Added |
Remarks |
February 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Suicide By Proxy
from the 23 November 1930 edition of the
Sunday Mercury.
Aleister Crowley's "Magick"
from the 16 September 1932 issue of the
Daily Express.
All Magic
from the 16 September 1932 issue of the
Daily Independent.
Epstein's Models
from the 14 April 1934 issue of the
Daily Record.
Miss Viola Banks's Stories
from the 14 April 1934 issue of the
Rochdale Observer.
Psychic Gossip
from the 26 May 1934 issue of the
These Names Make News
from the 18 June 1934 issue of the
Daily Express.
Aleister Crowley Does Not Admit Insolvency
from the 14 February 1935 issue of the
Evening Despatch.
These Names Make News
from the 19 July 1935 issue of the
Daily Express.
Peace in Park Lane
from the 19 July 1935 issue of the
Edinburgh Evening News.
Charlie Peace Presides Over a Crime Club Lunch!
from the 24 July 1935 issue of the
Beachy Head Climb
from the 12 April 1944 issue of the
Eastbourne Gazette.
Beachy Head Climbers
from the 19 July 1944 issue of the
Eastbourne Gazette.
"Mystery Man"
from the 2 December 1947 issue of the
Daily Post.
Leicester Woman At Crowley's Funeral
from the 6 December 1947 issue of the
Leicester Mercury.
February 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Things the Ladies Would Like to Know or What Rumour Says
from the 17 May 1913 edition of the
Modern Life.
Book 4, Part II
from the June 1913 issue of the
African Times and Orient Review.
English Pro-Germans
from the 27 June 1915 edition of the
Sunday Mirror.
Why Suppress It?
from the 2 December 1922 edition of the
Daily Express.
Babble About Books
from the 3 December 1922 edition of the
Sunday Express.
"Suicide" Found Alive
from the 16 November 1930 edition of the
"Betty May" and Her Letters
from the 24 July 1934 edition of the
Evening Express.
Model Denies Confessions in "Depraved Book"
from the 25 July 1934 edition of the
Daily Herald.
Lost Letters Found in Court
from the 25 July 1934 edition of the
News Chronicle.
Admissions By "Tiger Woman"
from the 25 July 1934 edition of the
Daily Record.
Crowley Found Guilty
from the 25 July 1934 edition of the
Evening Express.
Aleister Crowley Bound Over by the Judge
from the 26 July 1934 edition of the
Daily Express.
Denials of Mr. Aleister Crowley
from the 8 November 1934 edition of the
Daily Express.
Libel Action Appeal Fails
from the 8 November 1934 edition of the
Daily Examiner.
New Trial Refused
from the 9 November 1934 edition of the
News Chronicle.
February 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Weird Performance By Aleister Crowley
from the 29 September 1910 edition of the
Morning Leader.
A New Prophet
from the 30 September 1910 edition of the
Bradford Daily Telegraph.
Strange Rites Performed in Semi-Darkness
from the 20 October 1910 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Wonderful Spectacle at Caxton Hall
from the 23 October 1910 edition of the
American Register.
Strange Rites in London
from the 28 October 1910 edition of the
Edinburgh Evening News.
Pages in Waiting
from the 11 January 1911 edition of the
Morning Leader.
Books Received
from the 4 February 1913 edition of the
Daily News.
Alistair Crowley: New Mystery
from the 28 September 1930 edition of the
Weekly Dispatch.
War on the Church
from the 6 December 1930 edition of the
Catholic News.
Damages for Author
from the 10 May 1933 edition of the
Evening Despatch.
£50 for Author
from the 11 May 1933 edition of the
Daily Herald.
A Bookseller's Libel
from the 11 May 1933 edition of the
Halifax Daily Courier.
Magician Sues Ethel Mannin
from the 21 July 1933 edition of the
Daily Express.
Author's Complaints of Ethel Mannin's Book
from the 25 July 1933 edition of the
Evening Despatch.
Injunction Refused
from the 25 July 1933 edition of the
Leicester Mercury.
February 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Chess Notes
from the 23 December 1893 edition of the
Eastbourne Chronicle.
from the 24 March 1894 edition of the
Eastbourne Chronicle.
The Soul of Osiris
from the 19 July 1901 edition of the
Western Morning News.
New Books and Magazines
from the 28 October 1904 edition of the
Belfast News-Letter.
Sub Rosa
from the 3 January 1905 edition of the
Morning Leader.
An Unsung Singer
from the 2 August 1907 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Miscellaneous Publications
from the 6 April 1910 edition of the
Yorkshire Post.
Function of the Preface
from the 31 July 1924 edition of the
Birmingham Post.
Mysterious Order to a Englishman
from the 17 April 1929 edition of the
Daily Record.
Man of Black Magic
from the 24 July 1929 edition of the
Civil and Military Gazette.
Devil Worship Growing in France
from the 1 October 1929 edition of the
Newcastle Daily Chronicle.
Publisher & Bookseller Classified List
from the 15 November 1929 edition of the
Books Received
from the 28 July 1930 edition of the
Evening News.
Books from Week to Week
from the 16 August 1930 edition of the
Irish Weekly.
Well Worth Reading
from the 3 September 1930 edition of the
Evening Express.
January 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
A Biblical Drama
from the 17 November 1899 edition of the
Jewish World.
Magic, And All About It
from the 12 September 1932 edition of the
Daily Independent.
A New Mysticism
from the 30 September 1910 edition of the
Irish Independent.
New Religious Rites on Greek Model
from the 5 October 1910 edition of the
Hinckley Echo.
New Books
from the 8 December 1910 edition of the
Sequel to Seances
from the 26 April 1911 edition of the
Evening Despatch.
Libel Case Digressions
from the 26 April 1911 edition of the
Westminster Gazette.
Mystic Farce
from the 27 April 1911 edition of the
Bradford Daily Telegraph.
Fantastic Story in Court
from the 27 April 1911 edition of the
Morning Leader.
Short Notices
from the 1 December 1911 edition of the
Morning Leader.
The English Review
from the 7 November 1913 edition of the
Oxford Chronicle.
Camera Club Portraits from the
17 November 1913 edition of the Evening Standard.
Notes on the Magazines from the
22 November 1913 edition of the Queen.
A Book of the Week from the
29 November 1913 edition of the Country Life.
Poets of Cambridge from the
18 February 1914 edition of the Daily Chronicle.
January 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Magic, And All About It
from the 12 September 1932 edition of the
Daily Independent.
Beachy Head and its Perils
from the 15 July 1899 edition of the
Eastbourne Chronicle.
Beachy Head
from the 22 July 1899 edition of the
Eastbourne Gazette.
Buddhist Mission to Britain
from the 27 April 1908 edition of the
South Wales Daily News.
Divorce Case
from the 24 November 1909 edition of the
Evening Echo.
Wife Gets Divorce
from the 25 November 1909 edition of the
Eastern Daily Press.
Scottish Divorce Case
from the 25 November 1909 edition of the
Freeman's Journal.
Inventor of New Religion Divorced
from the 25 November 1909 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Queer Scotch Divorce Suit
from the 25 November 1909 edition of the
South Wales Daily News.
Strange Recital in Scottish Divorce Case
from the 25 November 1909 edition of the
Western Mail.
Wanted to Be Scotch
from the 30 November 1909 edition of the
Halesworth Times.
Rosicrucian Ritual To Be Revealed
from the 22 March 1910 edition of the
Daily Express.
Rosicrucian Secrets
from the 22 March 1910 edition of the
Daily Telegraph.
The Dread Secrets of the Order Revealed
from the 23 March 1910 edition of the
Morning Leader.
In Preparation
from the 1 April 1910 edition of the
Publications of the Week - Ambergris
from the 6 May 1910 edition of the
January 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Recent Publications
from the 18 February 1899 edition of
the Bristol Times and Mirror.
Stray Notes - Beachy Head
from the 15 July 1899 edition of the
Eastbourne Chronicle.
Received To-Day
from the 20 November 1903 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Yesterday's New Books
from the 29 September 1904 edition of the
Evening Standard.
Books Received To-Day
from the 14 October 1904 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
New Books Received
from the 14 October 1904 edition of the
Western Morning News.
Books Received To-Day
from the 14 November 1904 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Publications of the Month
from the 2 February 1905 edition of the
Books and Magazines
from the 4 July 1907 edition of the
Stockport County Borough Express.
Books Received To-Day
from the 16 July 1907 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
The Psychology of Prayer
from the 18 April 1908 edition of the
South London Observer.
The Poetry Market
from the 27 September 1909 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
A Scottish Divorce Suit
from the 24 November 1909 edition of the
Daily Echo.
"Lord Boleskine" - Figures in Divorce Proceedings
from the 24 November 1909 edition of the
Dublin Evening Telegraph.
Vicar's Daughter Obtains Divorce
from the 24 November 1909 edition of the
Edinburgh Evening News.
January 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Recent Publications
from the 31 December 1898 edition of
the Bristol Times and Mirror.
Publications of the Month
from the 3 May 1901 edition of the
Received To-Day
from the 7 August 1901 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Books Received
from the 14 August 1901 edition of the
Liverpool Daily Post.
The Lyric Muse
from the 27 August 1901 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Books to Read and Books to Use
from the 5 February 1902 edition of the
Yorkshire Post.
Received To-Day
from the 14 June 1902 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Some Minor Singers
from the 8 July 1902 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Alphabetical List of the Principal Publications for the
Month of June, 1902
from the 9 July 1902 edition of the
Books of the Day - Man and the Mysteries
from the 14 August 1902 edition of the
Liverpool Mercury.
Received To-Day
from the 3 June 1903 edition of the
London Daily Chronicle.
Books Received To-Day
from the 3 June 1903 edition of the
Westminster Gazette.
A Scotch Buddhist Priest
from the 2 July 1903 edition of the
Madras Weekly Mail.
Publications of the Month
from the 7 July 1903 edition of the
from the 21 August 1903 edition of the
Morning Leader.
January 2025 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Crowley & Associates:
Weird Experience in House of Mystery
from the 14 November 1925 edition of
Thomson's Weekly News.
Recent Books and New Editions
from the 17 December 1898 edition of the
Bristol Times and Mirror.
Received To-Day
from the 21 December 1898 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Alphabetical List of the Principal English Publications for
the Month of December, 1898
from the 12 January 1899 edition of the
Received To-Day
from the 26 January 1899 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Other Books Received
from the 7 June 1899 edition of the
Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer.
from the 4 August 1899 edition of the
Jewish World.
Many are Called!
from the 9 August 1899 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Alphabetical List of the Principal English Publications for
the Month of September, 1899
from the 12 October 1899 edition of the
Received To-Day
from the 21 December 1899 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
Received To-Day
from the 10 April 1901 edition of the
Daily Chronicle.
October 2024 |
Added texts by Victor B. Neuburg from various periodicals:
from the 27 May 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Three Earth-Notes
from the 10 June 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
from the 17 June 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
A Lyric
from the 8 July 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
The Garden
of Youth
from the 30 September 1905 issue of
Agnostic Journal.
An Old
from the 27 January 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
The Dream
from the 17 February 1906 issue of
Agnostic Journal.
from the 12 May 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Young Summer
from the 26 May 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Three Lyrics and a Sonnet
from the 2 June 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
from the 30 June 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
To the Moon
from the 7 July 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Four Sonnets to William Blake
from the 18 August 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Marie Spiridonova
from the 25 August 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
A Song for a Free Spirit
from the 8 September 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
An Agnostic View
from the 15 September 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Four Poems from the German
from the 22 September 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Rejected Sonnets
from the 24 November 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Saladin: In Memoriam
from the 15 December 1906 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Morte [In Honour of Saladin]
from the 5 January 1907 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Paganism and the Sense of Song
from the 19 January 1907 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
A Recall
from the 15 March 1907 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
The Eagle
and the Serpent
from the 30 March 1907 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
from the 6 April 1907 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Ballade of
the Daisy
from the 18 May 1907 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
October 2024 |
Added texts by Victor B. Neuburg from various periodicals:
from the 10 October 1903 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Vale Jehovah!
from the 25 October 1903 issue of the
A Song of Dawn
from the 31 October 1903 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
from the 13 February 1904 issue of
Agnostic Journal.
from the 27 February 1904 issue of
Agnostic Journal.
from the 12 March 1904 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
March Twentieth
from the 19 March 1904 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
To Count Tolstoy
from the 23 April 1904 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
A Song of Freedom
from the 14 May 1904 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Carmen Triumphans
from the 13 August 1904 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
The Pagan
from the 21 August 1904 issue of the
the Spheres
from the 8 October 1904 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
Beetledom Dying
from the 24 December 1904 issue of
Agnostic Journal.
from the 14 January 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
The Silent Gods
from the 21 January 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
My Homeland
from the 6 May 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
from the 13 May 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
from the 20 May 1905 issue of the
Agnostic Journal.
October 2024 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister
Book Reviews
from the 1911 issue of the
Reviews: Current Verse and Poetry
from the 7 January 1911 issue of the
Book Review
from the 22 April 1911 issue of the
General Fuller Initiated into Aleister Crowley's (Beast 666)
Occult Group
from the May 1935 issue of the
April 2024 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister Crowley:
Hinc Illae Lachrymae
from the 1 March 1905 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
The Need of Intellectual Sincerity, a letter from
Aleister Crowley from the 1 May 1905 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
Decadent Poetry
from the 1 August 1907 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
from the 1 November 1907 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
A Wandering Star
from the 1 May 1908 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
List of Books Received
from the 18 June 1908 issue of the
Cambridge Review.
A Literary Curiosity
from the 1 November 1909 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
Occultism Rampant
from the 1 June 1910 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
March 2024 |
Added a newspaper article related to Aleister Crowley:
A Bewildering Poet
from the 1 December 1904 issue of the
Literary Guide and Rationalist Review.
March 2024 |
- Added a
Scan of
a pamphlet version of Frater Achad's essay "Stepping Out of
the Old AEon and into the New" printed circa July-August
you to Brian Sevedge of Good Old Books for sharing this
Mar 2024 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister Crowley:
Letters from Herald Readers
- a letter to the editor from
Aleister Crowley requesting an introduction to Gerald Kelly from the
17 January 1904 issue of the
New York Herald (European Edition).
Sir Aleister Crowley Will Be Expelled from France Tomorrow
from the 16 April 1929 issue of the
Paris Midi.
The High Priest of Black Magic will Today be Expelled from
from the 17 April 1929 issue of
Le Journal.
The Mysterious Face of Aleister Crowley Who's to be "Turned
Out" of France
from the 17 April 1929 issue of Le
Petit Parisien.
Black Magic Soon Mentioned when Speaking of Crowley!
from the 18 April 1929 issue of the
Paris Midi.
Aleister Crowley Mage, Poet and, Some Say, Spy
from the 18 April 1929 issue of Le
The Mage Crowley Has Left for Brussels where He'll Marry
from the 18 April 1929 issue of the
December 2022 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister Crowley:
In the Quarter
from the 2 January 1928 issue of the
Paris Times.
Marriages - Skerret-Kelly
from the 11 September 1897 issue of the
Expedition to Mount Everest
from the 25 March 1902 issue of the
Times of India.
Mountaineering in India
from the 2 April 1902 issue of the
The Himalayan Expedition
from the 6 October 1902 issue of the
Times of India.
Chants Before Battle
from the 2 September 1914 issue of the
Times of India.
The Attempt on Kanchenjunga
from the 6 March 1930 issue of the
you to Colin for unearthing these articles.
September 2022 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister Crowley:
A Great Climb
from the 4 June 1902 issue of the
Times of India.
Notes of the Week
from the 14 September 1905 issue of the
Madras Weekly Mail.
Kinchenjunga Expedition. At the Foot of the Mountain.
from the 21 September 1905 issue of the
Madras Weekly Mail.
Notes of the Week
from the 2 November 1905 issue of the
Madras Weekly Mail.
hearty thank you to Colin for sharing these articles.
August 2022 |
Added various newspaper articles related to Aleister Crowley:
The "V" Man
- a letter to the editor from
Aleister Crowley from the 21 October 1945 issue of the
Weekly Dispatch.
Calcutta Shooting Affray
from the 2 November 1905 issue of the
Indian Daily News.
Edward Crowley's Obituary
from the 9 March 1887 issue of the
Morning Post.
Edward Crowley's Obituary
from the 12 March 1887 issue of the
Brighton Gazette.
Edward Crowley's Obituary
from the 12 March 1887 issue of the
Hampshire Chronicle.
Edward Crowley's Obituary
from the 12 March 1887 issue of the
Salisbury and Winchester Journal.
Edward Crowley's Obituary
from the 12 March 1887 issue of the
Surrey Mirror.
Edward Crowley's Obituary
from the 12 March 1887 issue of the
Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard.
To-day's Brevites
from the 12 July 1899 issue of the
Greenock Telegraph.
Personal Notes
from the 12 July 1899 issue of the
North British Daily Mail.
Beachy Head
from the 19 July 1899 issue of the
Pall Mall Gazette.
A Party of English experts . . .
from the 27 March 1902 issue of the
Indian Daily News.
List of Persons Who Have Engaged Passages
from the 6 May 1905 issue of the
Homeward Mail.
A Correspondent Writes . . .
from the 31 August 1905 issue of the
Indian Daily News.
The Kanchenjunga Expedition - Fatal Accident
from the 14 September 1905 issue of the
Indian Daily News.
List of Passengers - Departures
from the 18 September 1905 issue of the
Homeward Mail.
Military Notes
from the 9 October 1905 issue of the
Homeward Mail.
Himalayan Expedition
from the 14 March 1906 issue of the
Times of India.
A Scottish Divorce Suit
from the 25 November 1909 issue of the
Books Written by Aleister Crowley
from the 21 November 1942 issue of the
Books and Prints Wanted
from the 26 September 1945 issue of the
Business Offers
from the 28 June 1949 issue of the
Many thanks to Colin and
his exceptional sleuthing skills for discovering and sharing these articles.
June 2022 |
Added an article written by Aleister Crowley:
Robbing the Poor Man of His Beer?
from the 1 October 1917 issue of the
Brewer's Journal.
Many thanks to Jon for
unearthing and sharing this article.
November2021 |
- Added the
Text of the
original edition of Crowley's book
Little Poems in Prose for download.
October 2021 |
- Added a
Scan of the
original edition of Crowley's book
The Rosicrucian Scandal for download.
September 2021 |
- Added a
Facsimile of the
original edition of Crowley's book
The World's Tragedy for download.
September 2021 |
- Added a
Scan of the
original edition of Crowley's book
Clouds without Water for download.
September 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom
vellum-bound copy of the first issue of his book
Amphora. Added a
Facsimile of the
original edition of the book for download.
August 2021 |
Added another batch of news articles concerning
The Widow and the Count
from the 24 November
1909 issue of the Wolverhampton Express
Lord Boleskine - His Perpendicular Estate
from the 25 November
1909 issue of the Liverpool Daily Post
Amusing Revelations in a Scottish Divorce Action
from the 28 November
1909 issue of the Reynolds's Newspaper
He Was Fond of His Tartan
from the 28 November
1909 issue of the Umpire
Head of Rosicrucian Order Does Not Wish Ritual Disclosed
from the 27 March 1910
issue of the Reynolds's Newspaper
Best Books of the Week - The Triumph of Pan
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 4 January
1911 issue of the Sketch
A Light Blue Book
from the 11 March 1914
issue of the Daily News and Leader
A Defence of Aleister Crowley Spoken of Variously as "Beast
666" and "The King of Depravity"
from the 7 August 1930
issue of the Leicester Mail
English Writer Reported Missing in Portugal
from the 28 September
1930 issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Almost in Confidence
from the 11 September
1932 issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Almost in Confidence
from the 22 January
1933 issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Secret Love Potion of "Worst Man"
from the 15 April 1934
issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Almost in Confidence
from the 15 April 1934
issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Round Mayfair
from the 22 April 1934
issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Mr. A. Crowley's £5000 Debts
from the 15 February
1935 issue of the Daily Herald
2d. in the Pound
from the 8 April 1939
issue of the News Chronicle
Leicester Woman's Flowers for Aleister Crowley
from the 6 December
1947 issue of the Leicester Evening Mail
Dennis Wheatley Tells Of Secret Ritual Meetings
from the 21 December
1958 issue of the Sunday Dispatch
Why Do They All Huddle Together in St. Ives?
from the 27 August
1959 issue of the West Briton & Royal Cornwall Gazette
August 2021 |
Added a number of news articles concerning
Angling, etc.
from the 20 March 1900 issue of the
Inverness Courier
Book Received To-day -
from the 14 June 1902 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Register of Visitors to the Leading British and Continental
from the 26 February 1905 issue of
the American Register
Appeal to the Viceroy. In this Supreme Hour of England's
from the 3 August 1905 issue of
the Madras Weekly Mail
Letter to the Editor from Alcesti de Righi - The
Kanchenjunga Expedition
from the 28 September 1905 issue of
the Indian Daily News
Letter to the Editor from Alcesti de Righi - Charges and
from the 5 October 1905 issue of
the Madras Weekly Mail
Books Received To-Day - A Green Garland
(Victor Neuburg) from the 1 June 1908 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
To-Day's Books - A Green Garland
(Victor Neuburg) from the 3 June 1908 issue of
the Daily News
Books Received To-Day -
from the 17 December 1908 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
This Week's Books -
from the 19 December 1908 issue of
the Saturday Review
Publications of the Week -
from the 19 December 1908 issue of
the Spectator
Books Received -
from the 26 December 1908 issue of
the Academy
Short Notices -
from the January 1909 issue of
the Month
Publications of the Week -
from the 8 January 1909 issue of
the Bookseller
Three Kings Came Riding
from the 29 January 1909 issue of
the Lakes Herald
Books of the Month -
from the February 1909 issue of
the Book Monthly
List of Principal Publications for January -
from the 5 February 1909 issue of
the Bookseller
Books about the Blessed Virgin -
from the April 1909 issue of
the Dublin Review
August 2021 |
- Added a
Scan of the
original edition of J.F.C. Fuller's book
The Star in the West for download.
August 2021 |
- Added a
Scan of the
original edition of Crowley's book
Konx Om Pax for download.
- Added a
Scan of the
original edition of Crowley's book
777 for download.
- Added a news article concerning
Occultism and the Crisis of our Time
from the September 1952 issue of
The Sociological Bulletin.
August 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of his book
Rodin in Rime. Added a
Scan of the
original edition of the book for download.
August 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of his book
Gargoyles. Added a
Scan of the
original edition of the book for download.
- Added a
Scan of the
1907 edition of Crowley's
The Mother's Tragedy.
- Added a
Scan of the
1907 edition of Crowley's
August 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of
the 1905 edition of his book
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of
the 1905 edition of his book
Rosa Mundi.
August 2021 |
Added a couple of news articles concerning
Aleister Crowley - Man or Demon?
from the March 1939 issue of True
Mystic Science
Aleister Crowley Trial: Lost Letters Allegations
from the 24 July 1934 issue of
the Bristol Evening World
Many thanks to Kevin for
sharing these articles.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of
the 1905 edition of his book
July 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of
the 1903 edition of his book
Alice: An Adultery.
July 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-
and vellum-bound copies of his book
Sword of Song.
