fair delight.” There is
the same intense pre-Raphaelite atmosphere, the same aesthetic
revelling in Catholic mysticism, the same rich imagery and
gorgeous word-colouring that pervade the poetic works of that
nineteenth-century artist. A valuable addition to the poetic
literature on
the Mother of our Lord.
—The Staffordshire Chronicle, date unknown.
The devotional fervour of “Amphora” will make them
acceptable to those who address their worship to the Blessed
Mother of the Christ. The meaning of the title of the book is
not very obvious. It cannot surely have anything to do with the
lines in Horace, “Amphora coepit,” etc.
—The Guardian, date unknown.
Not without a certain lyrical sweetness. Devotion to
the Mother of God is the subject of all the poems, and it seems
odd coming from one who is understood to be a worshipper at
strange, exotic, and forbidden shrines. But the artistic
temperament is doubtlessly accountable. . . .
—The Catholic Herald, date unknown.
The hymns ordinarily used in churches for devotional
purposes are no doubt excellent in their way, but it can
scarcely be said, in the case of many of them, that they are of
much literary merit, and some of them indeed are little above
the familiar nursery rhymes of our childhood; it is therefore
somewhat of a relief and a pleasure to read the volume of hymns
to the Virgin Mary which has just been published by Messrs.
Burns & Oates. These hymns to the Virgin Mary are in the best
style, they are devotional in the highest degree, and to Roman
Catholics, for whom devotion to the Virgin Mary forms so
important a part of their religious belief, these poems should
indeed be welcome; personally I have found them just what I
desired, and I have no doubt other Catholics will be equally
pleased with them.
—Lieut. Col. Gormley. |