July 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of his book
The God-Eater. Added a
Scan of the
original edition of the book for download.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of his book
and other Poems. Added a
Scan of the
original edition of the book for download.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of the 1903 edition of his book
Star and the Garter. Added a
of the 1903 original edition of the book for download.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copies of his book
Argonauts. Added a
of the 1904 original edition of the book for download.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of his book
The Goetia. Added a
Scan of the
original edition of the book for download.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of his book
Why Jesus Wept. Added a
Facsimile of the
original edition of the book for download.
11 July 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of the 1901 edition of his book
The Mother's Tragedy. Added a Scan
of the 1901 original edition of the book for download.
- Added images of Crowley's custom leather-bound copy of the 1902 edition of his book
Tannhδuser. Added a Scan of the
1902 original edition of the book for download.
10 July 2021 |
- Added an image of the "Letter"
said to have been sent by Crowley to everyone referenced in
his book
The Sword of Song.
- Added a facsimile of Crowley's book
An Appeal to the American Republic
for download.
- Added a facsimile of Crowley's book
Carmen Saeculare
for download.
- Added a facsimile of Crowley's book
The Soul of Osiris
for download.
09 July 2021 |
- Added a variation of a
for Crowley's book The Equinox of the Gods.
Many Thanks to Kevin for
reminding us of its existence
! ! !
- Added another variation of a
for Crowley's book The Equinox of the Gods.
- Added yet another variation of a
for Crowley's book The Equinox of the Gods.
- Added a
for Crowley's book The Book of Wisdom or Folly.
- Added a
for Crowley's book Eight Lectures on Yoga.
- Added a
for the 1905 S.P.R.T. edition of Crowley's book Alice: An
- Added a new entry for
Mr. Crowley at Home
announcing an experiment rehearsal for Crowley's Rite if
06 July 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom bound
edition of (state a) of his book
The Tale of Archais. Added a
facsimile of the text for download.
- Added a Scan of the original edition of Crowley's
The Honourable Adulterers, for
- Added images of Crowley's custom vellum-bound edition of (state a) of his book
Jephthah and Other Mysteries.
Added a Scan of the original edition of the book for
05 July 2021 |
- Added images of Crowley's custom bound
editions of (state a) & (state b) of his 1898 publication of
Songs of the Spirit. Added a
facsimile of the text of both states (a & c) & state (b) of
Songs of the Spirit for download.
- Added a Scan of the original edition of Crowley's
Poem, for download.
- Added a Scan of the original edition of Crowley's
Jephthah, for download.
02 July 2021 |
- Added images of (State a) of Crowley's book
30 June 2021 |
- Added images of (State a) and (State b) of
Crowley's book
Aceldama. Added a facsimile of the
text of both (State a & b) and (State c) of Aceldama
for download.
- Added a facsimile of the text of Crowley's book,
White Stains, for download.
6 June 2021 |
Added a miscellaneous batch of news articles mostly
concerning Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones):
At the Art Gallery
(Frater Achad)
from the 29 May 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
Art Gallery is Point of Interest
(Frater Achad)
from the 5 June 1941 issue of the
Calgary Herald
June Art Displays at City Gallery
(Frater Achad)
from the 6 June 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Deep Cove to be Seen in Paintings
(Frater Achad)
from the 12 June 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Art Display
(Frater Achad)
from the 19 June 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
In the World of Art
(Frater Achad)
from the 20 June 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
In the Art Gallery
(Frater Achad)
from the 1 August 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
Art Award
(Frater Achad)
from the 28 October 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Art Society
(Frater Achad)
from the 1 November 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Medal Award
(Frater Achad)
from the 3 November 1941 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
A.R.P.'s Efficiency
(Frater Achad)
from the 3 March 1942 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
Art Gallery
(Frater Achad)
from the 19 October 1944 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
Art Gallery Criticism
(Frater Achad)
from the 15 November 1944 issue of
the Vancouver Sun
Service with a Smile
(Frater Achad)
from the 1 December 1944 issue of the
Vancouver Daily Province
Charles Stansfeld Jones
(Frater Achad)
from the 20 August 1946 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Black Magic at a Cremation Alleged
from the 2 April 1948 issue of the
Yorkshire Observer
Devilish, Sex-Mad, Corrupt
from the 21 October 1951 issue of the
Sunday Pictorial
A Poet on his Contemporaries
from the 1 November 1951 issue of the
Yorkshire Observer
Sicilian Vespers
from the 6 August 1954 issue of the
The Green Carnation
from the 10 February 1956 issue of
the Truth
Fact is More Popular than Fiction
from the 2 March 1956 issue of the
Runcorn Weekly News
30 May 2021 |
Added a miscellaneous batch of news articles concerning
Among the New Books
- I.N.R.I.
(Frater Achad)
from the October 1927 issue of the
Occult Digest
Black Magic Menace
from the 21 November 1931 issue of
John Bull
Counsel's Challenge in Court
from the 13 April 1934 issue of the
Belfast News-Letter
Another Gentleman? Mr. Crowley in the Dock
from the 30 June 1934 issue of the
Marylebone Mercury
Explorer's Trial
from the 15 July 1934 issue of the
Sunday Mirror
Crowley to Appeal
from the 4 August 1934 issue of the
Western Mail
Louis Golding's New Novel and Other Fiction
from the 9 May 1935 issue of the
Daily Mirror
Descendant of 1839 Lord Mayor to Greet Sir Percy Vincent
(Frater Achad)
from the 29 June 1936 issue of the
Daily Province
Lord Mayor's Show Costly Pageant
(Frater Achad)
from the 15 August 1936 issue of the
Daily Province
Folk Festival to be Educational Event of October
(Frater Achad)
from the 16 September 1936 issue of the
Chilliwack Progress
Rare Examples of Flemish Art at City Festival
(Frater Achad)
from the 30 September 1936 issue of the
Daily Province
Directors of Festival in which 1,000 are Taking Part
(Frater Achad)
from the 13 October 1936 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Wins Essay Contest
(Frater Achad)
from the 15 October 1937 issue of the
Daily Province
(Frater Achad)
from the 26 November 1937 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Walton School Plays
from the 16 December 1938 issue of the
Peterborough Standard
May 2021 |
Added a miscellaneous batch of news articles concerning
Reviews and Magazines of the Month - The English Review
from the 3 November 1913 issue of the
Westminster Gazette
Reviews and Magazines of the Month - The English Review
from the 1 January 1914 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Reviews - The English Review
from the 6 June 1914 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
War in the Reviews
from the 1 October 1914 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Pledged a "Free" Ireland
from the 14 July 1915 issue of
the Kansas City Star
Some Jaded Politics
from the 1 June 1916 issue of
the Stockton Daily Evening Record
Reviews - The Oxford Book of Mystical Verse
from the November 1917 issue of
the Occult Review
Books Received
- Lilygay
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 15 September 1920 issue of
the Truth
Books Received
- Swift Wings
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 16 March 1921 issue of
the Truth
Books Received
- Songs of the Grove
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 17 August 1921 issue of
the Truth
Books Received
- Songs of the Grove
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 24 August 1921 issue of
the Truth
A Drug Warning
from the 9 January 1923 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Received - Larkspur
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 20 February 1923 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
May 2021 |
Added a miscellaneous batch of news articles concerning
Review of The Star in the West
from the 26 June 1907 issue of the
Westminster Gazette
Kilted "Lord" in Amusing Divorce Suit
from the 24 November 1909 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Notes of the Day
from the 25 November 1909 issue of
the Western Evening Herald
And Other Poems
from the 8 October 1910 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
1 March 1913 issue of
the Sporting Times
Variety Gossip
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
20 March 1913 issue of
the Stage
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
24 March 1913 issue of
the Globe
Round the Halls and Surburban Theatres
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
29 March 1913 issue of
the Sporting Times
Chelsea Palace
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
5 April 1913 issue of
the Era
Tottenham Palace
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
10 April 1913 issue of
the Stage
Next Week's Calls
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
16 April 1913 issue of
the Era
The Sunderland Empire
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
7 May 1913 issue of
the Sunderland Daily Echo
The Moss Empires
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
22 May 1913 issue of
the Stage
Empire Palace
(Crowley's Ragged Ragtime Girls) from the
27 May 1913 issue of
the Shields Daily News
April 2021 |
Added a miscellaneous batch of news articles concerning
The Varsity Chess Match
from the 3 April 1897 issue of the
Westminster Gazette
Our Chess Column
from the 10 April 1897 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
The Week's Publishing - Verse
from the 17 December 1898 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Books Received Yesterday - The Tale of Archais
from the 18 January 1899 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
This Weeks's Publishing
- The Tale of Archais
from the 21 January 1899 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
This Week's
Publishing - Jephthah and Other Mysteries
from the 15 July 1899 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Superfluous Verse -
Jephthah and Other Mysteries
from the 14 August 1899 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
- An Appeal to the American Republic
from the 20 December 1899 issue of
the Evening Mail
Books Received Yesterday - The Soul of Osiris
from the 10 April 1901 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Books Received on Saturday - The Mother's Tragedy
from the 6 August 1901 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Some Recent Poetry -
from the 16 July 1902 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Books Received To-Day - The God Eater
from the 14 November 1903 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
The Week's Publishing -
The Argonauts
from the 23 July 1904 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Books Received To-Day - The Sword and the Song
from the 14 October 1904 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
Books Received To-Day - Alice: An Adultery
from the 20 December 1904 issue of
the Westminster Gazette
April 2021 |
Added a miscellaneous batch of news articles concerning
Passengers Arrived
from the 29 July 1901 issue of the
Overland China Mail
Homeward Mail
from the 4 October 1902 issue of
the Times of India
Homeward Mail
from the 6 October 1902 issue of
the Pioneer
from the 20 October 1902 issue of
the Homeward Mail
List of Passengers
from the 2 December 1903 issue of
the Pioneer
The Incoming Mail
from the 14 June 1905 issue of
the Pioneer
Mr. Allister Crowley
from the 16 May 1906 issue of
the Civil & Military Gazette
Mr. Allister Crowley
from the 18 May 1906 issue of
the Bombay Gazette
A Journey Through China
from the 18 May 1906 issue of
the Times of India
Thank you Colin
! ! ! |
April 2021 |
item entitled
The Star & the Garter
from the 1951 edition of Books for Our Times. |
March 2021 |
Added new item by Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad) entitled
A Litany of Ra. |
March 2021 |
Added new item by Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad) entitled
Christ and the Message of the Master Therion. |
March 2021 |
Added new item by Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad) entitled
Psychomagian Society Manifesto from 1922. |
March 2021 |
Added article by Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad) entitled
Current Periodicals
from the August 1923 issue of the Occult Press Review. |
February 2021 |
article by Victor B. Neuburg entitled
The Master Magician
from the 9 October 1932 issue of the Sunday Referee. |
February 2021 |
text and graphics for the
article entitled
An Open Epistle of Frater Achad by Frater
Achad from the
September-October 1923 issue of the Occult Press Review.
February 2021 |
article entitled
The Great Charlatans
from the February 1953 issue of Science Fiction Quarterly magazine. |
February 2021 |
article entitled
The Great Beast
from the October 1956 issue of True magazine. |
January 2021 |
article entitled
Luncheons with Beast 666
from the 7 September 1955 issue of Punch magazine. |
January 2021 |
article entitled
This Man Chose Evil, Glorified in His Title of THE BEAST
from the 7 March 1956 issue of People magazine. |
January 2021 |
article entitled
High Priest Crowley and His Forbidden Cult of the Damned from the
June 1959 issue of Stag magazine. |
January 2021 |
article entitled
The Strange Case of the Man Who Founded a Sex Cult from the
July 1953 issue of Action magazine. |
January 2021 |
new item from Victor B. Neuburg entitled
Grey Smoke. |
December 2020 |
new item from Crowley entitled
Card. |
December 2020 |
new item from Victor B. Neuburg entitled
Christmas Card - 1924. |
December 2020 |
Added miscellaneous batch of articles concerning Crowley's Kinchenjunga mountaineering expedition:
Exploring Party to Leave Darjeeling
from the 18 July 1905 issue of the
Bombay Gazette
Fatal Accident
from the 11 September 1905 issue of
the Bombay Gazette
The Kinchinjunga Expedition - Accident to One of the Party
from the 11 September 1905 issue of
the Pioneer
The Kinchinjunga Expedition - Fatal Accident
from the 11 September 1905 issue of
the Times of India
Mountaineering Fatality - Bodies not Recovered
from the 13 September 1905 issue of
the Times of India
The Kinchinjunga Expedition - Return of Mr. Crowley
from the 18 September 1905 issue of
the Bombay Gazette
The Kinchinjunga Expedition - Return of the Explorers
from the 22 September 1905 issue of
the Bombay Gazette
Kinchinjunga Fatality - Mr. Crowley's Narrative
from the 22 September 1905 issue of
the Times of India
Kinchinjunga Fatality - The Bodies Found
from the 23 September 1905 issue of
the Times of India
Kinchenjunga Expedition
from the 27 September 1905 issue of
the Pioneer
The Kinchinjunga Expedition
from the 30 October 1905 issue of the
Bombay Gazette
Kinchinjunga Exploration
from the 2 November 1905 issue of the
The Fatal
Accident on Kangchenjunga
from the 18 November 1905 issue of
the Illustrated London News
Dr. Hunter Workman
from the 25 December 1905 issue of
the Pioneer
And two more articles concerning Crowley's
shooting incident in a Calcutta alley:
Calcutta Street Affray - Police Inquiries Unsuccessful
from the 3 November 1905 issue of the
Times of India
The Calcutta Affray - No Clue to the European
from the 8 November 1905 issue of the
Times of India
Another great job by Colin
in rounding up these articles!
December 2020 |
Added another batch of articles from the newspaper John Bull.
Perverted Bishop's Infamous Schemes
from the 13 October 1923 issue of John
Prowley Crowley
from the 23 February 1924 issue of
John Bull
A Human Beast Returns
from the 30 August 1924 issue of
John Bull
Astounding Cult Exposeds
from the 14 February 1925 issue of
John Bull
Aleister Crowley
from the 27 April 1929 issue of
John Bull
Britain's Worst Man
from the 22 June 1929 issue of
John Bull
The Gentle Gossip-Writer
from the 13 July 1929 issue of
John Bull
Aleister Crowley - Somewhere in London
from the 5 October 1929 issue of
John Bull
Very THYNNE Book Story
from the 27 December 1930 issue of
John Bull
The "Beast" Loses
from the 21 April 1934 issue of
John Bull
Black Magic Still Lives
from the 8 April 1939 issue of
John Bull
November 2020 |
Added a batch of articles from the newspaper John Bull.
They represented one of Crowley's greatest critics in the
press and were responsible for articles about him such as:
"The Wickedest Man in the World," "The King of Depravity,"
"A Wizard of Wickedness," "A Man We'd Like to Hang," & "The
Worst Man in Britain."
Among the Books - Konx Om Pax
from the 6 June 1908 issue of John
Garnered Grain
from the 20 March 1909 issue of
John Bull
Mr. Alfred Austine, Poet Laureate
from the 17 June 1911 issue of
John Bull
Our Own Criminals
from the 24 January 1920 issue of
John Bull
A Traitor Parson and Another Renegade Who Seeks to Pollute
the Homeland
from the 21 February 1920 issue of
John Bull
More Poison from the Press
from the 6 March 1920 issue of
John Bull
The Return of a Traitor
from the 18 November 1922 issue of
John Bull
A Cannibal at Large
from the 7 April 1923 issue of
John Bull
King of Depravity Arrives
from the 14 April 1923 issue of
John Bull
Books We'd Like to Burn
from the 28 April 1923 issue of
John Bull
An Inhuman Monster
from the 5 May 1923 issue of John
November 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles concerning Crowley's
Kinchenjunga mountaineering expedition:
The Kangchinjunga Expedition
from the 17 July 1905 issue of the
Exploring Kanchenjunga - Party Leaving Calcutta
from the 10 August 1905 issue of the
Times of India
Letter to the Editor - The Kinchenjunga Expedition
from the 24 August 1905 issue of the
Letter to the Editor on the Kinchinjunga Expedition - Signed
by Alcesti de Righi, Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod and Charles
Adolphe Reymond
from the 29 September 1905 issue of the
The Kinchinjunga Expedition
from the 30 September 1905 issue of the
Thank you to
Colin for digging up these articles!
November 2020 |
Added a Letter to the Editor from Crowley entitled
Chew Your Food
from the 17 December 1907 issue of the Daily Mirror to the
Articles section.
November 2020 |
article entitled
The Beast with Two Backs from the
August 1957 issue of the magazine Real Action for Men.
One of those amusing Aleister Crowley articles consisting of
10% factual information and 90% nonsense. |
October 2020 |
text for an
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
On the Kinchin Lay:
Mountains or Metaphysics from the
15 October 1905 issue of The Pioneer.
Thanks to Colin for for
tracking down this hard-to-find article!! |
October 2020 |
text for an
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
On the Kinchin Lay: The March from the
20 September 1905 issue of The Pioneer.
Thanks to Colin for for
tracking down this hard-to-find article!! |
October 2020 |
text for an
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
On the
Kinchin Lay: Bandobast from the
17 August 1905 issue of The Pioneer.
Thanks to Colin for for
tracking down this hard-to-find article!! |
October 2020 |
text for an
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
On the
Kinchin Lay: Prospect and Retrospect from the
10 August 1905 issue of The Pioneer.
Once again Thank You
to Colin for taking the time to track down this hard-to-find
article!! |
October 2020 |
text and graphics for an
article entitled
Field-Starlight by Victor B.
Neuburg from the
October 1923 issue of To-Day. |
September 2020 |
article entitled
Papers Read During 1895 that
documents a joint paper by Aleister Crowley and his cousin
Gregor-Grant "On Peak and Pinnacle" from the 1896 Issue of
The Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of
Great Britain and Ireland. |
September 2020 |
text and graphics for the
article entitled
The Great Star Goddess by Frater
Achad from the
November 1923 issue of the Occult Press Review. |
September 2020 |
Added additional miscellaneous articles:
Topical Versions of Well-known Nursery Rhymes
from the 28 September 1905 issue of
Affray in a Calcutta Gully
from the 2 November 1905 issue of the
Local Intelligence - The Recent Shooting Affair
from the 9 November 1905 issue of the
Climbing the Himalayas. Swiss Officer Killed.
from the 11 September 1905 issue of the
Daily Telegraph & Courier
Kinchinjunga Still Unconquered. Swiss Lieutenant Killed.
from the 11 September 1905 issue of the
Gloucestershire Echo
A Swiss Killed on the Himalayas
from the 11 September 1905 issue of the
Westminster Gazette
Himalayan Exploration
from the 2 April 1906 issue of the
Sheffield Daily Telegraph
from the 28 June 1930 issue of the
Thank you
September 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles concerning the Crowley
Kanchenjunga & K2 mountaineering expeditions:
The Week - The Kanchenjunga Expedition
from the 20 July 1905 issue of the
News of the Week - Mr. Aleister Crowley
from the 27 July 1905 issue of the
The Kangchenjunga Expedition
from the 10 August 1905 issue of the
Exploration of Kanchinjunga
from the 14 August 1905 issue of the
Homeward Mail
Kinchenjunga Expedition - Fatal Accident
from the 14 September 1905 issue of the
The Week - Mr. Aleister Crowley
from the 2 November 1905 issue of the
from the 21 January 1909 issue of the
The Week - Mr. Aleister Crowley
from the 21 October 1909 issue of the
Thank you
August 2020 |
Added six articles on Crowley's attempt on Kanhchenjunga
written from first-hand experience by Alcesti de Righi, a
member of the expedition:
The Conquest of Kinchenjunga. Preparations at Darjeeling.
from the 10 August 1905 issue of the
The Conquest of Kinchenjunga. Troubles with Coolies.
from the 24 August 1905 issue of the
The Kinchenjunga Expedition. Errant Stores and Coolies.
from the 31 August 1905 issue of the
The Kinchenjunga Expedition. Jalung.
from the 14 September 1905 issue of the
The Kinchenjunga Expedition. The Accident.
from the 21 September 1905 issue of the
The Kinchenjunga Expedition. The Return.
from the 12 October 1905 issue of the
Once again a big thank you to
Colin for finding these historic articles!
August 2020 |
Added a poem by Crowley entitled
An Appeal to the Viceroy. In this Supreme Hour of England's
from the 27 July 1905 edition of the Englishman to the
Articles section.
Thank you to
Colin for unearthing this article!
August 2020 |
Added a Letter to the Editor from Crowley entitled
The Kingchinjunga Expedition
from the 20 July 1905 edition of the Englishman to the
Articles section.
Many thanks to
Colin for all his time and effort in finding and sharing this article!
August 2020 |
text and graphics for the
article entitled
Bread or Stones (part II) by Frater
Achad from the
April/May 1923 issue of the Occult Press Review. |
August 2020 |
text and graphics for the
article entitled
Bread or Stones (part I) by Frater
Achad from the
February/March 1923 issue of the Occult Press Review. |
July 2020 |
book reviews by Victor B. Neuburg entitled
Upon the New Occultism from the
May 1925 issue of the Bookman's Journal.
July 2020 |
poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled
The Green Ladie from the
June 1925 issue of the Bookman's Journal.
July 2020 |
one of the earliest known publications of poetry by Aleister
Crowley. The poem
A Welcome to Jabez Spencer Balfour
appeared in the 14 February 1894 issue of the Eastbourne
July 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles:
- The S.M.C. Abroad in 1897
from the January 1898 issue of the
Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal
- The S.M.C. Abroad in 1898
from the January 1899 issue of the
Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal
Items of Interest - The Whirlpool
from the 6 January 1912 issue of the
Reviews - The Triumph of Pan
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the July
1912 issue of Rhythm
Some Books NOT Recommended
from the October 1916 issue of the
American Rosae Crucis
A Disavowal
(Mary Davies) from the September 1917 issue of the
Occult Review
The Psychochromes of Leon Kennedy
from the January 1919 issue of the
Greenwich Village Quill
Advertisement - The Equinox, Vol. III, No. 1
from the 10 May 1919 issue of the
Publishers Weekly
Letter to the Editor - Norman Mudd
from the 14 November 1923 issue of the
Catholic Ban on a Lecture
from the 14 February 1930 issue of the
Two Worlds
The Alpine Club Library
from the May 1930 issue of the
Alpine Club Journal
Perpetual Surprise
from the 16 September 1932 issue of the
Daily Sketch
Notable Appeals
from the 3 June 1934 issue of the
Empire News
Mr. A. Crowley - Appeal Against Libel Action Verdict
from the 3 June 1934 issue of the
Sunday Express
Reviews - The Great Beast
from the May 1952 issue of the
Alpine Club Journal
Towards Kanchenjunga
from the May 1955 issue of the
Alpine Club Journal
The Magician
from the 1957 edition of Talents
and Geniuses
June 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1958-1962:
Man's Pursuit of the Miraculous Nourishes Authors and
from the 17 August 1958 issue of the
Shreveport Times
October's Witches and the Tales of the Most Successful
from the 12 October 1958 issue of the
Shreveport Times
Breaking the Code
from the 5 December 1958 issue of the
Letters of Famous
from the 27 January 1959 issue of the
Western Mail
Family Bookshelf - For Father
from the 4 February 1959 issue of the
Leven Mail
Here's Magic for Sale and A New Way of Life
from the 21 February 1959 issue of the
Paperback Biography Shocker
from the 20 March 1959 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Ballantine Books Issued this Month
from the 22 March 1959 issue of the
Pensacola News-Journal
from the 6 June 1959 issue of the
Liverpool Echo
From a Window in Fleet Street
from the 5 July 1959 issue of the
Baltimore Sun
Seventeen Stone of Spirit
from the 18 September 1959 issue of the
Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology
from the 25 October 1959 issue of the
Shreveport Times
A Desperate Need
from the 5 February 1961 issue of the
Hartford Courant
'His Name is Secret' Says Resistance Heroine
from the 28 April 1961 issue of the
Aberdeen Evening Express
Black Magic and Death
from the 8 July 1961 issue of the
Inadequate Life Story of Crowley
from the 29 April 1961 issue of the
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Magic and Wizardry
from the 3 May 1962 issue of the
Capital Times
Mr. Stork and Mr. Log
from the 27 May 1962 issue of the
Poet's Biography Poses A Problem Facing the Artist
from the 13 August 1962 issue of the
Birmingham News
June 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1954-1957:
Gyres, Cones and Strata
from the 23 May 1954 issue of the
Providence Journal
Some Juicy British Libel Suits
from the 6 June 1954 issue of the
Oakland Tribune
Marriage Licenses
(Wilfred T. Smith) from the 17
November 1954 issue of the Oxnard Press-Courier
"Tiger Woman" Betty Sought Again After Twenty Years
(Betty May) from the 12 February 1955 issue of the
Daily Express
'Vanished' Tiger Woman is Found
(Betty May) from the 14 February 1955 issue of the
Daily Express
from the 20 March 1955 issue of the
Salt Lake Tribune
Poe-esque Atmosphere in T. Williams' Poems
from the 1 July 1956 issue of the
Many Colours
from the 4 November 1956 issue of the
Legendary Figures
from the 27 November 1956 issue of the
Birmingham Post
The Early Maugham
from the 12 January 1957 issue of the
Black Magic
from the 23 February 1957 issue of the
Singapore Free Press
Curry Fad Catches On
from the 28 February 1957 issue of the
Boston Traveler
Restaurant Round-Up
from the 3 April 1957 issue of the
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
Film Gossip
from the 21 April 1957 issue of the
Short Shrift - The Magician
from the 30 June 1957 issue of the
Delta Phi Epsilon
(Grady McMurtry) from the 1957
edition of the University of California Yearbook
June 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1951-1953:
Books of the Day
from the 13 November 1951 issue of the
Manchester Guardian
Our Bookshelf
from the 19 December 1951 issue of the
from the 20 January 1952 issue of the
Straits Times
The Sinister Mr. Crowley
from the 30 January 1952 issue of the
Western Mail
Black Magic in a Harem
from the 3 February 1952 issue of the
Our Social Diary
from the 12 March 1952 issue of the
A New Slant on Sicily
from the 19 April 1952 issue of the
Death of Rocket Expert in Blast has Tragic Aftermath
from the 18 June 1952 issue of the
Evening World Herald
Rocket Expert Dies in Explosion
from the 18 June 1952 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Scientist's Fatal Blast Explained
from the 19 June 1952 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Blast Kills Chemist, Mother Commits Suicide
from the 19 June 1952 issue of the
Redlands Daily Facts
Explosion Takes Life of Rocket Expert
from the 19 June 1952 issue of the
Santa Cruz Sentinel
Deaths - John W. Parsons
from the 9 July 1952 issue of the
Springfield Union
Climbers Will Still Face a Tough One After Mount Everest
from the 15 August 1952 issue of the
Minneapolis Star
London with Lid Off
from the 12 December 1952 issue of the
Times Colonist
Reviews in Brief - The Great Beast
from the 25 January 1953 issue of the
Dayton Daily News
Books in Brief - The Great Beast
from the 28 February 1953 issue of the
Sacramento Bee
The World of Books
from the 7 March 1953 issue of the
Our Bookshelf - Seven Friends
from the 11 March 1953 issue of the
Pasadena Cult Widow's Amulet Fails in Raid
from the 20 April 1953 issue of the
June 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1942-1950:
Court Actions Filed
(Grady McMurtry) from the 25
September 1942 issue of the Reno Gazette
Classified Ads - Personals
from the 2 April 1944 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Book of Thoth
from the 1944 edition of the
Catalog of Copyright Entries
Foreward and Apology
from the 1947 edition of the
Mysteries of the Rosie Cross
Sixty Years of Song
from the 4 January 1947 issue of the
Hastings & St. Leonard's Observer
Briton, Expecting to Live Forever is Dead at 72
from the 2 December 1947 issue of the
Chillicothe Constitution Tribune
'World's Worst Man' Dies
from the 2 December 1947 issue of the
Daily Herald
Aleister Crowley Dies; Once the 'Invisible Man'
from the 3 December 1947 issue of the
Chicago Daily Tribune
Women Mourn "Worst Man"
from the 6 December 1947 issue of the
Daily Mail
Our Bookshelf
from the 7 December 1947 issue of the
Augustus John Pictures
from the 5 May 1948 issue of the
Yorkshire Post
Sells Nines £1000 Pictures by Lunchtime
from the 6 May 1948 issue of the
Daily Express
Augustus John
- First Show for 11 Years
from the 14 May 1948 issue of the
Novel of the Week - Our Superheated Yesterdays
from the 12 June 1948 issue of the
Daily Telegraph
Raised Devils Lost £29,982
from the 4 March 1949 issue of the
Barrier Miner
Intended Dividends
from the 10 January 1950 issue of the
London Gazette
(Charles Stansfeld Jones) from the 27
February 1950 issue of the Vancouver Daily Province
(Charles Stansfeld Jones) from the 27
February 1950 issue of the Vancouver Sun
Candid Cameo - Peter Brook
from the 29 March 1950 issue of the
Bookshelf -
The Uncertain Element
from the 23 May 1950 issue of the
Nottingham Journal
May 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1936-1940:
Good Sea Food Comes In Cans
from the 14 February 1936 issue of the
Knoxville Journal
Hand-Press Work at Folk Craft Festival
(Frater Achad) from the 26 September
1936 issue of the Vancouver Province
Physiology and Genius
from the 1937 edition of the
Psychic World
Intended Dividends
from the 10 February 1939 issue of the
London Gazette
Goering tells Hitler what Duce Thinks
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 19 April
1939 issue of the Daily Express
Der Fuehrer's Guests
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 20 April
1939 issue of the Birmingham Mail
Two British Guests
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 20 April
1939 issue of the Liverpool Daily Post
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 20 April
1939 issue of the Manchester Evening News
Hitler's English Guests
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 20 April
1939 issue of the Nottingham Evening Post
Corporal' Hitler's Review
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 21 April
1939 issue of the Daily Herald
Impressions from Berlin
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 25 April
1939 issue of the Western Mail
Hitler's Guests
(J.F.C. Fuller) from the 28 April
1939 issue of the Devon and Exeter Gazette
Mr. Justice Swift Watched Drama from the Bench
from the 19 August 1939 issue of the
Seabrook Comes Forth with Absorbing Story of Modern
from the 8 September 1940 issue of the
Houston Chronicle
May 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1933-1935:
Mr. Gerald Yorke
from the 28 February 1933 issue of the
Malaya Tribune
War Correspondent
(Gerald Yorke) from the 28 February
1933 issue of the Singapore Free Press
Correspondent Arrested
(Gerald Yorke) from the 11 March 1933 issue of the
Freed by Order of Young Marshal
(Gerald Yorke) from the 31 March 1933 issue of the
Straits Times
£50 for Author
from the 11 May 1933 issue of the
Yorkshire Post
Bookseller to Pay £50 Damages
from the 12 May 1933 issue of the
West London Observer
A Poet's License
from the 2 August 1933 issue of the
Chicago Daily News
A Chinese Soviet Republic
(Gerald Yorke) from the 17 November
1933 issue of the Straits Times
Gen. J.F.C. Fuller
from the 17 January 1934 issue of the
Straits Times
The Book-Lover
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 3 March
1934 issue of the Voice
Crowley's Poems
from the 15 April 1934 issue of the
Voodoo and Other Cults
from the 16 April 1934 issue of the
Daily Telegraph
Portrait of a Sinister (?) Influence
from the 29 April 1934 issue of the
Daily News
Tells of Magic
from the 28 May 1934 issue of the
Our Dark Ages
from the 14 June 1934 issue of the
Daily Province
Mary Northrup to Become Bride of John Parsons
from the 31 July 1934 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Letter to the Editor re Aleister Crowley
from the 4 August 1934 issue of the
Saturday Review
Author's Affairs
from the 15 February 1935 issue of the
from the 1 March 1935 issue of the
London Gazette
from the 2 March 1935 issue of the
Yorkshire Post
Fifty Years of Eastbourne's Story
from the 13 March 1935 issue of the
Eastbourne Gazette
Marriage Rites Set Next Week (Jack
Parsons) from the 17 April 1935 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Crown City Deb to Marry Today (Jack
Parsons) from the 26 April 1935 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
Miss Helen Northrup and J.W. Parsons Take Vows
from the 29 April 1935 issue of the
Los Angeles Times
What It's Like Inside
from the 7 December 1935 issue of the
Sydney Morning Herald
May 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1930-1932:
A Social Diary - Oxford
from the 7 February 1930 issue of the
Yorkshire Post
The Attempt On Kanchenjunga
from the 1 March 1930 issue of the
Times of London
Unconquered Peak
from the 26 March 1930 issue of the
New Zealand Herald
Scaling Kanchenjunga
from the 6 August 1930 issue of the
China Press
Has Vanished from Lisbon - Aleister Crowley Mystery
from the 29 September 1930 issue of the
Belfast Telegraph
Aleister Crowley Reported Missing
from the 29 September 1930 issue of the
Daily Mail
They Called Him the "Wickedest Man in the World"
from the 14 December 1930 issue of the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The Reviewer - An Experiment in Southern Letters
from the 1931 edition of Innocence
Kanchenjunga - Mountain of Death
from the 21 January 1931 issue of the
World's News
The Story of The Reviewer
from the 4 April 1931 issue of the
Saturday Review
Maugham Believes Luck Plays Large Part in Winning Success
from the 21 June 1931 issue of the
Springfield Sunday Union
Publish Amazing Story of Mysterious English Author
from the 6 September 1931 issue of the
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
London's Latest Insanities
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 19 September 1931 issue of the
The Sorcerer Again
from the 13 November 1931 issue of the
Liverpool Echo
News and Views
from the 13 March 1932 issue of the
To-Day's Arrangements
from the 15 September 1932 issue of the
Literary Lunches
from the 21 September 1932 issue of the
At the Periscope
from the October 1932 issue of the
O.E. Library Critic
Cult With Elixir of Life
from the 6 October 1932 issue of the
Daily Mirror
Rejuvenation Secret
from the 6 October 1932 issue of the
Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Magic and Mystery
from the 4 November 1932 issue of the
Nottingham Journal
Fellowship in Unity Hall
(Frater Achad)
from the 5 November 1932 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
New Activities at Unity Fellowship
(Frater Achad)
from the 12 November 1932 issue of the
Full Week in Unity
(Frater Achad)
from the 12 November 1932 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
Banish Fear and Worry
(Frater Achad)
from the 19 November 1932 issue of the
Vancouver Sun
May 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1924-1929:
Aleister Crowley, Mystic, Describes Eva Tanquay
from the 27 January 1924 issue of the
Brooklyn Citizen
The Adelphi
from the 16 February 1924 issue of the
Black Masses
from the 28 March 1924 issue of the
Otago Daily Times
The History of A Sussex Press
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 28 March 1925 issue of the
Worthing Herald
Review -
Written In Friendship
from the 10 May 1924 issue of the
Frater Achad No Longer in Sympathy with A.A.
(Frater Achad)
from the 22 August 1925 issue of the
Chicago Daily News
Book Review -
The Chalice of Ecstasy
(Frater Achad)
from the December 1925 issue of the
Occult Digest
Book Review -
The Egyptian Revival
(Frater Achad)
from the December 1925 issue of the
Occult Digest
Notes - Miniatures by Stella Lewis Marks
from the 17 February 1926 issue of the
Mrs. Marks's Exhibition
from the 17 February 1926 issue of the
"Three Wishes" from the 1927 issue of the
Catalog of Copyright Entries
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 27 September 1927 issue of the
Mid Sussex Times
Sanctuary Players' Pantomime
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 5 January
1928 issue of the West Sussex Gazette
The King of Terrors
from the 16 May 1928 issue of the
George Smith Book Company
Duke Directs Mystic Cult Rites for N.Y. Society
from the 6 December 1928 issue of the Times-Union
Satanism - Father Herbert Thurston versus Mr. Montague
Summers from the 1 January 1929 issue of the
Fortnightly Review
Concert Features
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 28 March
1929 issue of the West Sussex Gazette
Expelled from Paris - Englishman's "Black Magic" Denial
from the 17 April 1929 issue of the Birmingham Gazette
The Master Villain from the 24
April 1929 issue of the Rock Island Argus
As I See It
(Betty May) from the 20 June 1929 issue of the
Daily Mirror
Tiger Woman Tells Her Story
(Betty May) from the 25 June 1929 issue of the
Daily Mirror
The Mandrake Press from the 8
August 1929 issue of the Times Literary Supplement
A Plea for Suppers
from the 28 August 1929 issue of the
The Mandrake Booklets
from the 21 September 1929 issue of the Saturday Review
Books Received - From the Mandrake Press
from the 23 September 1929 issue of the Manchester
Short Stories -
The Stratagem
from the 30 September 1929 issue of the
Sheffield Daily Independent
Morrow's Almanac and Every-Day Book
from the 27 October 1929 issue of the Times Picayune
May 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1923:
Bookshop Catalogues - W. and G. Foyle, Ltd.
from the January 1923 issue of the
Bookman's Journal
Books - The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the
January 1923 issue of the English Review
Supports Her in Disputing Husband's Claim He is Resident of
from the 5 January 1923 issue of the
Detroit News
Novels To Ask For
from the 20 January 1923 issue of the
Books In Brief - Larkspur: A Lyric Garland
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 30
January 1923 issue of the Aberdeen Press and Journal
Fiction -
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the 10 February 1923 issue of
the Spectator
Mystery Books
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the March
1923 issue of the Bookman's Journal
Mazie Mitchell Wanted to be a "Great Lady"
from the 20 March 1923 issue of the
Buffalo Times
Aleister Crowley Branded Women in His Love Cult
from the 30 March 1923 issue of the
Indianapolis Star
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the April 1923 issue of the
British Journal of Inebriety
The Countryman's Delight - Larkspur: An Anthology
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 14 April
1923 issue of the Worthing Herald
Larkspur - A Pleasant Anthology
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 18 April
1923 issue of the Worthing Gazette
The Vine Press
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the June
1923 issue of Today
New Books -
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the 1 July 1923 issue of the
Literary Saunderings -
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the 12 July 1923 issue of the
Rutland Daily Herald
Life in Wild Parts of Earth Pursued by British Writer
from the 14 July 1923 issue of the
Fresno Bee
Varied Books for Varied Tastes -
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the 15 July 1923 issue of the
Important Books of the Month - The Diary of
a Drug Fiend
from the August 1923 issue of the
Literary Digest
Book Reviews -
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the 4 August 1923 issue of the
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Books and Bookmen -
The Diary of a Drug Fiend
from the 19 August 1923 issue of the
Illinois State Journal
The Chalice of Ecstasy
(Frater Achad) from the September
1923 issue of the Occult Review
Diary of Drug Fiend Paints Narcotic Evil
from the 1 September 1923 issue of
the Fresno Bee
Magazines - To-Day
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the 17
October 1923 issue of the Aberdeen Press and Journal
April 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1922:
Songs of the Groves
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
1922 issue of The Way of a Virgin
New Testimony About Cult Expected
from the
20 January 1922 issue of the Detroit Free Press
Frater Achad - Lecture
from the
21 January 1922 issue of the Chicago Daily News
Books Removed Not Copies of "The Equinox"
from the
22 January 1922 issue of the Detroit Free Press
Frater Achad - Lecture
from the
4 February 1922 issue of the Chicago Daily News
Frater Achad - Lecture
from the
11 February 1922 issue of the Chicago Daily News
Alternatives to the Gospel - Chicago
(Frater Achad)
from the
March 1922 issue of the Record of Christian Work
Frater Achad - Lecture
from the
6 May 1922 issue of the Chicago Daily News
"Baphomet" and the "Great Arnos"
from the
8 June 1922 issue of the Freeman's Journal
Frater Achad - Lecture
from the
17 June 1922 issue of the Chicago Daily News
Booksellers Catalogues
from the
August 1922 issue of the Bookman's Journal
Frater Achad - Lecture
from the
7 October 1922 issue of the Chicago Tribune
American Poetry Comes of Age
from the
November 1922 issue of the English Review
The Week's Magazines
from the
4 November 1922 issue of the Moline Daily Dispatch
Advertisement for The Diary of a
Drug Fiend
from the
30 November 1922 issue of the Leeds Mercury
Comments of the Week
from the
1 December 1922 issue of the New Witness
Wants to Forget Her Married Life
from the
15 December 1922 issue of the Detroit Free Press
Says Ryerson Posed as "King"
from the
17 December 1922 issue of the Detroit Free Press
Three Days of Mazie's Trial Marriage Bared
from the
21 December 1922 issue of the Minnesota Daily Star
Trial Marriage Wife Tells of Wild Parties
from the
23 December 1922 issue of the Minnesota Daily Star
Trial Bride Describes Escape from Husband
from the
26 December 1922 issue of the Minnesota Daily Star
Still Wedded to Quebec Rail Worker's Son
from the
27 December 1922 issue of the Detroit News
Says She, While Under Drugs, Filled In Marriage Certificate
as a "Joke"
from the
28 December 1922 issue of the Detroit News
Love Doctrines Learned By Model In Exceptionally Furnished
from the
29 December 1922 issue of the Dayton Daily News
The Diary of A Drug Fiend
from the
29 December 1922 issue of the New Witness
April 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1921:
An Essay on Francis Thompson
from the
7 January 1921 issue of the New Witness
Verse - Review of Swift Wings
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
7 March 1921 issue of the Scotsman
Some of the New Books - Swift Wings
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
12 March 1921 issue of the Graphic
New Leaves - Swift Wings
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
16 March 1921 issue of the Worthing Gazette
Chosen Representative of the Master Therion
(Frater Achad)
from the
2 July 1921 issue of the Chicago Tribune
Free Public Message
(Frater Achad)
from the
9 July 1921 issue of the Chicago Daily News
Will Expound His Occult and Personal Experience
(Frater Achad)
from the
16 July 1921 issue of the Chicago Daily News
Will Declare the New Revelation "Liber Legis"
(Frater Achad)
from the
13 August 1921 issue of the Chicago Tribune
Books - Review of Songs of the Groves
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
15 August 1921 issue of the Scotsman
Books to Entertain You - Songs of the Groves
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
27 August 1921 issue of the Graphic
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
October 1921 issue of Colour
Recent Verse - Songs of the Groves
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
4 November 1921 issue of the Cambridge Review
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
October 1921 to July 1922 issue of the Quest
Australian Violinist at St. John's Choir Concert
(Leilah Waddell) from the
5 December 1921 issue of the Yonkers Statesman
The Mystic Quest
(Frater Achad)
from the
10 December 1921 issue of the Chicago Daily News
The New God. Horus the Crowned Child.
(Frater Achad)
from the
17 December 1921 issue of the Chicago Daily News
O.T.O. Mystic Cult, Expose is Threatened
from the
30 December 1921 issue of the Detroit Free Press
Says O.T.O. Book Made Him Quit
from the
31 December 1921 issue of the Detroit Free Press
April 2020 |
We're going to backtrack a little bit this week.
A special thanks to Colin
for sharing the following articles with us:
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
31 July 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
6 August 1903 issue of the North Star
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
7 August 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
13 August 1903 issue of the North Star
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
14 August 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
- Edward Aleister Crowley MacGregor to Rose Edith Skerrett
from the
19 August 1903 issue of the Northern Chronicle
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
20 August 1903 issue of the North Star
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
21 August 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
- Edward Aleister Crowley MacGregor to Rose Edith Skerrett
from the
25 August 1903 issue of the Inverness Courier
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
27 August 1903 issue of the North Star
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
28 August 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
- Edward Aleister Crowley MacGregor to Rose Edith Skerrett
from the
29 August 1903 issue of the Highland News
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
3 September 1903 issue of the North Star
List of Visitors at Strathpeffer
from the
4 September 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
The Hotels - List of Visitors
from the
5 September 1903 issue of the Highland News
Housekeeper Wanted
from the
9 October 1903 issue of the Inverness Courier
Gaelic Society of Inverness
from the
17 February 1904 issue of the Northern Chronicle
Books Received To-Day - The Argonauts
from the
19 July 1904 issue of the Westminster Gazette
Nurse Wanted
from the
5 August 1904 issue of the Inverness Courier
New Books - The Star and the Garter
from the
24 October 1904 issue of the Perthshire Advertiser
Salmon Fishing
from the
21 January 1905 issue of the Field
Narrow Escape of an Inverness-shire Proprietor
from the
27 September 1905 issue of the Northern Chronicle
A Foyers Notability and His Creditors
from the
12 May 1906 issue of the Highland News
Heritable Properties for Sale
from the
12 June 1907 issue of the Scotsman
from the
16 September 1932 issue of the Aberdeen Press
April 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1920:
Stars and Bees
from the
1920 edition of Nine Great Little Books
Aleister Crowley
from the
1920 edition of Pillory and Witness-Box
from the
1920 issue of the Quorum
A Bibliography of Modern Poetry
from the
June 1920 issue of the Monthly Chapbook
A Letter About Books
from the
July 1920 issue of the Touchstone
Charles Stansfeld Jones
from the
26 November 1920 issue of the Chicago Tribune
New Verse
- Lilygay
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
December 1920 issue of Month
Ikon Painting in Russia
from the
December 1920 issue of Arts & Decoration
March 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1917-19:
Miniatures Exhibited
from the
January 1917 issue of the American Magazine of Art
The New Game of Pirate Bridge
from the
January 1917 issue of Vanity Fair
The Piratical Sweep of Pirate Bridge
from the
February 1917 issue of Vogue
Current Magazines
from the
10 February 1917 issue of the Pittsburgh Press
Foster Gives Rules for New Pirate Bridge
from the
11 February 1917 issue of the Arizona Republican
Advertisement for Vanity Fair
from the
17 August 1917 issue of Variety
Advertisement for Vanity Fair
from the
25 August 1917 issue of Billboard
Thin Loyalty
from the
1 December 1917 issue of the Wisconsin State Journal
Bits for Breakfast
from the
8 January 1918 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle
A Crowded Company
from the
1919 edition of English Studies
A List of Bookplates by Aubrey Bearsley
from the
May 1919 issue of the Bookplate Booklet
Lost and Found
from the
6 June 1919 issue of the Vancouver Daily World
Review of The Equinox, Vol. III, No. 1
from the
July 1919 issue of the Smart Set
What Is the Best "Physical" Literature
from the
August 1919 issue of the Bookman
Poet-Painter Who Studied Magic Under Indian Savants Visits
from an
October 1919 issue of an unknown Atlanta newspaper
March 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1916:
The Crucifixion of Public Opinion
from the
1916 publication Neutrality
German Resources
from the
3 February 1916 issue of the Colorado Springs Gazette
Wisdom From Our Contemporaries
from the
21 February 1916 issue of the Continental Times
Letter to the Editor
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the
22 April 1916 issue of the Saturday Review
Harry Stuart Writes Book
from the
9 July 1916 issue of the San Francisco Examiner
Two Correspondents Answered
from the
9 July 1916 issue of the Sunday Tribune
Works Recently Added to the Library
from the
August 1916 issue of the Bulletin of the N.Y. Public
The Attitude of America to the War
from the
27 October 1916 issue of the Leavenworth Tribune
The Ex-Thera Ananda Metteyya
(Allan Bennett) from the
November-December 1916 issue of the Buddhist Review
Stella Lewis Marks
from the
5 November-10 December 1916 catalog of the Fourteenth
Annual Philadelphia Water Color Exhibition
Secrets of Spooks
from the
12 November 1916 issue of the Truth
Magic in the Catholic Church
from the
December 1916 issue of the Theosophist
March 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1915:
Honoi Soit Qui Mal y Pense
from the
1915 publication the British Black Book
Another Englisher, Aleister Crowley, the Poet, Outs With It
from the
1915 publication the World on Fire
Terrific Excoriation of All Things German by a Pro-British
from the
17 January 1915 issue of the Chattanooga Daily Times
Honesty is the Best Policy
from the
18 March 1915 issue of the Deutscher Herald
Hotel Gramatan
from the
19 June 1915 issue of the Bronxville Review
Hotel Gramatan
from the
19 June 1915 issue of the Scarsdale Inquirer
Our Fight for Our Rights
from the
11 August 1915 issue of the Fatherland
Irish Republic
from the
29 June 1915 issue of the Scottsboro Citizen
Aleister Crowley
from the
7 August 1915 issue of the Irish Standard
The Irish Republic
from the
27 August 1915 issue of the Daily Review of the Foreign
Mr. Aleister Crowley
from the
October 1915 issue of the Phoenix
The War-Lord
from the
1 October 1915 issue of the Literary World
From Various Sources
from the
14 October 1915 issue of the Justice
Attitude of America to the War
from the
19 November 1915 issue of the New Ulm Post
Two Letters from Dr. Beadnell
from the
December 1915 issue of the Open Court
Current Magazines
from the
18 December 1915 issue of the Pittsburgh Press
March 2020 |
Added an article from 1901 plus miscellaneous articles from 1914:
The Conversion of the Poets
from the
18 June 1901 issue of the Daily News
University Poets
from the 1 January 1914 issue of the
Literary World
Two Singers of Distinction
from the 1 January 1914 issue of the
Poetry Review
The English Review
from the 5 January 1914 issue of the
Aberdeen Daily Journal
New Publications - The English Review
from the 6 January 1914 issue of the
Leicester Daily Journal
The English Review
from the 1 February 1914 issue of the
Literary Guide
from the May 1914 issue of the
English Review
Cambridge Poets
from the 29 May 1914 issue of
T.P.'s Weekly
A Line-o'-Type or Two
from the
22 August 1914 issue of the Chicago Tribune
Letter to the Editor - From Esdras
from the
19 September 1914 issue of the Globe
The English Review
from the
8 October 1914 issue of the New Age
Arrivals at the Hotels
from the
4 November 1914 issue of the Evening Post
February 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1913:
The Mass of the Phoenix
from the
1 February 1913 issue of the Daily Herald
Answers to Correspondents
from the
19 April 1913 issue of the Sporting Times
Book-plate for Aleister Crowley
from the
9 May 1913 issue of the Bookseller
The English Review
from the
November 1913 issue of the Review of Reviews
Advertisement for the English Review
from the
3 November 1913 issue of the Times
Wilde Statue Bared Despite Authorities
from the
6 November 1913 issue of the Chicago Examiner
New Publications - The English Review
from the
8 November 1913 issue of the Leicester Daily Post
The Observant Citizen
from the
15 November 1913 issue of the Boston Post
Oscar Wilde
from the
20 November 1913 issue of the Brantford Daily Courier
The Magazines - The English Review
from the
29 November 1913 issue of the Academy
Anthology of Cambridge Poets
from the
29 November 1913 issue of the New Statesman
Reviews - Athology of Cambridge Poets
from the
December 1913 issue of Poetry and Drama
Notices of Books
from the
December 1913 issue of the Poetry Review
'Sanity' to Reign at Art Exhibition
from the
28 December 1913 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer
February 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1911 & 1912:
Notices of Books - The Triumph of Pan
(Victor B. Neuburg) from the
7 January 1911 issue of the Publishers' Circular
"Wonderland" Trial from the
29 April 1911 issue of the Bucks Standard
The Spectator: A Reply from the
July 1911 issue of the English Review
Hail Mary from the
1 December 1911 issue of the Evening News
New Poetry
- Hail Mary from the
17 February 1912 issue of the London Monitor and New Era
Hail Mary from the
7 March 1912 issue of the Literary World
How A Bathurst Girl Missed the Titanic Disaster
(Leila Waddell) from the
25 April 1912 issue of the Leader
From Wieland & Co. - Mortadello /
Good Sir Palamedes from the
20 July 1912 issue of the Publishers' Circular
Books of the Month - Mortadello /
Good Sir Palamedes from the
August 1912 issue of the English Review
February 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1910:
A New Poet from the
4 February 1910 issue of the Labour Leader
A Poet Mystic - Ambergris from the
4 June 1910 issue of the Nation
Recent Verse - Ambergris
from the 24 June 1910 issue of the Labour Leader
Review of Ambergris from
the August 1910 issue of the Occult Review
Eleusis - New Religious Rites on Greek Model
from the 29 September 1910 issue of the Evening News
Occult Review from the 8
October 1910 issue of the Banffshire Herald
Books Wanted from the 28 October
1910 issue of the Bookseller
Recent Poetry - Ambergris
from the November 1910 issue of the Bookman
The Pater Society from the
November 1910 issue of the Brazen Nose
Aleister Crowley from the 5
November 1910 issue of the Looking Glass
"Ecstacy" the Aim of Newest Cult in London of the Society of
the Equinox from the 13
November 1910 issue of the Montgomery Advertiser
of Ecstasy is Latest in England
from the 18 November 1910 issue of the Westbridge Daily
Not Arranged By Crowley: Greek Tragedy in a Circus
from the 7 December 1910 issue of the Sketch
of Ambergris from the 17
December 1910 issue of the Press
Are These Things Signs of A Coming Religious Upheaval
from the 25 December 1910 issue of the Chicago Tribune
February 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1907 through 1909:
Crowleyanity from the
31 July 1907 issue of the Newcastle Daily Chronicle
Review of
The Star in the West from
a circa August 1907 issue of the Literary Guide
Review of
The Star in the West from
a circa August 1907 issue of What's On
Review of
The Star in the West from the
10 August 1907 issue of the Northern Whig
How the Mystic Symbol Affected Our Artist from the
31 August 1907 issue of What's On
First Impressions - The Star in the West from the
13 September 1907 issue of the Clarion
Books and Their Writers - The Star in the West from the
14 September 1907 issue of the Queen
Catalogue of Books from the
9 March 1908 issue of the Book Catalogue of the Anderson
Auction Gallery
Book Review - A Green Garland
(Victor Neuburg) from the
21 May 1908 issue of the Morning Post
Was Marx an Anarchist? from the
20 November 1908 issue of the Labour Leader
(Allan Bennett) from the
January 1909 issue of the Buddhist Review
Review of
The Equinox from the
April 1909 issue of the Review of Reviews
Inverness-Shire Divorce Case from the
27 November 1909 issue of the Northern Scot and Moray
January 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from 1900 through 1905:
Review of An Appeal to the American Republic from the
4 January 1900 issue of the Glasgow Herald
New Books of the Month - The Soul of Osiris from the
May 1901 issue of the Bookman
Editorial Notes - Oscar Eckenstein & Crowley in Mexico from the
June 1901 issue of the Climber's Club Journal
Books of the Day - The Soul of Osiris from the
28 June 1901 issue of the Birmingham Daily Gazette
The Spirit of Tragedy from the
2 September 1901 issue of the Evansville Journal
Books of the Day - The Mother's Tragedy from the
24 September 1901 issue of the Birmingham Daily Gazette
Rapid Reviews -
Tannhaόser from the 23 June 1902 issue of the
St. James's Gazette
Aubrey Beardsley's Drawings from the
March 1903 A.E. Gallatin Catalog of Aubrey Beardsley's
Marriages - Edward Crowley MacGregor to Rose Skerrett from the
20 August 1903 issue of the Scotsman
Marriages - MacGregor - Skerrett from the
21 August 1903 issue of the London Daily News
Marriages - MacGregor - Skerrett from the
21 August 1903 issue of the Ross-shire Journal
Foyers Flower Show from the 8
September 1903 issue of the Inverness Courier
Books Received - The Argonauts from the
5 August 1904 issue of the Bookseller
Local and District News - Bettws-y-Coed from the
16 September 1904 issue of the Welsh Coast Pioneer
Short Notices - The Star and the Garter from the
5 January 1905 issue of the Bookseller
January 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles from the 1890s:
Personal Notes from the 18 July
1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette
A Bathurst Girl (Leila Waddell) from the
29 December 1898 issue of the National Advocate
Books Received - The Tale of Archais
& Songs of the Spirit from the
25 January 1899 issue of the Oxford Magazine
The New "Cambridge Magazine" from
the 15 April 1899 issue of Mainly About People (M.A.P.)
Some Recent Verse - Songs of the Spirit from the
21 July 1899 issue of the Daily News
Books of the Week - Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
27 July 1899 issue of the Nation
Review of
Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
15 August 1899 issue of the Manchester Guardian
Contemporary Literature -
Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
September 1899 issue of the Westminster Review
From Bad to Verse - Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
16 September 1899 issue of the Saturday Review
January 2020 |
Added new
article entitled
Climbing Beachy Head
from the 8 May 1895 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
January 2020 |
Added new
article entitled
Recovery of Lieutenant Pache's Body,
a telegram to the editor from Crowley, from the
18 September 1905 edition of the Daily Mail |
January 2020 |
As a continuation of last week's chess articles we are
continuing with additional miscellaneous articles concerning Crowley's early
playing of chess:
Problem World from the
September 1893 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
November 1893 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
December 1893 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
January 1894 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
February 1894 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
March 1894 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Match - Lewes v. Eastbourne from the
24 March 1894 edition of the Sussex Agricultural Express
Match - Lewes v. Eastbourne from the
30 March 1894 edition of the Sussex Agricultural Express
Problem World from the
May 1894 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
June 1894 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Problem World from the
July 1894 edition of the British Chess Magazine
Notes from the 18 July 1894 edition of the
Eastbourne Gazette
Chess from the 23 February 1895 edition of the
Daily Telegraph
Chess from the 7 March 1896 edition of the
Illustrated Sporting News
Chess from the 11 March 1896 edition of the
London Evening Standard
Chess Chat from the 14 March 1896 edition of the
Illustrated Sporting News
Chess from the 28 March 1896 edition of the
London Evening Standard
University Chess Match from the 28
March 1896 edition of the Morning Post
The University Chess Match from the
28 March 1896 edition of the St. James's Gazette
Chess Chat from the 4 April 1896 edition of the
Illustrated Sporting News
Chess from the
26 February 1897 edition of the Cambridge Chronicle
Chess from the
27 February 1897 edition of the Illustrated Sporting News
London Day By Day from the 3 April
1897 edition of the Daily Telegraph
The Oxford and Cambridge University Match from the
3 April 1897 edition of the Pall Mall Gazette
The Inter-University Chess Match from the
9 April 1897 edition of the Saffron Walden Weekly News
Chess - Oxford v. Cambridge from the
10 April 1897 edition of the Field
- The University Chess Match, 1897 from the
10 April 1897 edition of the Illustrated Sporting News
Chess Association Club from the 12
November 1897 edition of the Cambridge Chronicle
Cambridge - County Chess Association from the
4 November 1898 edition of the Cambridge Independent
January 2020 |
Added miscellaneous articles concerning Crowley's early
playing of chess including:
Eastbourne Chess Club from the 1
November 1893 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
Chess from the 3 November 1893
edition of the Sussex Agricultural Express
Chess from the 27 January 1894
edition of the Sussex Agricultural Express
Match from the 17 March 1894
edition of the Hastings and St. Leonards Observer
Match from the 7 April 1894
edition of the Hastings and St. Leonards Observer
Chess from the 2 March 1896
edition of the Morning Post
North London v. Cambridge University
from the 10 March 1896 edition of the Daily News
Chess in Cambridge from the 30
October 1896 edition of the Saffron Walden Weekly News
Chess from the 22 February 1897
edition of the Morning Post
Oxford v. Cambridge from the 3
April 1897 edition of the Daily News
Inter-University Chess Match
from the 26 March 1898 edition of the Morning Post
As alwaysMy
very heartfelt THANKS! to Colin for sharing his research
with us.
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
University Chess
from the 3 April 1897 edition of the London Standard
to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
W.S. Maugham Portrays a Forgotten 'Magician'
from the 22 December 1956 edition of the Vancouver Sun
to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Purple Cult Clue
from the 2 July 1939 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer
to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 27 December 1952 edition of the Times-Colonist
to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
A Love Temple for Sydney
from the 15 November 1924 edition of Smith's Weekly to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
An Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism
from the 21 July 1922 edition of the New Witness to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
a Letter to the Editor from Crowley to the Daily Mail entitled
Four Men Killed on Kinchinjunga
from the 28 September 1905 edition of the Evening
Telegram to the
Articles section. |
December 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Guide to the New Books
from the 8 October 1959 edition of the Coventry Evening
Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Eastbourne Items
from the 20 December 1893 edition of the Eastbourne
Gazette to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Gold In Your Attic
from the 31 December 1961 edition of the Lansing State
Journal to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
a new Letter to the Editor from Crowley entitled
The Secret of the Sphinx
from the 15 March 1913 edition of the Pal Mall Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Nothing Like Ski-ing for Shooting a Line!
from the 5 November 1958 edition of the Tatler and
Bystander to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Slaying Probers Uncover Cult
from the 3 March 1939 edition of the Salem News to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Satan-Worship and Black Mass
from the 6 June 1956 edition of the Evening Express to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Periodical Literature
from the November 1910 edition of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
November 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The National Portrait Society
from the 20 March 1915 edition of the Athenaeum to the
Articles section. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Day in Celebration of the Invention of Flying
from the 1 July 1919 edition of the Humanist to the
Articles section. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Books for Sale and Rent
from the 13 September 1911 edition of the O. E. Library
Critic to the
Articles section. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The Last Wild Haggis
from the 16 January 1932 edition of the Advertiser to the
Articles section. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Synthetic Man
from the May 1913 edition of the English Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Letter to the Editor of The
from the 30 November 1912 edition of the Freemason to
both the
Periodicals and the
Articles sections. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Hounded by the "Black 12" for Her Father's Secrets
from the 12 October 1924 edition of the Zanesville Times
Signal to the
Articles section. |
October 2019 |
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
On the
Kinchin Lay: V: Mountains or Metaphysics
from the 20 October 1905 edition of the Pioneer Mail to
both the
Periodicals and the
Articles sections. |
October 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Amusing the Bored Rich
from the 11 December 1910 edition of the San Antonio
Express News to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Problem World
from the August 1893 edition of the British Chess
Magazine to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Swiss Officer Killed
from the 15 September 1905 edition of the Swindon
Advertiser to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Founding Ordo Templi Orientis
from the 23 September 1921 edition of the Kamloops
Standard-Sentinel to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 28 January 1899 edition of the Speaker to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
A Correspondent Writes
from the 25 July 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Buddhist Priest in Britain
from the 20 June 1908 edition of the People's Journal to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Sports and Pastimes
from the 18 July 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
September 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 17 February 1930 edition of the Manchester
Guardian to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
much CRY little WOOL
from the 15 November 1957 edition of the Long Eaton
Advertiser to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
No Orgies
from the 21 November 1951 edition of the Tatler to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Sports and Pastimes
from the 14 March 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
A Literary Physician
from the 9 September 1934 edition of the Los Angeles
to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Letter to the Editor of The Continental Times
from the 11 October 1915 edition of the Continental Times
to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
A Few Current Notes
from the 7 July 1915 edition of the Continental Times to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Local News
from the 17 October 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
Once againMy
thanks to Colin for sharing this article! |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Dead Scientist
from the 19 June 1952 edition of the Herald Express
to the
Articles section. |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Ascent by Mr. Crowley
from the 11 July 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
Thank you
to Colin for sharing this article! |
August 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Life from the Bar-Tenders Angle
from the 31 August 1934 edition of the Nottingham Journal
to the
Articles section. |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Ascent of the Pinnacle, Beachy Head
from the 11 April 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
A thank you
to Colin for sharing this article! |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Recent Verse The Triumph of Pan
from the 4 January 1911 edition of the Manchester
Guardian to the
Articles section. |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The Tarot Cards
from the 16 July 1942 edition of the Birmingham Post to the
Articles section. |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Exhibition by Augustus John
from the 28 May 1948 edition of the Bay of Plenty Times
to the
Articles section. |
July 2019 |
Letter to the Editor by Aleister Crowley
from the 5 September 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
Thank you
Colin for tracking down this article and sharing it! |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Musings by the Sea
from the 1 August 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
Thank you
Colin for tracking down this article and sharing it! |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
on Beachy Head
from the 18 July 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
A VERY special thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing this article! |
July 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Beachy Head
from the 1 August 1894 edition of the Eastbourne Gazette
to the
Articles section.
A VERY special thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing this article! |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Going Out to Goings-On
from the 24 April 1934 edition of the Bystander to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
English Review
from the 2 January 1914 edition of the Globe to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The Star in the West
from the 5 August 1907 edition of the East Anglian Daily
Times to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Contemporary Arts - Music
from the 5 September 1952 edition of the Spectator to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The Star and the Garter
from the 29 October 1904 edition of the Northern Whig to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Artist Falls, 40 ft from Her Bedroom
from the 14 December 1956 edition of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Problem World
from the October 1893 edition of the British Chess
Magazine to the
Articles section. |
June 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
A First Glance at New Books
from the 17 December 1898 edition of the Outlook to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Eva Tanguay - An Appreciation by Aleister Crowley
from the 10 May 1918 issue of Variety to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 8 December 1945 issue of the
and St. Leonards Observer to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
English Review
from the 12 October 1914 issue of the Aberdeen Daily
Journal to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Viereck Revisited
from the 3 December 1917 issue of the Elkhart Truth to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Cambridge Poets 1900-1913
from the 6 December 1913 issue of the Cambridge Magazine
to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
April 2, 1897, British Chess Club
from the 1900 issue of the Book of Blues to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Some Odd Books on My Bookshelf
from the March 1933 issue of the Bookman to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Fivepenny Letters
from the 26 July 1958 issue of the Birmingham Post &
Gazette to the
Articles section. |
May 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
At Home in Weird Company
from the 16 September 1923 issue of the San Francisco
Chronicle to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The Worst Man in Britain
from the 26 July 1930 issue of John Bull
to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Dylan Thomas - The Other Man
from the 24 April 1958 issue of the Western Mail to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The Elusiveness of Aleister Crowley
from a 1936 issue of the Book Collector's Journal
to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Labels and Libels and a Terrible Tale
from the 1 October 1930 issue of the Bystander to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Recent Verse
from the 20 July 1910 issue of the Manchester Guardian
to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the September 1920 issue of Colour to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Driven to Suicide by Devil Worshippers
from the 15 August 1926 issue of the San Antonio Light
to the
Articles section. |
April 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Art In America
from the 26 November 1913 issue of the Musical Courier
to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
a letter to the Editor by Aleister Crowley entitled
Cliff Climbing
from the 11 June 1913 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Brush with Fate
from the 11 September 1957 issue of the Tatler to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Black Magic
from the 19 September 1932 issue of the Bay of Plenty
Times to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Kanchenjunga: Past Attempts to Climb It
from the 1 March 1930 issue of the Manchester Guardian
to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Chess Notes
from the 15 December 1945 issue of the Hastings & St.
Leonards Observer to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The "Spectator" v, the "English Review"
from the 22 July 1911 issue of Mainly About People
(M.A.P.) to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
An Author's Affairs
from the 2 May 1935 issue of the Times to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 7 May 1913 issue of the Observer and West Sussex
Recorder to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Magic and Moonshine
from the 22 October 1929 issue of the Northern Whig and
Belfast Post
to the
Articles section. |
March 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Four Deaths on Kanchanjanga
from the 13 September 1905 issue of the Taunton Courier
to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Burial with Black
Magic Alleged
from the 2 April 1948 issue of the Birmingham Daily
Gazette to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
All Sorts and Conditions of Verse
from the 17 December 1912 issue of the Pall Mall Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Books and Authors -
The Soul of Osiris
from the 24 May 1901 issue of the Morning Post to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
By the Way
from the 25 January 1909 issue of the Globe to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Poetry -
The Soul of Osiris
from the 24 May 1901 issue of the Bradford Observer to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Poetry and Drama - The Triumph of Pan
from the 11 April 1911 issue of the English Review to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 18 May 1946 issue of the Hastings and St.
Leonards Observer to the
Articles section. |
February 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Bid to Conquer World's Most Dangerous Mountain
from the 28 March 1930 issue of the Dundee Courier to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Cambridge University Chess Club
from the 25 November 1897 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
The Dwarf's Gazette
from the 5 June 1959 issue of the Spectator to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Judge Warns Aleister Crowley
from the 26 July 1934 issue of the Leeds Mercury to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
A German View of England
from the 24 July 1915 issue of the Franklin Evening News
to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
To-Day's Brevities
from the 30 August 1905 issue of the Greenrock Telegraph
to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Personal Notes
from the 20 September 1905 issue of the Eastbourne
Gazette to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
Writers Reviewed
from the 20 December 1913 issue of the Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
January 2019 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 10 April 1930 issue of the New Zealand Herald
to the
Articles section. |
December 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The University Week
from the April 1896 issue of Chess Monthly to the
Articles section. |
December 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Scandal of Aleister Crawley
from the 25 November 1922 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
December 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Wickedest Man in the World
from the 10 December 1953 issue of the Liverpool Echo to the
Articles section. |
December 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
A Polished Judge
from the 6 August 1940 issue of the Belfast Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
December 2018 |
a series of articles detailing the raid on the London O.T.O.
Lodge on 14 May 1917. The raid apparently occurred as a
result of Crowley's pro-German propaganda activities in
America during this time.
Mysteria or "Muggins"
from the 15 May 1917 issue of the Globe.
"Temple of the Orient"
from the 20 May 1917 issue of the People.
In Throne-Chair
from the 22 May 1917 issue of the Liverpool Echo.
The "M.M.M." Raid
from the 23 May 1917 issue of the Birmingham Daily
"Mystic Mummery"
from the 23 May 1917 issue of the Leeds Mercury.
December 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
'The Great Beast' Was A Harmless Old Man
from the 3 April 1958 issue of the Coventry Evening
Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
December 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Miscellaneous - The English Review
from the 5 December 1914 issue of the Observer to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
'Black Magic' Sale from the 19
July 1958 issue of the Hastings & St. Leonards Observer
to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Reviews of Books of Midsummer
from the 30 July 1916 issue of the Sunday Star to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Author's Portrait from the
1 August 1930 issue of the Daily Herald to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Diary of
a Drug Fiend
from the August 1923 issue of the Bookman's Guide to
Fiction to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
If Only Every Celt from the
June-July 1915 issue of the Little Review to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
English Mystic Writer Weds
from the 20 August 1929 issue of the Dundee Evening
to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Boat-Race Chess from the
May 1896 issue of the British Chess Magazine to the
Articles section. |
November 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Written in Friendship
from the 19 September 1923 issue of the Yorkshire Post
to the
Articles section. |
October 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Notes of the Month from the
May 1910 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Varsity Bards
from the 31 December 1913 issue of the Pall Mall Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
October 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Chess from the
29 April 1897 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Literary Gossip
from the 13 July 1907 issue of the Athenaeum to the
Articles section. |
October 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Book Review - Q.B.L. or The Bride's Reception
(Frater Achad) from the
December 1925 issue of the Occult Digest to the
Articles section. |
October 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Readers and Writers
from the 11 February 1915 issue of the New Age to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Council Contests in Eight Wards from the
27 October 1945 issue of the Hastings and St. Leonards
Observer to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
A Buddhist
Mission to England
(Allan Bennett)
from the 23 April 1908 issue of the Dundee Evening
Telegraph and Post to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Tea-Time Talk on Black Magic from the
29 June 1934 issue of the Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Sussex Songs
from the 21 March 1921 issue of the Aberdeen Press and
Journal to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Equinox from the
17 April 1909 issue of the Northern Whig to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Hallowe'en To-night
from the 31 October 1952 issue of the Courier-Mail to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Cambridge University Chess Club from the
25 February 1897 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Cornish Atmospherics
from the 18 June 1957 issue of the Birmingham Post &
Gazette to the
Articles section. |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Action Against Proprietor of Boleskine from the
5 May 1905 issue of the Inverness Courier to the
Articles section.
A special thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing this article! |
September 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Lord Boleskine
from the 26 November 1909 issue of the Inverness Courier
to the
Articles section.
A special thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing this article! |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Black or White, His Magic Branded Him as Wicked from the
7 December 1947 issue of the Sun to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Go As You Please
from the 31 January 1948 issue of the Belfast News-Letter
to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Ritual Magic from the
April 1950 issue of the Occult Observer to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
A Personal Letter from the Editor
from the 15 March 1916 issue of the Fatherland to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Black Magic Film Shocks Censor from the
6 February 1955 issue of the Sunday Times to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Attempt to Scale Kanchanjanga from the
12 September 1905 issue of the Aberdeen Daily Journal to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Boat-Race Chess from the
May 1897 issue of the British Chess Magazine to the
Articles section. |
August 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The World of Books from the
17 January 1953 issue of the Sphere to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Excursions from the
January 1897 issue of the Scottish Mountaineering Club
Journal to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Chess World from the
January 1897 issue of the British Chess Magazine to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Suggestion By An Old Trinity Man from the
10 October 1914 issue of the Cambridge Magazine to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Justice from the
4 October 1914 issue of the Observer to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Monument to Oscar Wilde Unveiled from the
6 November 1913 issue of the London Times to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Letter to the Editor - Jacob Epstein from the
8 November 1913 issue of the London Times to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Notes and Queries from the
January 1896 issue of the Scottish Mountaineering Club
Journal to the
Articles section. |
July 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Easter Meet at Fort William from the
May 1896 issue of the Scottish Mountaineering Club
Journal to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Psychic Thread - Victor B. Neuburg from the
8 August 1940 issue of Light to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Three 'Equinox' Books from the
7 January 1911 issue of Light to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added eight
images and improved text to the Crowley item
Writing on the Ground. |
June 2018 |
Added a
Prospectus for The Scented
Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of Shiraz. |
June 2018 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
Letter to the Editor of the Occult Review from
September 1914 issue of the Occult Review
to the
Periodicals section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Three Great Hoaxes of the War
from the May 1916 issue of the Lone Hand to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Chess from the
28 April 1945 issue of the Hastings and St. Leonards
Observer to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The End of England? from the
6 August 1915 issue of the New Ulm Post to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Secrets Behind the Scenes Among the Devil Worshippers from the
8 April 1923 issue of the Pittsburgh Press to the
Articles section. |
June 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Seat of the Gods from the
31 October 1955 issue of the Lancashire Evening Post to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
AMORC Imperator and Aleister Crowley from the
July 1935 issue of the O. E. Library Critic to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Is "AMORC" Associated with Aleister Crowley from the
August-September 1935 issue of the O. E. Library Critic to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
AMORC vs. Clymer from the
December 1935-January 1936 issue of the O. E. Library
Critic to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Sydney Snapshots from the
9 October 1910 issue of Truth to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Periodicals Received
from the 19 October 1912 issue of Cambridge Magazine to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Proceedings of the Club from the
January 1895 issue of the Scottish Mountaineering Club
Journal to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The World of Books
from the 17 May 1956 issue of the Sphere to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
University Chess Club from the
30 April 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
May 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Books of the Day
from the 12 November 1929 issue of the Manchester
Guardian to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Aleister Crowley: A Bitter Example of a Twisted Soul from the
September 1959 issue of the Astrology Magazine to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Lucid Mystics
from the 13 September 1917 issue of the Dial to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
University Chess Club from the
12 March 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
A Buddhist Mission to England
(Alan Bennett)
from the 2 May 1908 issue of the Sphere to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Aleister "BLACK MAGIC" Crowley from the
May 1961 issue of the American Book Collector to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Mysterious Orgies on Haunted Island of Tiberius
from the 27 September 1924 issue of the Saturday Journal
to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Not Cannibal from the
5 February 1930 issue of the Newcastle Sun to the
Articles section. |
April 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Books and Booksellers
from the 24 May 1907 issue of the Daily News to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
University Chess Club from the
5 March 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
from the November 1911 issue of the English Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Union Society from the
27 February 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Spirit of the Moon
from the 8 November 1929 issue of the Nottingham Journal
to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Union Society from the
13 February 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Auld Hornie
from the 19 July 1952 issue of the New Statesman and
Nation to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Wicked Girls Who Worship Satan in Secret Temples from the
23 December 1951 issue of Truth to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Awake, Algernon Ashton!
from the 28 June 1916 issue of the Bystander to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
University Chess Club from the
13 February 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
New Fiction
from the 23 January 1923 issue of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
A Pyrean Centre from the
November 1900 issue of the Alpine Journal to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Disastrous Attempt to Achieve a Record Climb
from the 11 September 1905 issue of Bolton Evening News
to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Intelligence from the 1 May 1896 issue of
Knowledge to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Black Magic Basis in Strange Libel Suit
from the 15 April 1934 issue of the Sun
to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Union Society from the 31
October 1895 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Secrets of Society
from the 21 May 1910 issue of the Daily Post
to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Chess Intelligence from the 1 May
1897 issue of Knowledge to the
Articles section. |
February 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Lords in Kilts
from the 12 January 1910 issue of the Evening Telegraph
to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Thoughts on Things from the 31
August 1901 issue of the Minneapolis Tribune to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Horrible Stuff
from the 21 April 1934 issue of the Weekly Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Mountaineering in Mexico from a
1903 issue of the Climber's Club Journal to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Five Guinea Spectator
from the 12 June 1911 issue of the Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
Alpine Notes from the May 1895 issue of the
Alpine Journal to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
A Literary Curio
from the 7 November 1929 issue of the Courier and
Advertiser to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
The Scottish Mountaineering Journal Abroad in 1894 from the
January 1895 issue of the Scottish Mountaineering Journal
to the
Articles section. |
January 2018 |
Added new
article entitled
"Ecstacy" the Aim of Newest Cult in London of the Society of
the Equinox
from the 12 November 1910 issue of the Deseret Evening
News to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
All for Lorne from the 19 July
1935 issue of the Birmingham Daily Gazette to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Aleister Crowley Guilty of Receiving
from the 26 July 1934 issue of the Daily Herald to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Two Plays from the 17 August
1904 issue of the Morning Post to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Mr. Crowley Loses
from the 9 November 1934 issue of the Daily Herald to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Death of "Mystery-Man of Europe" from the 2
December 1947 issue of the Birmingham Daily Gazette to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Cremating "Great Beast"
from the 6 December 1947 issue of the Daily Herald to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Magical Properties from the 29
December 1951 issue of the Illustrated London News to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 24 December 1947 issue of the Tatler to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Local Intelligence from the 26
November 1909 issue of the Ross-shire Journal to the
Articles section. |
December 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
New Books
from the 19 October 1918 issue of Argus to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Books and Persons from the 13
April 1911 issue of the New Age to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Cambridge Poets
from the 25 December 1913 issue of the New Age to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Reviews of New Books
from the 30 January 1914 issue of the Birmingham Daily
Post to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
News and Notes
from the 20 November 1913 issue of the Cambridge Magazine
to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
North-East Link
from the 14 April 1934 issue of the Aberdeen Press and
Journals to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Says His Books Were Boycotted
from the 2 May 1935 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Magazines
from the 17 June 1911 issue of the Academy to the
Articles section. |
November 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
For Her Namesake from the 18
February 1911 issue of the Nation to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Ecstacy is Aim of New Cult;
Born in London
from the 6 November 1910 issue of the Philadelphia
Inquirer to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The "Black Magic"
Appeal Dismissed
from the 8 November 1934 issue of the Portsmouth Evening
News to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Fascination of the Obscure
from the August 1919 issue of the Month to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
from the 1 April 1934 issue of the Sun to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Organ of "Racial Fascism" Attacks "Kosher Fascists"
from the 13 May 1935 issue of the Jerusalem Post to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
White Magic: A Woman's Search
from the 23 May 1934 issue of the World's News to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Love Cult's Secrets Exposed
from the 4 June 1923 issue of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
October 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Black Magic
from the 14 April 1934 issue of the Manchester Guardian
to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Talk of London
from the 14 January 1933 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
In Residence
from the 8 December 1904 issue of the Cambridge Review
to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Drug Delights
from the 12 August 1923 issue of the Detroit Free Press
to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Literary Lobby
from the 14 July 1923 issue of the Literary Review to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
A Diary of the Drug Habit
from the 29 July 1923 issue of the New York Times to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Some Recent Books
from the 6 January 1923 issue of the Northern Whig to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Neurotic Talent
from the 18 April 1905 issue of the London Daily News to the
Articles section. |
September 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Pirate Bridge
from the 18 October 1917 issue of the Times Literary
Supplement to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
New Books
from the 18 July 1907 issue of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Jack Lindsay Sums Up in His Final Autobiography
from the 18 August 1962 issue of the Age to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
Letter to the Editor of the Occult Review from
March 1911 edition of the Occult Review
to the
Periodicals section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Curious Libel Action
from the 26 April 1911 issue of the Standard to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Three Kings Came Riding
from the 30 January 1909 issue of the Shoreditch Observer
to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
English Freemasonry
from the May 1934 issue of the Fascist to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Beastly Silly
from the 13 April 1958 issue of the Observer to the
Articles section. |
August 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The English Review
from the 7 November 1913 issue of the Bedfordshire Times
and Independent to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Personal Column
from the 3 April 1938 issue of the Sun to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Awakest Thou that Sleepest While Socialist Volcano Spouts
its Lava
from the 30 March 1918 issue of the National Republican
to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Letters to the Editor - Too Big to Grasp
from the 12 January 1958 issue of the News and Courier to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
New Verse - Review of Songs of the Groves
(Victor B. Neuburg)
from the 23 August 1921 issue of the Aberdeen Press and
Journal to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Meeting the Magician
from the 2 December 1951 issue of the Observer to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Our Bookshelf
from the 5 December 1951 issue of the Sketch to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Four Mountaineers Killed on a Snow Slope
from the 11 September 1905 issue of the Lancashire Daily
Post to the
Articles section. |
July 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
A Curious Lawsuit and Hypnosis as a Vehicle for Literary
from the 4 May 1958 issue of the Times to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Mr. Aleister Crowley Loses Contract Claim
from the 5 October 1935 issue of the Guardian to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Insanity and Blasphemy
from the 19 November 1910 issue of the Lancashire Daily
Post to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
L.A.'s Lust Cult
from the 13 August 1952 issue of People Today to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Obituary - John W. Parsons
from the 19 June 1952 issue of the Pasadena Independent to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
Letter to the Editor "Poet and Reviewer" from
28 september 1904 issue of the Daily News
to the
Periodicals section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries
from the September 1899 issue of the Bookman to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Crowley's Magick
from the November 1932 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Personal and Official from the
13 January 1906 issue of the Homeward Mail to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Kinchenjunga Disaster
from the 2 October 1905 issue of the Homeward Mail to the
Articles section. |
June 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
of Ambergris from the
13 January 1911 issue of the New Age to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
A Swiss Lieutenant Killed
from the 18 September 1905 issue of the Homeward Mail to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Alice: An Adultery from the
22 December 1904 issue of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Snapshots of the City
from the 24 August 1916 issue of the Vancouver Daily
World to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
An Inverness-Shire Divorce Case from the
25 November 1909 issue of the Aberdeen Daily Journal to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Why Worry about Butcher and Baker when you're not a Human
from the 8 August 1921 issue of the Akron Beacon Journal
to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Offer $10,000 for Return of Stolen Chinese God from the
2 June 1916 issue of the Philadelphia Enquirer to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Equinox
from the December 1913 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
May 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Cambridge Poets from the
2 February 1914 issue of the Educational Times to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Equinox, Volume I, No. 1
from the 6 June 1909 issue of the Sphere to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Tom Hutchinson's Runaround from the
6 June 1959 issue of Picturegoer to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The Sword of Song from the
17 October 1904 issue of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The Great Beast: The Life of Aleister Crowley from the
8 August 1952 issue of the New York Times to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The World of Books from the
19 January 1952 edition of the Sphere to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Argonauts from the
25 July 1904 edition of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Coming Poet from the
26 September 1901 edition of the Christian Century to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
Tannhaόser from the
6 September 1902 edition of the Athenaeum to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Beasts's" Last Curse from the
11 April 1948 edition of the San Antonio Light to the
Articles section. |
April 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
On the Side of the Angels from the
28 September 1956 edition of the Belfast News-Letter to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
The Hier Crowley Collection from the
May 1960 edition of the Syracuse University Courier to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Books from the
22 April 1962 edition of the San Antonio Express and News
to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Crowley is Hailed as Poetic Genius from the
15 April 1962 edition of the Arizona Republic to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Jephthah and Other Mysteries (Review) from the
27 July 1899 edition of the Dundee Advertiser to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
When the Witches and Sorcerers Held a Conclave in Kansas
City from the
19 October 1958 edition of the Shreveport Times to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The God Eater from the
23 November 1903 edition of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Taxicab Driver Summons 'Devil' in Ravenswood from the
14 June 1927 edition of the Daily Star to the
Articles section. |
March 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
English Review from the
3 June 1914 edition of the Times to the
Articles section. |
February 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
A Notable Journey from the
3 June 1906 edition of the Times-Democrat to the
Articles section. |
February 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Assault on Chogori from the
31 March 1906 edition of the Homeward Mail to the
Articles section. |
February 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
In Contact with the Spirit World from the
10 October 1952 edition of the Catholic Advance to the
Articles section. |
February 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
He Called Himself - 'Worst Man in the World' from the
2 December 1947 edition of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
February 2017 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
"The Bomb" from
November 1908 issue of What's On?
to the
Periodicals section. |
February 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
of the Day
- Ambergris from the
16 May 1910 edition of the Daily News to the
Articles section. |
February 2017 |
Added a series of articles concerning the "Purple Gang" to
Articles section. In February of 1939 the
O.T.O. group headquartered at 1746 Winona Boulevard became
involved in a murder investigation of a student at the Los
Angeles City College. Needless to say, Crowley was
furious when he found out about the negative publicity. The
articles are:
'Purple Cult' Linked to Murder
Anya Sosoyeva Reportedly Seen with Member of Strange Cult
Girl Associate of Man, Member of Strange Campus Purple Cult
Hunt Suitor in Death of Film Beauty
Dancer Slain on Campus
- Slain
Dancer's Loves Traced
- Three
Sought in Slaying
- Police
Hunt Ex-Suitor of Dancer
- Tangled
Love Life of Co-Ed Beauty Bared
- Rejected
Suitor is Sought in Slaying of L.A. Co-ed
- Campus
Activities Explained by City College Official
- Anya
Sosoyeva |
January 2017 |
We complete our
series with the final article of a 12-part series by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 12.
Part 12 appeared in the 17 June 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
January 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Old-World Chit Chat from the
5 October 1910 issue of the Cincinnati Enquirer to the
Articles section. |
January 2017 |
We continue with Part
11 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 11.
Part 11 appeared in the 10 June 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
January 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Husband's Weakness for things Scottish from the
25 November 1909 issue of the Yorkshire Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
January 2017 |
We continue with Part
10 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 10.
Part 10 appeared in the 3 June 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
January 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Amusing Divorce Evidence from the
25 November 1909 issue of the Dundee Courier to the
Articles section. |
January 2017 |
We continue with Part
9 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 9.
Part 9 appeared in the 27 May 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
January 2017 |
Added new
article entitled
Wanted to be Scotch from the
27 November 1909 issue of the Beverly Recorder to the
Articles section. |
December 2016 |
We continue with Part
8 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 8.
Part 8 appeared in the 20 May 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
December 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Crowleyanity from the
1 October 1910 issue of the Sun to the
Articles section. |
December 2016 |
We continue with Part
7 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 7.
Part 7 appeared in the 13 May 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
December 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
So Much Attached to Scotland that He Wore the Kilt from the
24 November 1909 issue of the Dundee Evening Telegraph
to the
Articles section. |
December 2016 |
We continue with Part
6 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 6.
Part 6 appeared in the 6 May 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
December 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
What is Black Magic? from the
7 November 1934 issue of the Portsmouth Evening News to the
Articles section. |
December 2016 |
We continue with Part
5 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 5.
Part 5 appeared in the 29 April 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
December 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
November 1899 edition of the Literary Era to the
Articles section. |
December 2016 |
We continue with Part
4 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 4.
Part 4 appeared in the 22 April 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
December 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Narcotic Problem from the
29 July 1923 edition of the Baltimore Sun to the
Articles section. |
November 2016 |
We continue with Part
3 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 3.
Part 3 appeared in the 15 April 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
November 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Mysteries of the Orgies on the Haunted Island of Tiberius from the
27 July 1924 edition of the Pittsburgh Press to the
Articles section. |
November 2016 |
We continue with Part
2 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 2.
Part 21 appeared in the 8 April 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
November 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Member Publishes Rosicrucian Ritual from the
15 May 1910 edition of Inter Ocean to the
Articles section. |
November 2016 |
Today we begin
with Part 1 of a 12-part series of articles by W. B.
Seabrook entitled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult
- Part 1.
Part 1 appeared in the 1 April 1923 edition of the
Indianapolis Star Sun and has been added to the
Articles section.
A Very Special Thanks to
Colin for discovering & sharing these articles! |
November 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
New Books -
Ahab and Other Poems from the
8 June 1903 edition of Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
November 2016 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
Letter to the Editor: "The
Secret Doctrine in Israel" from
January 1914 issue of the Occult Review
to the
Periodicals section. |
November 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Two Cats in the Bag from the
27 March 1910 edition of Lloyd's Weekly News to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The Book of Lies from the
July 1913 edition of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
16 August 1899 issue of the Manchester Courier to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Notes of the Month from the
March 1913 edition of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Great Beast from the 23
November 1952 issue of the Oakland Tribune to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
Letter to the Editor: "The Herb Dangerous" from
September 1909 issue of the Occult Review
to the
Periodicals section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Tale of Archais from the
2 November 1899 edition of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Equinox, Volume I, No. 2 from the
November 1909 edition of The Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The English Review from the 14
August 1914 issue of The Bedfordshire Times to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Aleister Crowley is a Clever Rogue from the
1919 edition of Some Fruits of Theosophy to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
of Songs of the Spirit from
the 25 March 1899 issue of The Atheneum to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Disaster on Kangchenjunga from the
February 1906 issue of the Alpine Journal to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Fatal Accident on Kangchenjunga
from the 18 November 1905 issue of the Sphere to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Erin Go Bragh! from the
21 July 1915 issue of the Musical Courier to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The Triumph of Pan
from the 6 July 1911 issue of the New Age to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Equinox, Volume I, No. 1 from the
May 1909 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
September 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The
Star in the West from a
circa 1907 issue of the Seeker to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new article
by Aleister Crowley
The Art of Lord Dunsany from the
April 1909 issue of Vanity Fair to the
section. |
August 2016 |
Added new article
Periodicals Received from the
22 November 1913 issue of The Cambridge Magazine to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Mind and Mask of Aleister Crowley from the
November 1949 issue of Enquiry to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of - Songs of the Spirit from the
30 December 1898 issue of the Jewish Chronicle to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
666 and All That from the
8 December 1951 issue of the New Statesman to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Magic and Disillusion from the
22 October 1949 issue of the New Statesman to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Willie and the Beast from the
22 September 1956 issue of the New Statesman to the
Articles section. |
August 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Recollections of Dylan Thomas from the
1 September 1957 issue of London Magazine to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of The Star and the Garter
and Ye Sword of Song from the
24 November 1904 issue of the Bath Chronicle to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Ghosts and Marvels from the
26 September 1936 issue of the West Australian to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Black Magician Crowley Dies from the
2 December 1947 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Mr. E. A. Crowley from the
2 December 1947 issue of the Manchester Guardian to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
'Sex Madness' Cult of Pasedena Scientist Revealed from the
20 June 1952 issue of the Mirror to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Tale of Archais from the
29 November 1899 issue of Oxford Magazine to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Exposing New York's Sex Mad Society Floggers from the
March 1937 issue of Real Detective to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Aleister Crowley to Pay Dividend from the
11 February 1939 issue of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
Konx Om Pax from the
July 1909 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
July 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Faiths, Cults and Sects of America from the
29 October 1950 issue of the El Paso Herald-Post to the
Articles section. |
June 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Mr. Crowley and the Creeds from the
24 September 1904 issue of the Daily News to the
Articles section. |
June 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
of Songs of the Spirit from the
2 March 1899 issue of the St. James's Gazette to the
Articles section. |
June 2016 |
five pieces by Aleister Crowley to the
periodicals page. They are:
The Camp Fire
The Hawk
and the Babe
The Muse
The Jew of
These pieces were published in Vanity Fair (the U.K.
edition) I believe circa 1909.
Any assistance in determining actual published dates for
these pieces would be greatly appreciated.
Ive been trying for some time, but have not been
successful at getting my hands on any issues of the UK
edition of Vanity Fair. |
June 2016 |
12 pieces translated by Aleister Crowley from the poetry of
Charles Baudelaire to the
periodicals page. They are:
L'Invitation Au Voyage
Prose Poem
L'Alchimie de Douleur
En Sourdine
Tout Entiere
Le Revenant
The Vampire
L'Amour et le Crane
Vin Des Amants
These pieces were published in Vanity Fair (the U.K.
edition) I believe circa 1909. A companion piece
Le Vin de LAssassin was published in the 31 March
1909 issue of Vanity Fair so these may have been published
in a similar time-frame.
Any assistance in determining actual published dates for
these pieces would be greatly appreciated.
Ive been trying for some time, but have not been
successful at getting my hands on any issues of the UK
edition of Vanity Fair. |
June 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
4 August 1899 issue of the Jewish Chronicle to the
Articles section. |
June 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
5 Women Mourn "Worst Man" from the
6 December 1947 issue of the Daily Mirror to the
Articles section. |
May 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Mystery in $10,000 Reward for a Lost Jade from the
28 May 1916 issue of the New York Herald to the
Articles section.
an additional 12 articles on the subject of Crowley and the
mysterious "Kwannon" idol.
A Very Special Thanks to Colin for
discovering & sharing these articles just in time for their
100th anniversary!
Big Reward for Jade Image from the
29 May 1916 issue of the Bridgeport Evening Farmer.
Seeking Stolen Chinese Idol in Boston from the
4 June 1916 issue of the Boston Sunday Post.
Missing Chinese Goddess Talisman for Sun Yat Sen? from the
28 May 1916 issue of the World.
$10,000 Offered for Stolen Chinese Idol: Bind's
China's Fate from the
31 May 1916 issue of the Waterloo Evening Courier.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Missing Idol Found from the
1 June 1916 issue of the Fort Wayne Daily News.
Idol Found and Luck is Promised Chinese Leader from the
1 June 1916 issue of the La Crosse Daily Tribune.
Missing Idol of Sun Yat Sen Is Found from the
1 June 1916 issue of the Oakland Tribune.
Jade Idol Recovers from the
1 June 1916 issue of the Ottumwa Daily Review.
Missing Idol of Sun Yat Sen Is Found from the
1 June 1916 issue of the Sandusky Star Journal.
Finding of Sun Yat Sen's Jade Idol Good Omen? from the
1 June 1916 issue of the Wisconsin State Journal.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen Finds Lost Idol from the
2 June 1916 issue of the Des Moines News.
Find Missing Idol from the
2 June 1916 issue of the Seattle Star. |
May 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
News of the Week and Notes from the
27 October 1904 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
May 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Black Magic at Crematorium from
the 12 April 1948 issue of the Singapore Free Press to the
Articles section. |
May 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Equinox from the
4 April 1910 issue of the Scotsman to the
Articles section. |
May 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Invented a New Religion, But Was Faithless to His Wife from
the 24 November 1909 issue of the Gloucestershire Echo
to the
Articles section. |
May 2016 |
Added the
graphic 1 and
graphic 2 for "The Ballad of Burdens" from the
3 February 1900 issue of Granta.
A Very Special Thanks to Tony for sharing this
rare item! |
May 2016 |
Updated the
graphic and
text for "Ballad of the Mutability of Human Affairs" from the
26 February 1898 issue of Granta.
Thanks again to Tony for sharing
this item! |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
Book 4 - Part II from the
June 1915 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from
the June 1899 issue of the Scottish Review to the
Articles section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Essence of Practical Qabalah by Frater
Achad from the
July 1923 issue of the Occult Review.
Special Thanks to Tony for sharing this article! |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Letter to the Editor from the
February 1926 issue of the Occult Review
in which Frater Achad
defends his book The Anatomy of God
against an unfavorable review from the December 1925 issue.
Special Thanks to Tony for sharing
this article! |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Poisoned Bullets by Aleister
Crowley from the 7 October 1914 issue of the Standard to the
Articles section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of
The Soul of Osiris from
the 15 June 1901 issue of the Academy to the
Articles section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
The Irish Republic from the 11
August 1915 issue of the Continental Times to the
Articles section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Some Postscripts to Oscar Wilde from
the 17 August 1940 issue of the Saturday Review to the
Articles section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
Aleister Crowley item entitled
The Oriental Mind from
the 2 June 1916 issue of the Washington Post to the
Periodicals section. |
April 2016 |
Added new
article entitled
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from
an 1899 issue of the Birmingham Gazette to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Ceremonial Magic Unveiled by
Dion Fortune from
the January 1933 issue of the Occult Gazette to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Jepthah and Other Mysteries (Review) from
the 31 July 1899 issue of the Belfast News-Letter to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Aleistair Crowley from
the 20 July 1942 issue of the Star to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Review of -
Ahab and Other Poems from a
1903 issue of the Manchester Guardian to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
The Cemetery and the Shooting Gallery
to the
Periodicals section.
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Secrets of the Rosicrucian
Order from
the 22 March 1913 issue of the Daily News to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Review of
Book Four from
the February-March 1913 issue of the African Times and
Orient Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2016 |
Added new
article titled
A Modern Mystic: A Rosicrucian of To-Day from
the 6 April 1910 issue of Sketch to the
Articles section. |
February 2016 |
Added the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
Le Vin de L'Assassin
to the
Periodicals section. |
February 2016 |
Added new
article titled
A Lecture Banned from
the 5 February 1930 issue of the Recorder to the
Articles section. |
February 2016 |
Added new
article titled
U. Chess Club from
the 22 October 1896 issue of the Cambridge Review to the
Articles section. |
February 2016 |
Added new
item titled
Crowley, Edward Aleister
from Admissions to Trinity College-Cambridge to the
Articles section. |
February 2016 |
Added a series
of three
articles from
2 February 1905,
23 February 1905, &
25 May 1905 issues of Truth
in which the editor takes issue with Crowley's scheme to
sell copies of his Works by offering a £100 prize for
the best essay on his writings. |
February 2016 |
Added new
article titled
We Trap the Temptress from
the 28 April 1923 issue of John Bull to the
Articles section. |
February 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Irish Republic is Organized by Party
from the 30 July 1915 issue of the Brownsville Daily
Herald to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Mystic Cards from
a July 1942 issue of the London Standard to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Review of
The Whirlpool from the
April 1912 issue of the English Review to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
The Devil's Contemplative by John Symonds from
the July 1949 issue of the World Review to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
The Talisman from the 26
July 1934 issue of the Evening News to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Review of The Argonauts from
the 14 September 1904 issue of the Daily News to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Review of The Argonauts from the
3 September 1904 issue of the Graphic to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Life and Letters from
the 23 January 1909 issue of the Academy to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
Charles Peace from the 19 July
1935 issue of the Daily Independent to the
Articles section. |
January 2016 |
Updated the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
The Murder in X Street (Part V)
in the
Periodicals section. Added a graphic of the
Original Article and an upgraded version of the
Text. |
January 2016 |
Added new
article titled
of Songs of the Spirit from
an 1899 issue of Granta to the
Articles section. |
December 2015 |
Updated the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
The Murder in X Street (Part IV)
in the
Periodicals section. Added a graphic of the
Original Article
Cover and an upgraded version of the
Text. |
December 2015 |
Added new
article titled
of The Tale of Archais from
an 1899 issue of the Academy to the
Articles section. |
December 2015 |
Updated the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
The Murder in X Street (Part III)
in the
Periodicals section. Added a graphic of the
Original Article and and upgraded version of the
Text. |
December 2015 |
Added new
article titled
of Songs of the Spirit from
an 1899 issue of the Bookman to the
Articles section. |
December 2015 |
Updated the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
The Murder in X Street (Part II)
in the
Periodicals section. Added a graphic of the
Original Article and and upgraded version of the
Text. |
December 2015 |
Added new
article titled
of Songs of the Spirit from
an 1899 issue of Cantab to the
Articles section. |
December 2015 |
Updated the
entry for Aleister Crowley's
The Murder in X Street (Part I) in
Periodicals section. Added a graphic of the
Original Article and and upgraded version of the
Text. |
December 2015 |
Added new
article titled
of Songs of the Spirit from
an 1899 issue of the Manchester Guardian to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new article
The Magician issued in 1956 by the
Book-of-the-Month Club to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new
article titled
of Songs of the Spirit from
an 1899 issue of the Literary Gazette to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new article
Occultism in the Magazines from the
October 1910 issue of The Review of Reviews to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new
article titled
Crowley's Affairs from the
14 February 1935 issue of the Evening Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new article
The A\A\ from the
8 October 1910 issue of The Onlooker to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new
article titled
of Songs of the Spirit from the
21 April 1899 issue of Literature to the
Articles section. |
November 2015 |
Added new article
by Aleister Crowley
The Yellow Robe, an Intimate Study from the
13 June 1908 issue of What's On to the
section. |
November 2015 |
Added new article
Life and Letters from the
24 July 1915 issue of The Academy to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new
article titled
Mystic Rites from the 23 March
1910 issue of the Daily Mirror to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new
article titled
Confessions of an
Author - Part IV from the
January 1926 issue of Pall Mall Magazine to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
Vertebrates and Invertebrates from the
16 February 1908 issue of The Academy and Literature to the
section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
Review of Tannhaόser from the
9 August 1902 issue of The Academy and Literature to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
The Amazing Sect Again from the
19 November 1910 issue of The Looking Glass to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
An Amazing Sect - No. 3 from the
26 November 1910 issue of The Looking Glass to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
An Amazing Sect - No. 4 from the
3 December 1910 issue of The Looking Glass to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
Occult Rites from the
8 October 1910 issue of the The Onlooker to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
A New Religion from the
8 October 1910 issue of What's On to the
Articles section. |
October 2015 |
Added new article
The Rites of Eleusis from the
15 October 1920 issue of What's On to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
Mr. Aleister Crowley Defends Himself Against M.A.P. from the
26 November 1910 issue of M.A.P. to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
Mystic Card from the
15 August 1907 issue of the Daily Mirror to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The Winged Beetle from the
April 1911 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The Equinox - Vol I, No. 5 from the
May 1911 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
Nine O'Clock Ecstasies from the
12 October 1910 issue of The Bystander to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
The Rites (or Wrongs?) of Eleusis from the
9 November 1910 issue of The Bystander to the
Articles section. |
September 2015 |
Added text of
Jeremiah in the Quartier Montparnasse from the
3 June 1908 issue of Vanity Fair. |
September 2015 |
Added new article
The Truth About Aleister Crowley from the
3 March 1923 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
Strange Hypnotic Phenomena from the
October 1913 issue of the Occult Review to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries
from the 16 November 1899 issue of The Nation to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
Truth to Tell - John Symonds from the
24 October 1948 issue of Truth to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The
Star in the West from the
26 June 1907 issue of the Hull Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
Poems to Maude Allan from the
3 August 1916 issue of the Musical Courier to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
The English Review from the
10 June 1911 issue of Country Life to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
of Eleusis from the
12 October 1910 issue of Truth to the
Articles section. |
August 2015 |
Added new article
Books Wanted from the
19 June 1915 issue of The Publisher's Circular to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Aleister Crowley Versus W. B. Yeats from the
September 1948 issue of the Partisan Review to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Review of
The Whirlpool from the
12 April 1912 issue of T.P.'s Weekly to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
An Estimate of Women from the
16 January 1916 issue of The Arizona Republican to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Mr. Crowley Draws Fire from the
29 January 1916 issue of The Arizona Republican to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
White Stains from Forbidden Books: Notes
and Gossip on Tabooed Literature published in 1902
to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Author's Part in German Propoganda from the
11 April 1934 issue of The Nottingham Evening Post to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Where Celebrities Speak Their Minds from the
17 August 1933 issue of The Daily News to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Review of
In Residence from the
3 December 1904 issue of The Academy and Literature to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
Judge Refuses to Stop Publication of Ethel Mannin Book from the
26 July 1933 issue of The Daily Mirror to the
Articles section. |
July 2015 |
Added new article
The "Engish Review" from the
6 January 1914 issue of The Manchester Guardian to the
Articles section. |
June 2015 |
Added new article
of The Equinox from the
August 1912 issue of The Open Court to the
Articles section. |
June 2015 |
Added new article
Freemasonry from the
October 1934 issue of The Fascist to the
Articles section. |
June 2015 |
Added a new item
by Aleister Crowley titled
to the
page. |
June 2015 |
Added new article
Ceremonial Magic as the Gateway to Ecstasy from the
24 August 1910 issue of The Sketch to the
Articles section. |
June 2015 |
Added new article
Young Wife's Story of Crowley's Abbey from the
4 March 1923 issue of the Sunday Express to the
Articles section. |
June 2015 |
Added new article
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
16 February 1900 issue of the Church Times to the
Articles section. |
June 2015 |
Added a new item
Art Exhibition Catalog - Galerie Neumann-Nierendorf
to the Books
page. |
June 2015 |
Added new article
Review of
Good Sir Palamedes from the September
1912 issue of the Poetry Review to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added a new item
by Aleister Crowley titled
Prospectus for The Book of Thoth
to the Books
page. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
The Mandrake Booklets from the
23 September 1929 issue of the Aberdeen Press and Journal
to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
29 September 1899 issue of the Morning Post to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
Obituary - Miss Leila Waddell from the
14 September 1932 issue of the Sydney Morning Herald to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
Review of
The Equinox from the
15 April 1909 issue of the Times Literary Supplement to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The
Star in the West from the
4 July 1907 issue of the Bath Chronicle to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
The Real Shaw from the
24 July 1920 issue of Plain English to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
Epstein's Model (Betty May) from the
27 June 1929 issue of the Aberdeen Press and Journal to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
'Wickedest Man in the World' Provides Unique Study of a
Psychopath and Mountebank from the
1 February 1953 issue of the Oakland Tribune to the
Articles section. |
May 2015 |
Added new article
Aleister Crowley to Appeal from the
3 August 1934 issue of The Evening Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
The Future of the Submarine from the
5 October 1915 issue of the Eau Claire Leader to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
Amateur Chess Player - Aleister Crowley from the
22 May 1916 issue of The Chess News to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
is Aim of New Cult from the
6 November 1910 issue of the Boston Sunday Post to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
Elixir of Life Fails from the
3 December 1947 issue of Stars and Stripes to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
Review of
The God Eater from the
20 November 1903 issue of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph
to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
Indecent and Vulgar from the
22 September 1932 issue of the Nottingham Evening Post
to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
4 August 1899 issue of The Bookseller to the
Articles section. |
April 2015 |
Added new article
The New Britannica (Inside and Out) from the
23 October 1926 issue of the Saturday Review of
Literature to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
Review of An Appeal to the American Republic from the
30 December 1899 issue of the Outlook to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
Magician Taken from the
2 December 1947 issue of the Charleston Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The
Argonauts from the
October 1904 issue of the Westminster Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
Book Review Laughing Torso from the
18 September 1932 issue of the San Diego Union to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
Review of "A Career for an Essay" from the
March 1905 issue of Longman's Magazine to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
Ban on Oxford Lecture from the
4 February 1930 issue of the Manchester Guardian to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
The Rosicrucians. Modern Rites in Ancient Mysteries from the
21 April 1910 issue of The Straits Times to the
Articles section. |
March 2015 |
Added new article
An Essay on Francis Thompson from the
3 March 1921 issue of the Catholic Press to the
Articles section. |
February 2015 |
Added new book
John St. John
to the
Books section. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
11 July 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
The Great Climb. Four Men Killed on Kinchinjunga.
Expedition Abandoned at 21,000 Feet from the
11 September 1905 issue of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
4 July 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
A Great Climb. Ready to Ascend Kinchinjunga. The
Food Supplies from the
29 August 1905 issue of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
27 June 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The Equinox from the
25 March 1909 issue of the New Age to the
Articles section. |
February 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
20 June 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Review of The
Star and the Garter from the
November 1904 issue of the Westminster Review to the
Articles section. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
13 June 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Black Rites at Caxton Hall. What is the Crowley Cult? from the
19 November 1910 issue of the M.A.P. to the
Articles section. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
6 June 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Killer of Hundreds of Children from the
13 March 1930 issue of the Singapore Free Press to the
Articles section. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Notes from the
9 May 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Wife's Evidence Against a Student of Ancient Mss. from the
27 December 1909 issue of the Daily News to the
Articles section. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Magic Survives from the
10 May 1934 issue of the Evening Post to the
Articles section. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Black Magic Once Detroit Cult from the
26 January 1958 issue of the Detroit News to the
Articles section. |
January 2015 |
Added new article
Man Asked to Demonstrate Powers in Court from the
12 April 1934 issue of the Derby Evening Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Poetic Justice from the
27 September 1914 issue of The Observer to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
25 April 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
German Resources from the
4 January 1916 issue of the Chicago Daily Tribune to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Chess Notes from the
18 April 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Amusing Publication from New York from the
27 March 1915 issue of the North-China Herald to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
11 April 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Famous Indian Trick Debunked by Group from the
15 May 1934 issue of The Toronto Daily Star to the
Articles section. |
December 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
30 May 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
November 2014 |
Added new article
Full of Sound and Fury from the
17 October 1899 issue of The Pall Mall Gazette to the
Articles section. |
November 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
4 April 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
November 2014 |
Revised the text
"The Ballade of the Mutability of Human Affairs" to
match the text in the original article from the
26 February 1898 issue of Granta.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this
with the community. |
November 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
24 January 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section.
Thank you to Clint for sharing this with the community. |
November 2014 |
Added a new item
by Victor B. Neuburg titled
Diana from the
1924 issue of Pine Cone: Official Quarterly of the Order of
Woodcraft Chivalry. |
November 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
28 March 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
November 2014 |
Added a new item
by Aleister Crowley titled
The Eruption of Aetna from a
(circa) 1924 issue of Germinal, Illustrated Monthly |
November 2014 |
Added a new item
by Aleister Crowley titled
An Epigram from a
(circa) 1924 issue of Germinal, Illustrated Monthly |
November 2014 |
Added a new item
by Victor B. Neuburg titled
Advent from the
1924 issue of Pine Cone: Official Quarterly of the Order of
Woodcraft Chivalry. |
November 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
21 March 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
November 2014 |
Added a new item
by Victor B. Neuburg titled
Poems from the
October 1923 issue of Pine Cone: Official Quarterly of the
Order of Woodcraft Chivalry. |
November 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
14 March 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
October 2014 |
Added text for
an article by Aleister Crowley entitled
Titanic Disaster from the
26 May 1912 issue of The New York Times |
October 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
7 March 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
October 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
Mortadello from the
September 1912 issue of Poetry Review to the
Articles section. |
October 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
28 February 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
October 2014 |
Added new article
by Victor B. Neuburg entitled
On A Statue of the Buddha from the
1909 issue of The Buddhist Review. |
October 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
21 February 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
October 2014 |
Added new article
Asmodel from the
30 June 1901 issue of The Leavenworth Times to the
Articles section. |
October 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
14 February 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
An Architectural Revenge from the
8 October 1914 issue of The Boston Herald to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
7 February 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
Aleister Crowley's Reply to an Article about the "Indian
Rope-Trick" from the
1 May 1934 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
Notes from the
31 January 1894 issue of the Eastbourne Gazette to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
The Varsity Chess Match from the
9 April 1897 issue of the Westminster Budget to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
against "Betty May's" Letters from the
24 July 1934 issue of the Sunderland Daily Echo to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
Moonchild from the
7 November 1929 issue of The New Age to the
Articles section. |
September 2014 |
Added new article
Author Arrested in Court To-Day from the
22 June 1934 issue of the Daily Mirror to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
Made A New Religion from the
25 November 1909 issue of the Western Times to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
Woman wins "Black Magic" Case from the
14 April 1934 issue of the Dundee Courier and Advertiser
to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The Sword of Song from the
20 January 1905 issue of the St. James's Gazette to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
"Black Magic" Libel Action Stopped By the Jury from the
13 April 1934 issue of the Yorkshire Evening Post to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
These Names Make News from the
20 April 1939 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
Bid To Make Skeleton Live from the
8 November 1934 issue of the Daily Mirror to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
Film Mother Stoned in House of Mystics Tells of Attack from the
3 June 1928 issue of the Charleston Gazette to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
"Laughing Torso" and a Law Suit from the
25 October issue of the Singapore Free Press to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
A Primitive Woman (Review of Betty May's Tiger Woman) from the
3 July 1929 issue of The Yorkshire Post to the
Articles section. |
August 2014 |
Added new article
Ceremonies in "Abbey of Thelema" from the
12 April 1934 issue of The Yorkshire Post to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Not So Bad from the
28 November 1951 issue of The Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Review of The
Star and the Garter from the
20 October 1904 issue of The Arbroath Herald to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to Colin for
sharing this article! |
July2014 |
Added new article
Love Cults U.S.A.- Brides of the Beast from the
February 1959 issue of Man's Conquest to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Review of The
Star and the Garter from the
18 November 1904 issue of the Manchester Courier to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Magic Monger from the
28 October 1951 issue of the Sunday Times to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Books Received (Jephthah) from the
19 July 1899 issue of the Liverpool Mercury to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Brahmins, Vampires and Shantyboaters from the
October 1940 issue of the American Mercury to the
Articles section. |
July2014 |
Added new article
Alleges that His Works are Boycotted from the
2 May 1935 issue of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
June 2014 |
Added updated
graphics to Victor B. Neuburg's
Songs of the Groves,
Swift Wings,
Larkspur, and
Lillygay. |
June 2014 |
Added new article
Probate from the
28 February 1949 issue of the Evening Standard Reporterto the
Articles section. |
June 2014 |
Added text of
The Genius of Mr. James Joyce from the
July 1923 issue of The New Pearson's. |
June 2014 |
Added new article
A Mystic Society and its Secrets from the
22 March 1920 issue of the Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
June 2014 |
Added text of
Frank Harris: An Attempt at Appreciation from the
October 1922 issue of Pearson's Magazine. |
June 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
Konx Om Pax from the
29 February 1908 issue of The New Age to the
Articles section. |
June 2014 |
Added new article
Gossip from London from the
5 November 1910 issue of the Australasian to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to Colin for
sharing this article! |
June 2014 |
Added new article
Marginal Comments from the
3 December 1937 issue of the Spectator to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to Colin for
sharing this article! |
June 2014 |
Added new article
Review of Ambergris from the
10 December 1910 issue of the Daily Herald to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to Colin for
sharing this article! |
May 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The
Star in the West
from the 29 August 1907 issue of The New Age to the
Articles section. A Special Thanks to Clint for
sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
from the 9 December 1908 issue of Vanity Fair to the
Articles section. A Special Thanks to Clint for
sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added new
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
In the Garden of Pan from the
1 July 1908 issue of Vanity Fair.
A Special Thanks to Clint for
sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added new
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
The Two Secrets from the
2 December 1908 issue of Vanity Fair.
A Special Thanks to Clint for
sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added new
article by Aleister Crowley entitled
The Child from the
February 1909 issue of Vanity Fair.
A Special Thanks to Clint for
sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added text of
The Mystic from the
July 1908 issue of Vanity Fair.
A Special Thanks to Clint for sharing
this article. |
May 2014 |
Added text of
Tale, With A Madman On the Alps from the
24 June 1908 issue of Vanity Fair. A
Special Thanks to Clint for sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added text of
Ezekial in the Quarter Montparnasse from the
August 1908 issue of Vanity Fair. A
Special Thanks to Clint for sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added the
missing text for Part 1 of
On a Burmese River from the
3 February,
10 February,
17 February,
24 February,
3 March, &
31 March 1909 issues of Vanity Fair.
A Special Thanks to Clint for sharing this article. |
May 2014 |
Added new article
Bridge: The Latest Improvement Upon Auction
from the February 1917 issue of the Strand Magazine to the
Articles section. |
May 2014 |
Added new article
Verdict for Defense in "Black Magic" Case
from the 13 April 1934 issue of the Nottingham Evening
Post to the
Articles section. |
May 2014 |
Added series of
articles concerning Crowley's time spent climbing
mountains in Mexico during the period of 1900 - 1901.
The excellent
essay by CSM provides background information and
context for this series of articles published in the
Mexican Herald.
A Special Thanks to
Colin S. McLeod for sharing these articles.
April 2014 |
Added text of
End of England from the
June 1915 issue of
The International. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Magician Refuses to Give Display in Court from the
12 April 1934 issue of the Hull Daily Mail to the
Articles section. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Bridge, New Card Game, is taking Fashionable Clubmen by
Storm from the
17 February 1917 issue of the Spokesman Review to the
Articles section. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
The Soul of Osiris from the
31 March 1901 issue of the Church Times to the
Articles section. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Portrait of an Eccentric Author from the
8 November 1959 issue of the Galveston Daily News to the
Articles section. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The
Soul of Osiris from the
31 August 1901 issue of The Evening Post to the
Articles section. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Witchcraft is Real from the
12 December 1928 issue of The Dubois Courier to the
Articles section. |
April 2014 |
Added new article
Black Magic from the
2 January 1932 issue of The Fitchburg Sentinel to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added text of
Letter to the Editor (Dynamic and Static Concentration)
from the
June 1910 issue of the Occult Review. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
12 August 1899 issue of The Speaker to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
"No American Art," Says an Irish Critic from the
30 January 1914 issue of The Sun to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
of Songs of the Spirit from the
19 May 1899 issue of The Church Times to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
Mystery Deaths Laid to Revival of 'Black Mass' from the
11 January 1924 issue of the Oakland Tribune to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The
Mother's Tragedy from the
October 1901 issue of the Westminster Review to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
Devilish Silly from the
18 November 1952 issue of the Sunday Times to the
Articles section. |
March 2014 |
Added new article
Review of Songs of the Spirit from the
6 May 1899 issue of Literature to the
Articles section. |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Just About Two Old Friends from the
1 October 1924 issue of Jazz: A Flippant Magazine
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to Colin for
sharing this article! |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
The Diary of a Drug
Fiend from the
14 December 1922 issue of the Western Morning News to the
Articles section. |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Beware of the Eleventh Day All Who Read This from the
28 January 1911 issue of Mainly About People (M.A.P.)
to the
Articles section. |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The Equinox, Volume I, No. 7 from the
19 April 1912 issue of T.P.'s Weekly to the
Articles section. |
February 2014 |
Added seven new articles
from The Egyptian Gazette detailing the various
hotels Crowley and his wife Rose stayed at during their
visit to Egypt in 1904 under the aliases "Lord Boleskine"
and "Prince and Princess Chioa Khan".
Visitors' Lists - Grand Continental,
Latest Arrivals - Eastern Exchange Hotel,
Our Visitors - Tewfik Palace Hotel,
Visitors' Lists - Tewfik Palace Hotel,
Our Visitors - Tewflik Palace Hotel,
Visitors - Tewflik Palace Hotel,
Visitors - Tewflik Palace Hotel. |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Death of Miss Nina Hamnett from the
17 December 1956 issue of the Times of London to the
Articles section. |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Kanchenjunga: An International Expedition from the
17 February 1930 issue of the Times of London to the
Articles section. |
February 2014 |
graphics and
text to
Manifesto of the M\M\M\. Includes graphics for
Title Page,
Printer's Colophon, and photographs of
Boleskine House and the surrounding estate
Boleskine-6, and
Boleskine-7. |
February 2014 |
Added new article
Review of Songs of the Spirit from the
3 February 1899 issue of The Bookseller to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
Review of
Mortadello from the
October 1912 issue of Rhythm to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The Argonauts from the
3 September 1904 issue of The Academy and Literature to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
A Bohemian from the
12 June 1932 issue of The Sunday Times to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
Secrecy at Cremation from the
6 December 1947 issue of The Mail to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
by Aleister Crowley entitled
of Maths from the
14 August 1937 issue of the Daily Express to
both the
Periodicals and
Articles section.
article is said to have been written by Aleister Crowley as
a remembrance/obituary of his friend J. W. N. Sullivan. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
Review of The
Soul of Osiris from the
September 1901 issue of The Critic to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
Review of Jephthah and Other Mysteries from the
29 November 1899 issue of the Oxford Magazine to the
Articles section. |
January 2014 |
Added new article
Review of Songs of the Spirit from the
29 November 1899 issue of the Oxford Magazine to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
Review of Crowley's "The New Parsifal" from the
18 August 1915 issue of the Evening Post to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
Review of
The Mother's Tragedy from the
31 August 1901 issue of the Athenaeum to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
Review of the
Volume 3, No. 1 from the
23 November 1919 issue of the New York Times to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
Boswell to Britain's Wickedest Man from the
3 November 1951 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
These Names Make News from the
23 December 1937 issue of the Daily Express to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
Invited to "Try Magic" in Court from the
13 April 1934 issue of the Yorkshire Post to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
Review of An Appeal to the American Republic from the
20 January 1900 issue of the Literature to the
Articles section. |
December 2013 |
Added new article
The Magic Circle from the
2 April 1948 issue of the Star to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Soldier and the Hunchback ! and ? to the
Books Section. Includes graphics for
Title Page,
Interior-2, and
Interior-3. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
Current Topics - Mountaineering from the
7 March 1902 issue of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
Review of Amphora from the
21 December 1911 issue of New Age to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
University Chess from the
5 April 1897 issue of the Bristol Times and Mirror to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
New Books and Magazines from the
6 May 1899 issue of the Belfast News-Letter to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
Jepthah and Other Mysteries (Review) from the
31 July 1899 issue of the Aberdeen Journal to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
3 Years Ago from the
11 January 1950 issue of the Daily Telegraph Reporter to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
Aleister Crowley Dies at Hastings from the
6 December 1947 issue of the Hastings and St. Leonard's
to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
Even As A Sinner, Aleister Crowley Was Second-Rate from the
24 November 1951 issue of the Daily Mail
to the
Articles section. |
November 2013 |
Added new article
An Expedition Abandoned from the
11 September 1905 issue of the Manchester Courier
to the
Articles section. |
October 2013 |
Added new Frater
Achad article entitled
Cosmic Consciousness (A Review of Dr. Richard Maurice's
Classical Work) from the
October 1923 issue of The Occult Press Review.
Special Thanks to Clive for
sharing this article! |
October 2013 |
Added new article
Black Magic Denials of an Englishman from the
21 April 1929 issue of Reynold's Illustrated Newspaper
to the
Articles section. |
October 2013 |
Added new article
Review of The
Mother's Tragedy from the
26 October 1901 issue of The Academy
to the
Articles section. |
October 2013 |
Added new article
Life with Crowley from the
14 December 1951 issue of the Times Literary Supplement
to the
Articles section. |
October 2013 |
Added new article
In the Limelight from the
October 1917 issue of Pearson's Magazine
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to Colin for
sharing this article! |
October 2013 |
Added new Frater
Achad article entitled
Initiation (Part I) from the
July 1923 issue of The Occult Press Review. |
October 2013 |
Added new Frater
Achad article entitled
Initiation (Part II) from the
August 1923 issue of The Occult Press Review.
Special Thanks to Clive for
sharing this article! |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Death at the Abbey from the
26 November 1955 issue of Picture Post
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Where Does the Devil Get You? from the
3 December 1955 issue of Picture Post
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Woman's Book Stopped from the
23 September 1932 issue of the Daily Mail
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Court Refuses to Stop Woman's Book from the
6 October 1932 issue of the Daily Mail
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
'Wickedest Man in the World' from the
17 May 1959 issue of the Oakland Tribune
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Review of The Argonauts
from the 24 September 1904 issue of the
Publisher's Circular
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Great Beat was a Trifle Bogus from the
17 December 1951 issue of the Straights Times
to the
Articles section. |
September 2013 |
Added new article
Review of The Soul of Osiris
from the October 1904 issue of the Westminster
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
by Aleister Crowley
The Rites of Eleusis from the
October 1910 issue of The Occult Review
to the
Periodicals section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
Review of
Ahab and Other Poems from the
August 1903 issue of the Westminster Review
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
Chess from the 1 April 1896 issue of the
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
Music and Drama (Leila Waddell)
from the 14 June 1913 issue of the Sydney Morning
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
Epstein Model In Prison (Betty
from the 6 February 1918 issue of the Daily
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
Pirate Bridge
from the 28 December 1918 issue of the Dominion
to the
Articles section. |
10 August 2013 |
Upgraded Text,
Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Turned-In Cover Detail Graphic
Why Jesus Wept 4th Impression. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
His Pictures Look Best With Your Eyes Closed
from the 12 March 1919 issue of the Muskogee Times
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
Awful Aleister
from the 15 December 1947 issue of Newsweek
to the
Articles section. |
August 2013 |
Added new article
"Black Magic" Referred To In Libel Action
from the 17 April 1934 issue of the Advocate
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
Review of The Book of Lies
from the July 1916 issue of Vanity Fair
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
Probe Men To It
from the 21 May 1911 issue of The Oakland Tribune
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
University Chess Match
from the 2 April 1897 issue of The Morning Post
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
Queer Libel Action
from the 30 June 1911 issue of Kalgoorie Miner
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
Review of
The Mother's Tragedy
from the 4 December 1901 issue of Oxford Magazine
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
"Beast 666" Cult Chieftan, Loses Defamation Suit
from the 26 July 1934 issue of The Evening News
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
Review of The Book of Lies
from the June 1913 issue of Poetry and Drama
to the
Articles section. |
July 2013 |
Added new article
"Ecstacy" the Aim of Newest Cult in London of the Society of
the Equinox
from the 6 November 1910 issue of the New York Herald
to the
Articles section. |
June 2013 |
Added new article
The Man Who Chose Evil
from the 19 November 1955 issue of Picture Post
to the
Articles section. |
June 2013 |
Added new article
Libel Action Against Authoress
from the 15 April 1934 issue of the Sunday Times
to the
Articles section. |
22 June 2013 |
Upgraded Text,
Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Turned-In Cover Detail Graphic
Why Jesus Wept 3rd Impression. |
June 2013 |
Added new article
from the August 1915 issue of Vanity Fair
to the
Articles section. |
June 2013 |
Added new article
"Out!" says France.
from the 27 April 1929 issue of the Schenectady
to the
Articles section. |
June 2013 |
Added new article
'The Beast' Drove Women to Suicide
from the 6 December 1951 issue of the Singapore
Free Press
to the
Articles section. |
June 2013 |
Added new article
Magician Tells of White Magic Practice in London Flat
from the 11 April 1934 issue of the Hull Daily
to the
Articles section. |
June 2013 |
Continuing from
last weeks' articles on the disappearance/suicide hoax of
Aleister Crowley at the Boca do Inferno, Portugal, in 1930,
we've added a rough draft of a novella written by Fernando
Pessoa. Pessoa's intention with this rambling document
was to write a detective story from the perspective of a
private detective hired to investigate this mystery of
Crowley's supposed disappearance/suicide. It's
A Boca do Inferno - Novella Policiαria
and has been added to the
Articles section. |
May 2013 |
Added new article
Disappearance of the Author Aleister Crowley
from the 4 October 1930 issue of
Notνcias Ilustrado
to the
Articles section. |
May 2013 |
Added new article
Aleister Crowley "Murdered"
from the 15 October 1930 issue of the Oxford Mail
to the
Articles section. |
May 2013 |
Added new article titled
Religious Trends in English Poetry (1880-1920)
to the
Articles section. |
May 2013 |
Added new article titled
Scaling Kanchenjunga
from the 1 July 1930 issue of the Syracuse Journal
to the
Articles section. |
May 2013 |
and entry for
Oriflamme, Vol. I, No. I |
May 2013 |
Added new article titled
Ecstasy Is Sought By Disciples Of Poet
from the 15 November 1910 issue of the Evansville
Courier and Press
to the
Articles section. |
May 2013 |
Added new article titled
France "Gives the Gate" to "High Priest of Evil"
from the 17 April 1929 issue of The Journal Final
to the
Articles section. |
April 2013 |
Added new article titled
The Late Leila Waddell
(Leila Waddell)
from the 21 September 1932 issue of the Sydney
to the
Articles section. |
April 2013 |
Added new article titled
News of Several Artists (Leila Waddell)
from the 18 February 1911 issue of the Sydney
Morning Herald
to the
Articles section. |
April 2013 |
Added new article titled
Review of The Equinox, Volume I, No. 7
from the 1912 issue of the English Review
to the
Articles section. |
April 2013 |
Added new article titled
Review of Ambergris
from the 1911 issue of the English Review
to the
Articles section. |
April 2013 |
Added new article titled
Art In America
from the
23 November 1913 issue of the Chicago Daily
to the
Articles section. |
April 2013 |
Added new article titled
The Journal of Arnold Bennett
from the
21 July 1932 issue of the Marietta Journal
to the
Articles section. |
5 April 2012 |
Upgraded Text,
Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Title Page Graphic,
Limitation Page Graphic,
Advertisement Page Graphic - 1 and
Advertisement Page Graphic - 2
for Victor Neuburg's
Triumph of Pan. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
Review of
The Mothers Tragedy
from the
23 August 1901 issue of the Evening Post
to the
Articles section. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
"Lord Boleskine's" Wife Secures Divorce
from the
23 November 1909 issue of the Derby Daily
to the
Articles section. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
Black Masses are Now Banned in Brighton
from the
3 April 1948 issue of the Sydney Morning Herald
to the
Articles section. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
Blasphemous Rites
from the
15 April 1934 issue of the Sunday Mail
to the
Articles section. |
March 2013 |
Added text for
Frater Achad's article titled
Gambling with the World
from the
June 1923 issue of The Occult Press Review. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
Cat Killed as Sacrifice
from the
14 April 1934 issue of the Daily News
to the
Articles section. |
March 2013 |
Added new
article by Aleister Crowley titled
On the Kinchin Lay: Mountains or Metaphysics
(Conclusion) from the
3 November 1909 issue of Vanity Fair. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
Life Ends Despite Anti-Death Elixir
from the
2 December 1947 issue of the Oregonian
to the
Articles section. |
March 2013 |
Added new article by Aleister
Crowley titled
Kinchen Lay:
Mountains or
Metephysics (Part 1)
from the
27 October 1909 issue of Vanity Fair. |
March 2013 |
Added new article titled
Ban on Lecturer: Bluebeard's Baby-Killing
from the
5 February 1930 issue of the Daily News
to the
Articles section. |
February 2013 |
Added new article by Aleister
Crowley titled
Kinchen Lay: The
from the
20 October 1909 issue of Vanity Fair. |
February 2013 |
Added new article titled
Aleister Crowley Found Guilty
from the
26 July 1934 issue of the Western Daily Press
to the
Articles section. |
February 2013 |
Added new article by Aleister
Crowley titled
Kinchen Lay: The March
from the
13 October 1909 issue of Vanity Fair. |
February 2013 |
Added new article titled
White and Black Magic
from the
7 November 1934 issue of the Nottingham Evening
to the
Articles section. |
February 2013 |
Added new article titled
Farewell to 666
from the
9 December 1947 issue of the Daily Mirror
to the
Articles section. |
February 2013 |
Added new article titled
Exposing Traffic in DOPE the World's Wickedest EVIL All Over
the Globe TODAY
from the
13 September 1930 issue of the Hamilton Evening
to the
Articles section. |
January 2013 |
Added new article titled
Founding An Irish Republic
from the
7 December 1917 issue of the Freeman's Journal
to the
Articles section. |
January 2013 |
Added new article titled
Charge Against Mr. Crowley
from the
23 June 1934 issue of
the Nottingham Evening Post
to the
Articles section. |
January 2013 |
Added new article titled
Decree Granted Against Eccentric Husband
from the
28 November 1909 issue of Lloyd's Weekly News
to the
Articles section. |
January 2013 |
Added new article titled
"Beast 666" Cult Chieftain, Loses Defamation Suit
from the 6 September 1934 issue of the Republic
to the
Articles section. |
January 2013 |
Added new article titled
Occultism Dressed in Classic Garb
from the
2 November 1910 issue of the Straits Times
to the
Articles section. |
January 2013 |
Added new articlebtitled
Mystic Ritual and Much Incense
from the
30 April 1911 issue of Lloyd's Weekly News
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article by Aleister
Crowley titled
Frank Harris' Great Book
from the
November 1915 issue of The International. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
Film Mother Stoned in House of Mystics Tells Story of Attack
from the
22 May 1928 issue of the Daily Argus
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
Aleister Crowley Suggests to Change Prussian Blue to Russian
from the
3 July 1915 issue of the Portsmouth Daily Times
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
Exposing the "Evil Eye" in Civilized America
from the
4 August 1929 issue of the Ogden Standard Examiner
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
Irish Republic Declares War on England Despite Police
from the
18 July 1915 issue of the New York Herald
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
from the
22 August 1901 issue of The Nation
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
Men Possessed of the Devil
from the
4 January 1918 issue of the Pakenham Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
December 2012 |
Added new article titled
Saved From Drug Slavery By A London "Bobby's" Hand
from the
2 December 1923 issue of the Galveston Daily News
to the
Articles section. |
November 2012 |
Added new article titled
Actress Takes Exception To Criticism of Movies
from the
29 July 1917 issue of the Chemist and Druggist
to the
Articles section. |
November 2012 |
Added new article titled
From Various Courts
from the
29 May 1911 issue of the Galveston Daily News
to the
Articles section. |
November 2012 |
Added new article titled
Jepthah and Other Mysteries (Review)
from the
20 July 1899 issue of the Glasgow Herald
to the
Articles section. |
3 November 2012 |
Added the
Sale Catalog of Aleister Crowley Books from the John Quinn
Collection auctioned by the Anderson Galleries on 14
November 1923
to the
Articles section. |
26 October 2012 |
Added new article by Aleister Crowley titled
The Visit of Mr. Mencken
from the
August 1922 issue of the English Review. |
6 October 2012 |
Upgraded Text,
Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Turned-In Cover Detail Graphic
Why Jesus Wept 5th Impression. |
September 2012 |
Added new item titled
Perils of Mountaineering
from the
15 September 1905 issue of the Lichfield Mercury
to the
Articles section. |
15 September 2012 |
Added new article by Aleister Crowley titled
Near Poetry:
Mr. George Santayana
from the
October 1917 issue of Pearson's Magazine. |
September 2012 |
Added new item titled
Varsity Chess Match: Success of Oxford
from the
3 April 1897 issue of the London Daily Mail
to the
Articles section. |
2 September 2012 |
Cover Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Endsheet Graphic
for State (a) of the 1908 Arden Press edition of
Amphora. |
2 September 2012 |
Cover Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
for State (b) of the 1908 Arden Press edition of
Amphora. |
August 2012 |
Added new item titled
Not Without Humour regarding
Crowley's introduction to Henry Clifford Stuart's book A
Prophet In His Own Country from the 10 August 1916 issue of
the New Age
to the
Articles section. |
August 2012 |
Added new item titled
The Angel Child Who "Saw Hell" and Came Back from the
19 August 1928 issue of The Salt Lake Tribune
to the
Articles section. |
11 August 2012 |
Added new item
for Playing the Game of Tarocchi
attributed to Aleister Crowley by J.F.C. Fuller. |
3 August 2012 |
Added new book review titled
Frank Harris Reveals Oscar Wilde
from the August 1916 issue of the International
to the
Book Reviews of the Beast section. |
20 July 2012 |
Added new item titled
Here's the Man Who Invented Pirate
from the 11 March 1917 issue of the Washington
to the
Articles section. |
14 July 2012 |
Upgraded text,
Cover Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Publisher's Note
for the 1905 edition of
Alice: An Adultery. |
29 June 2012 |
Added new item titled
Hounding the King of the Devil Cults Around the Globe from the
22 April 1928 issue of the Ogden Standard-Examiner
to the
Articles section. |
22 June 2012 |
Added new item titled
Master Magician Reveals Weird Supernatural Rites from the
20 December 1914 issue of The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
15 June 2012 |
Upgraded text,
Cover Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Cover Graphic
for the 1903 edition of
Alice: An Adultery. |
9 June 2012 |
Added new item titled
Magical Elixir To Make You Young
from the 6 October 1932 issue of the Nottingham Evening
to the
Articles section. |
1 June 2012 |
The Banned Lecture. |
26 May 2012 |
Added new item titled
The Fatalities at Beachy Head: An Interview with Mr.
Aleister Crowley
from the 8 July 1899 issue of the Pall Mall Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
26 May 2012 |
Added new item titled
The Dangers of Beachy Head
(A response to the Aleister Crowley interview on 8 July
from the 11 July 1899 issue of the Pall Mall Gazette
to the
Articles section. |
20 May 2012 |
Added new article on
Collecting Aleister Crowley Books by Harry W.
Schwartz from his 1934 book The Book Collecting Racket:
A Few Notes on the Abuses of Book Collecting
to the
Articles section. |
11 May 2012 |
Upgraded Text,
Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic
Title Page Graphic
Why Jesus Wept 2nd Impression. |
6 May 2012 |
Added new article by Aleister Crowley titled
Near Poetry: Thoughts on Blank Verse with Special
Reference to Mr. Robert Frost
from the
August 1917 issue of Pearson's Magazine. |
28 April 2012 |
Songs for Italy (2nd Edition). |
5 April 2012 |
Scientific Solution to the Problem of Government. |
29 March 2012 |
Cover Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Title Page Graphic
Temperance: A Tract for the Times. |
23 March 2012 |
Added new item titled
Aleister Crowley: Mystic and Mountain Climber from the
June 1915 issue of Vanity Fair
to the
Articles section. |
16 March 2012 |
Upgraded Text
Cover Graphic
Mr. Crowley and the Creeds. |
9 March 2012 |
Added new item titled
Aleister Crowley,
Poet and Mystic from the April
1945 issue of The Occult Review
to the
Articles section. |
3 March 2012 |
Upgraded Text,
Cover Graphic,
Spine Graphic,
Rear Cover Graphic,
Title Page Graphic,
Note to Page 75 & 76 Graphic
Further Note Graphic
Why Jesus Wept 1st Impression. |
24 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
A Sensuous Libel On Civilised Morals
from the 23 September 1922 issue of The Mirror
to the
Articles section. |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
White Men--Black Magic from
the 25 October 1933 issue of The World's News
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Devoted His Life to Evil and Sex
from the 3 November 1951 issue of the Mirror
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Worst Man in Worlds Leaves £18 from the 2 March
1949 issue of The Mercury
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Claimed to be "Invisible Man"
from the 5 December 1947 issue of The Courier-Mail
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Black Magician's Curse
from the 5 December 1947 issue of The Examiner
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Wickedest Man in Britain Dies at 72
from the 4 December 1947 issue of The Examiner
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Black Magic: Dismissal of Appeal
from the 29 December 1934 issue of the Examiner
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Depraved Book
from the 24 September 1934 issue of the Morning Bulletin
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Black Magic: Improper Paintings
from the 16 April 1934 issue of the Morning Bulletin
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
19 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Black Magic Alleged in Libel Case
from the 19 April 1934 issue of The Queenslander
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
10 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Black Magic Alleged
from the 16 April 1934 issue of the Evening Post
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
9 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
The Black Art Is Practised To-day
from the 3 September 1932 issue of the Evening Post
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
9 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Ghosts and Other Mysteries
from the 2 May 1931 issue of The West Australian
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
9 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Black Magic Charges Shock Judge
from the 14 April 1934 issue of The Mail
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
5 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
The Attempt on Kanchenjunga - History of the Mountain
from the 19 April 1930 issue of The Advertiser
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
5 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
A Difficult Mountain
from the 6 May 1930 issue of the Evening Post
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
5 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Contrasts In Style
from the 6 June 1930 issue of The Sydney Morning Herald
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
4 February 2012 |
Title Page Graphic,
Limitation Page Graphic,
Page 1 Page Graphic,
Advertisements Page 1 Graphic
Advertisements Page 2 Graphic
Khing Kang King. |
4 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Lecturer On Blue-Beard Banned
from the 6 February 1930 issue of The Register News
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
3 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Sister's Love Cult
from My Life In A Love Cult by
Leah Hirsig's sister, published circa 1928
to the
Articles section. |
3 February 2012 |
Added new item titled
Farce in Court
from the 21 June 1911 issue of the Barrier Miner
to the
Articles section. Special Thanks to CSM for
the article! |
12 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Maugham: "The Magician"
from the 3 March 1957 issue of the Trenton Sunday Times
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
12 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
"The Beasts's" Last Curse
from the 11 April 1948 issue of the Oregonian
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
12 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Aspiring City Must Have Motto As Guide
(Frater Achad)
from the 22 January 1921 issue of the Charlotte Sunday
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
12 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Has "Mouth Of Hell" Taken Crowley's Body?
from the 15 February 1931 issue of the Springfield Sunday
Union and Republican
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Reforming the Kidnapped Child; Crown Prince of the Most
Notorious Free-Love Cult
from the 7 December 1924 issue of the Tampa Sunday
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Mystic Shrine Worshipper Is Badly Stoned
from the 26 May 1928 issue of the Rockford
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Why France Finally Kicked Out the High Priest of the Devil
from the 9 June 1929 issue of the Sunday Oregonian
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
A Drug Fiend's Diary
from the 18 July 1923 issue of the Rockford Republic
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Aleister Crowley Paints Dead Souls
from the 14 March 1919 issue of the Jackson Citizen
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Viereck Revisited
from the 1 December 1917 issue of the Winston-Salem
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Pirate Bridge
from the 4 February 1917 issue of the Sunday Oregonian
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Sell Their Souls To Satan
from the 1 December 1929 issue of the Seattle Sunday
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
5 November 2011 |
Added new item titled
Witchcraft In France Gaining In Adherents
from the 1 November 1929 issue of the Rockford
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Incense, Incantations and Ancient Magic
from the 19 March 1916 issue of the Richmond
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Aleister Crowley Has Little Good to Say of American Art But
Looks Ahead from the 7 December
1913 issue of The State
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Magic Catches Women from the 1
January 1911 issue of the Sunday Oregonian
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Revolting New Religion from the 14
November 1910 issue of Daily People
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Brewing and Liquor Interests and German Propaganda
from the 19 May 1919 edition of The U.S.
Congressional Record
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
History Repeats Itself from the
1916 edition of The Rose Cross Order
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
The Society of the Equinox from
the 1911 edition of the Americana Supplement
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
The Elusive Rites of Eleusis: The Rite of Saturn
from the 26 October 1910 issue of Sketch
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
A Rosicrucian Society in England
from the 4 May 1910 issue of the Salt Lake Evening
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
28 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Are You Foolish: Then Start A New Religion in London
from the 18 September 1910 issue of the Cleveland Plain
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
21 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Rascal's Regress
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
21 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Startling Revelations of Weird, Mysterious Cults that have
Broken Out Around the Globe
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
21 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Latest "Black Magic" Revelations about Nefarious American
"Love Cults"
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
21 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Confessions of a High Priestess #1
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
21 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Confessions of a High Priestess #2
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
21 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Aleister Crowley Leaves for Russia
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
15 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Men of Mystery - Aleister Crowley
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
15 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
The Real Aleister Crowley
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
9 October 2011 |
Added entry for the 1945 (?) Ryerson
Press, Toronto issue of Crowley's
of a Drug Fiend. |
8 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipper's Mystic Love
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
8 October 2011 |
Added new item titled
Amazing Saga of the Flaming Love Cult of Beast 666
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
30 September 2011 |
Added new item titled
Temple of Love
to the
Newspaper Articles section. |
24 September 2011 |
Upgraded and added Graphics for the
Title Page,
Limitation Page and
Detail for Turned-In Wrapper for
Aceldama. |
18 September 2011 |
Added a
New Section
to the site containing nearly 200 Newspaper Articles by, and
about, Aleister Crowley. |
27 August 2011 |
Added Graphics for the
Rear Cover and
Family Photograph from
Rosa Decidua. |
12 August 2011 |
Text to follow the original 1909 edition and added Graphics for the
Divisional Title 1,
Divisional Title 2,
Divisional Title 3,
Notice to Zealator,
Notice to Practicus, and
Notice to Philosophus for Crowley's
(Holy Book - Volume 3). |
12 August 2011 |
Text to follow the original 1909 edition and added Graphics for the
Title Page, and
Notice to Neophyte for Crowley's
(Holy Book - Volume 2). |
12 August 2011 |
Text to follow the original 1909 edition and added Graphics for the
Divisional Title 1,
Divisional Title 2, and
Notice to Probationer for Crowley's
(Holy Book - Volume 1). |
16 July 2011 |
Added Graphics for the
Errata/Limitation Page and
Page 1 from
Berashith. |
16 July 2011 |
for Crowley's
Fun of the Fair |
30 June 2011 |
Added entry and
Text for Crowley's
German View of War from the 26 January 1915 issue
of the Telegraph-Herald. |
30 June 2011 |
Added entry and
Text for Crowley's
Views of the War from the 29 January 1915 issue of
the Telegraph-Herald. |
22 June 2011 |
Added Graphics for the
Cover and
Title Page from
The Honourable Adulterers. |
22 June 2011 |
Added Graphics for the
Cover and
Title Page from
Poem. |
21 June 2011 |
Added Graphics for the
Title Page and
Dedication Page from
Good Sir Palamedes. |
20 June 2011 |
Added Graphics for the
Rear Cover,
Title Page,
Half Title and
Contents Page from
Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden. |
14 June 2011 |
Added Graphic for
Advertisement from the Occult Review for
Book 4, Part I. |
14 June 2011 |
Added Graphics for
Front and
Rear of Prospectus/Announcement for Crowley's
Olla. |
10 May 2011 |
Text for Victor Neuburg's
Poet Returns |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic
and new page for
Penseur published 25 March 1904 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic
and new page for
Nabuchadnosor published
5 February 1904 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic
and new page for
Bourgeois de Calais published 19 November 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic
and new page for
Baiser published 12 November 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Eve published
5 November 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Indicent published 6 August 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Main de Dieu published 30 July 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
1 April 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Vielle Heaulmiθre published 9 July 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
29 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
deux Gιnies published 2 July 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
29 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
and Francesca published 25 June 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
15 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Fortune published 18 June 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
15 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Illusion published
11 June 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
15 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
and Pan published 4 June 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
9 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
de Femme published 28 May 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
9 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Poem Graphic for
Rodin published
21 May 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
4 March 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Hermit's Hymn - Graphic 1 and
Hermit's Hymn - Graphic 2 for
Hermit's Hymn to Solitude published 2 April 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
25 February 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic,
Triads - Graphic 1 and
Triads - Graphic 2 for
Triads of Despair published 12 March 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
22 February 2011 |
Contents Page Graphic, and
Page 5 Graphic for
To Auguste Rodin published 5 February 1903 in a
periodical called The Weekly Critical Review. |
4 February 2011 |
for Frater Achad's
Egyptian Revival. |
29 December 2010 |
and entry for
- Thoth Tarot Card Exhibition Catalog
used for the first exhibition of the Thoth
tarot cards in 1941. |
29 December 2010 |
and entry for
- Thoth Tarot Card Exhibition Catalog
used for the second and third exhibitions of
the Thoth tarot cards in 1942. |
29 December 2010 |
Added several reviews to Crowley's
in America. |
26 December 2010 |
Title Page-Graphic and entry for
World On Fire, which contains an edited version of
Honesty is the Best Policy. |
26 December 2010 |
Cover-Graphic and entry for
in America, letter from Crowley to the Editor of
Reedy's Mirror. |
26 December 2010 |
Added an additional review for
from The English Review, 1911. I believe
this review was written by Aleister Crowley himself using
the alias
Storer. |
26 December 2010 |
Added an additional review for
and Other Mysteries
from The Nation dated 16 November 1899. |
23 December 2010 |
and entry for
Face published in
Pearson's Magazine in
September 1920. |
11 December 2010 |
Page 1 Graphic,
Page 2 Graphic,
Page 3 Graphic,
Page 4 Graphic, and entry for
True Methods and the False published October 1917
in the Physical Research Review. |
11 December 2010 |
and entry for
A Study in Nerves published in What's On? in
2, 9,and 16 January 1909. |
11 December 2010 |
Added 10 new graphics to
Equinox of the Gods published in 1936. |
11 December 2010 |
Added 11 new graphics to
Residence. |
11 December 2010 |
Added four new graphics to
and Other Mysteries. |
11 December 2010 |
Added five new graphics to
Olla. |
11 December 2010 |
Added two new graphics to
of Solitude - Volume I. |
10 December 2010 |
Title Page,
Dedication Page and
Advertising Page graphics for
God Eater. |
10 December 2010 |
Added a 1912 review from The English
Review for
The Equinox,
Volume I, Number 7. |
10 December 2010 |
Cover-Graphic and entry for
for Orpheus published 18 October 1915 in a New York
periodical called The Bang. |
10 December 2010 |
Cover-Graphic and entry for
Rondel published 6 September 1915 in a New York
periodical called The Bang. |
6 December 2010 |
Cover-Graphic and entry for
a poem published 16 August 1915 in a New York periodical
called The Bang. |
5 December 2010 |
Cover-Graphic and entry for
Dome a poem published 9 August 1915 in a New York
periodical called The Bang. |
30 November 2010 |
Added graphic for
Spine plus improved graphics for
Cover and
Title Page from
Mother's Tragedy |
29 November 2010 |
Added graphic for
Info Form,
Info Page 1
Info Page 2 from
4, Part II |
29 November 2010 |
Added graphic for
Order Form for "Magick" and
Pricing Page from
4, Part I |
29 November 2010 |
Added graphic for
Advertisement Page and
Another Cover from
Argonauts |
15 November 2010 |
Added graphic for a prospectus (Obverse
Reverse) for
Fun of the Fair |
15 November 2010 |
graphic for
an order form for
Jesus Wept |
6 October 2010 |
Added graphics for 12 engravings, errata
and possible binding variant for
Poems in Prose |
13 September 2010 |
and entry for
Open Letter to Lord Beaverbrook |
13 September 2010 |
Added entry for
Brief |
13 September 2010 |
Added entry for
Zeugnis Der Suchenden |
13 September 2010 |
Added entry for
um Thelema |
11 September 2010 |
and entry for Aleister Crowley's
Island Nations Must Yield to Continent Civilization |
11 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Happy Nightingale, Sing |
11 September 2010 |
and entry for Aleister Crowley's
Latest Submarine Outrage |
11 September 2010 |
and entry for
What Sweet Name which contains one contribution by
Crowley. |
11 September 2010 |
and entry for
Dictionary of Similes which contains one
contribution by Crowley. |
11 September 2010 |
Added a review from the 19 April 1912 issue
of T.P.'s Weekly to Crowley's
The Equinox, Volume I, Number 7. |
10 September 2010 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Against Normal Way of Giving Anesthetics |
10 September 2010 |
Text and for Aleister Crowley's
Apology |
10 September 2010 |
Added a review from the September 1912 issue
of The Poetry Review to Crowley's
Sir Palamedes. |
10 September 2010 |
Added a review from the The Occult
Review to Crowley's
The Equinox
Volume I, Number 4. |
10 September 2010 |
Added a review from the 20 January 1900 issue
of Literature to Crowley's
An Appeal to the American Republic. |
10 September 2010 |
Added reviews from the 6 May 1899 issue
of Literature and the 3 February 1899 issue of The
Bookseller to Crowley's
Songs of the Spirit. |
10 September 2010 |
Added a review from the 3 September 1904
issue of The Academy and Literature to Crowley's
The Argonauts. |
10 September 2010 |
Added a review from the January-June 1914 issue
of The Poetry Review to Crowley's
Ambergris. |
5 September 2010 |
Text and entry for Aleister Crowley's
April 1929 letter to the editor of The Tribune. |
5 September 2010 |
Added a distribution list for the 11
special copies Crowley had printed of
Heart of the Master |
5 September 2010 |
Added a review from the August 1912 issue
of The Open Court to Crowley's
The Equinox Volume I, Number 1. |
5 September 2010 |
Added a review from the 4 December 1901
issue of The Oxford Magazine to both the
1901 and
1907 editions of Crowley's The Mother's Tragedy. |
4 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Disaster |
4 September 2010 |
Text and entry for Aleister Crowley's
Sonnet of Spring Fashions |
4 September 2010 |
Text and entry for Aleister Crowley's
of the Mutability of Human Affairs |
4 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Bourgeois de Calais |
4 September 2010 |
Text and entry for Aleister Crowley's
of Whist |
4 September 2010 |
Text and entry for Aleister Crowley's
of Summer Joys |
4 September 2010 |
Text and entry for Aleister Crowley's
of Bad Verses |
4 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
X, the Great Unknown |
4 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Against Normal Way of Giving Anesthetics |
4 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Oriental Mind |
4 September 2010 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Curious Kind of Lightning |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
the Kinchin Lay: IV. Mountains or Metaphysics |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
the Kinchin Lay: III. The March |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
the Kinchin Lay: II. Bandoblast |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
the Kinchin Lay: I. Prospect and Retrospect |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
New Parsifal, Wilhem II |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Climb: Ready to Ascend Kinchinjunga |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Curious Kind of Lightning |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Apology |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Triads of Despair |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
XI: An Indicent (Ruede l'Univesitι) |
3 September 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
X: La Main de Dieu |
31 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
IX: La Tentation de Saint-Antoine |
31 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
VIII: La Vielle Heaulmiθre |
31 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
VII: Les deux Gιnies |
31 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
VI: Paolo and Francesca |
31 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
V: La Fortune |
31 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
IV: Illusion |
30 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
III: Syrinx and Pan |
30 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
II: Tκte de Femme (Luxembourg) |
30 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
I: Eve |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry and
Text for Aleister Crowley's
the Management of Blondes |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry and
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Devi |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Ballad of Burdens |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
To Auguste Rodin |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
in the Quarter Montparnasse |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Yogi |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Mystic |
28 August 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Rodin |
14 August 2010 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
"Masters" Menace |
14 August 2010 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Ridiculous Accusation |
6 August 2010 |
Added expanded
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Wanderings in Search of the Absolute |
6 August 2010 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Called Me A Renegade |
6 August 2010 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
Magician of Loch Ness |
12 February 2010 |
for Frater Achad's
The Anatomy of the Body of God |
5 February 2010 |
for Frater Achad's
XXXI Hymns to the Star
Goddess Who Is Not |
23 January 2010 |
Added the beginnings of a
of Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones) |
23 January 2010 |
Added entry and
Text for Victor Neuburg's defense of Aleister
Crowley in a letter to the editor published in the
24 August
1930 issue of The Freethinker.
13 January 2010 |
Added Title Page
Graphic for Aleister Crowley's
Jezebel |
9 January 2010 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Hermit's Hymn to Solitude (Weekly Critical Review) |
3 January 2010 |
Added entry plus graphics for the
Musical Score and
Cover for Aleister Crowley's musical collaboration
with Tod B. Galloway,
Muted Strings |
3 January 2010 |
for Aleister Crowley's translation of
Muted Strings that appeared in Vanity Fair |
20 December 2009 |
Text and graphics for
Front Cover,
Rear Cover,
Crowley's Text, and Question
for Aleister Crowley's contribution to
Take Sides on the Spanish War |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
from a Lost Portfolio |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
the Mask from England |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
or Germany? |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
is the Best Policy - Part I |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
is the Best Policy - Part II |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
of the Submarine |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
of the Fatherland |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
vs. Culture |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
in the Cabinet |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
the Front - Part I |
18 December 2009 |
of the article published in The Fatherland for Crowley's
the Front - Part II |
12 December 2009 |
Text for Aleister Crowley's
contributions to the book
and Climbs Around Arolla |
12 December 2009 |
Graphic for
a cover variant for Aleister Crowley's
and Climbs Around Arolla |
14 November 2009 |
Graphic for Aleister Crowley's
OZ Postcard |
14 November 2009 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Pamphlet |
14 November 2009 |
Text for Victor Neuburg's
Larkspur |
2 November 2009 |
Front Cover,
Spine, and
Title Page Graphics for Victor Neuburg's
Triumph of Pan |
31 October 2009 |
Text and
Graphic for Aleister Crowley's
Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post
explaining that he is not the author "Stuart X." |
10 October 2009 |
Text for Victor Neuburg's
of the Groves |
3 October 2009 |
Text and entry for the Portuguese translation Aleister Crowley's
to Pan |
3 October 2009 |
Text and
Graphic for Aleister Crowley's
Hokku contribution to
Women |
29 September 2009 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Orgy of Cant (Continental Times) |
26 September 2009 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Appeal to the American Republic (Cambridge
Magazine) |
26 September 2009 |
Added entry and
text for Aleister Crowley's French publication of
Balzac |
26 September 2009 |
Added entry and
text for Aleister Crowley's French publication of
Rodin |
19 September 2009 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Letter to the Editor RE:
End of England |
19 September 2009 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
Attitude to the War |
19 September 2009 |
Added entry for Aleister Crowley's
of England |
19 September 2009 |
Text for Victor Neuburg's
Wings: Songs In Sussex |
18 September 2009 |
Interior, and
Rear Graphics for Aleister Crowley's
of Eleusis Flyer |
18 September 2009 |
Interior Page 2, and
Rear Page Graphics for Aleister Crowley's
Stand Fast |
18 September 2009 |
Front Cover,
Interior Page 1,
Interior Page 2, and
Rear Page Graphics for Aleister Crowley's
for Italy |
15 September 2009 |
Front Cover,
Interior Page 1,
Interior Page 2, and
Rear Page Graphics for Aleister Crowley's
Gauloise (Song of the Free French) |
15 September 2009 |
Front Cover,
Interior Page 1,
Interior Page 2, and
Rear Cover Graphics for Aleister Crowley's
to Pan |
12 September 2009 |
Text and
Cover Graphic for Aleister Crowley's
vs. Culture, or, Kant vs. Cant |
12 September 2009 |
Text and
Cover Graphic for Aleister Crowley's
or Germany? Mr. Harris |
29 August 2009 |
Text for Victor Neuburg's
New Diana |
29 August 2009 |
Text for Victor Neuburg's
Green Garland |
28 August 2009 |
Added a Review for
Tale of Archais from
Oxford Magazine (29 November 1899) |
28 August 2009 |
Added a Review for
Argonauts from
Westminster Review
(October 1904) |
28 August 2009 |
Added a Review for
Star and the Garter from
Westminster Review
(November 1904) |
28 August 2009 |
Added a Review for
Residence from
Academy and Literature
(3 December 1904) |
28 August 2009 |
Added Reviews for
Soul of Osiris from The
Critic (September 1901), The Academy
(15 June 1901) and The Westminster Review
(October 1904) |
28 August 2009 |
Added a Review for
of the Spirit from
Oxford Magazine (29
November 1899) |
28 August 2009 |
Added a Review for
A Career
for an Essay from
Longman's Magazine (March 1905) |
28 August 2009 |
Text for
from a Lost Portfolio |
28 August 2009 |
Cover Graphic for
from a Lost Portfolio |
28 August 2009 |
Cover Graphic for
Future of the Submarine |
28 August 2009 |
Cover Graphic for
Great Irish Poet's Indorsement of the Fatherland |
28 August 2009 |
Cover Graphic for
on the Brink of Revolution |
28 August 2009 |
Cover Graphic for
is the Best Policy (Part 2) |
28 August 2009 |
Cover Graphic for
is the Best Policy (Part 1) |
26 August 2009 |
Added Reviews for
and other Mysteries from
The Speaker (August 1899) and The Bookseller
(August 1899) |
26 August 2009 |
Added Reviews for
Mother's Tragedy from The
Academy (October 1901) and The Westminster Review
(October 1901) |
26 August 2009 |
Added Cover Graphic to
Stratagem in the September 1916 issue of Smart Set |
8 August 2009 |
Added Text to Aleister Crowley's
Pseudo-Occultist |
8 August 2009 |
Added New Page for Aleister Crowley's
Vampirism |
5 August 2009 |
Added Text to Aleister Crowley's
Chute |
1 August 2009 |
Added Text to Victor Neuburg's
Birth-Song |
30 July 2009 |
Added Graphics to Aleister Crowley's
for an Essay |
29 July 2009 |
Added Text to Aleister Crowley's
for an Essay |
27 July 2009 |
Added Text to Aleister Crowley's
Moon-Wane |
26 July 2009 |
Added Text to Aleister Crowley's
America |
11 July 2009 |
Added the beginnings of a
of Victor B. Neuburg |
27 June 2009 |
Added Cover Graphic to
Drug |
27 June 2009 |
Added Original Graphic to text of
Drug |
27 June 2009 |
Added Advertising Graphic to Articles
from February 1918 issue of The International |
27 June 2009 |
Added Advertising Graphic to Articles
from January 1918 issue of The International |
27 June 2009 |
Added Advertising Graphic to Articles
from December 1917 issue of The International |
27 June 2009 |
Added Advertising Graphic to Articles
from October 1917 issue of The International |
27 June 2009 |
Added Spine Graphic to
A Prophet In His Own Country |
27 June 2009 |
Added Graphic to
Crime of Edith Cavell |
27 June 2009 |
Added New Page
First - Viereck's American Weekly |
27 June 2009 |
Added Graphics to
Note on Cabell |
27 June 2009 |
Added Text to
Origin of the Game of Pirate Bridge |
27 June 2009 |
Added Text and Graphics to
A Brunette |
27 June 2009 |
Added Text and Graphics to
of Havana |
12 June 2009 |
Added a new section of
Publications to the Bibliography. |
30 May 2009 |
Added Improved Graphics to
Creed of the Thelemites |
30 May 2009 |
Added Graphic to
World Teacher to the Theosophical Society |
30 May 2009 |
Added Graphic to
To Man |
30 May 2009 |
Added Cover Graphic to
27 May 2009 |
Added Text to
The Last Ritual |
26 May 2009 |
Added Cover Graphic to
Career for
an Essay |
15 May 2009 |
Career for
an Essay |
15 May 2009 |
Poetica Erotica |
15 May 2009 |
Added Frontispiece graphic to
Rodin In Rime |
15 May 2009 |
Added Title Page graphic to
Alice: An Adultery - 1905 |
15 May 2009 |
Added Crowley's Astrological Chart
graphic to
The Spirit of Solitude - Volume I |
15 May 2009 |
Added the text of
The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley -
Volume I |
15 May 2009 |
Added the text of
The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley - Volume II |
15 May 2009 |
Added the text of
The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley - Volume III |