Scan of Original Book «« |
Thumbnails |
Title: |
Book 4
(Part I). |

Upper Cover

Lower Cover


Interior Cover

Title Page


Order From for
Book Four - Part II

Advertisement from
the Occult Review |
Variations: |
500 copies printed.4
All edges cut.2
Bound in a black cloth spine with yellow boards.2
Upper cover lettered in black ‘BOOK | 4 | BY : FRATER
:PERDURABO : | AND : SOROR : VIRAKAM | [printed down the
right-hand edge of the upper cover] T∆M 444 | AB | A’.2
5 3/8” x 5 3/8”.2 |
Publisher: |
Wieland and Co.,
3 Great James Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C.1 |
Printer: |
Published At: |
London.1 |
Date: |
No earlier
than fall 1912.4 |
Edition: |
Edition, First Issue. |
Pages: |
x + 94 + 2
pages advertisements.2 |
Price: |
Priced at
four groats or one shilling net.3 |
Remarks: |
Publisher’s address is given as 3 Great James Street, Bedford
Row, London, W.C.1
under the pseudonym of Frater Perdurabo (Aleister Crowley) and Soror Virakam (Mary d’ Este-Sturges). |
Pagination:2 |
Page(s) |
[α-β] |
Blanks |
i] |
Half-title |
ii] |
| NET’. |
iii] |
Title-page |
iv] |
‘Issued by order of | The GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD |
known as the A\A\’ |
[v-vi] |
note by Soror Virakam (Mary d’Este Sturges) |
vii] |
Offer of instruction by Aleister Crowley |
viii] |
Blank |
[ix-x] |
Poetic prologue |
1] |
Divisional title ‘PART I | MEDITATION’ |
2] |
Blank |
[3-20] |
Preliminary remarks |
21] |
Divisional title ‘ASANA’ |
22] |
Blank |
[23-24] |
Text |
Blank |
Illustration "A Good Position for Meditation." |
[25-27] |
Text |
28] |
Blank |
[23-27] |
Text |
28] |
Blank |
29] |
30] |
Blank |
[31-38] |
Text |
39] |
Divisional title ‘YAMA AND NIYAMA’ |
40] |
Blank |
[41-43] |
Text |
44] |
Blank |
45] |
Divisional title ‘PRATYAHARA’ |
46] |
Blank |
[47-51] |
Text |
52] |
Blank |
53] |
Divisional title ‘DHARANA’ |
54] |
Blank |
[55-59] |
Text |
[60] |
Blank |
[61] |
Divisional title ‘DHYANA’ |
62] |
Blank |
[63-76] |
Text |
77] |
Divisional title ‘SAMADHI’ |
78] |
Blank |
[79-94] |
Text |
95] |
Book order form |
96] |
Order form for Book Four, Part II |
Contents: |
- Part I -
- Asana
- Pranayama; and its Parallel in Speech, Mantrayoga
- Yama and Niyama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadi
- Christ Saviour of the World (Frontispiece).
- A Good Position for Meditation. |
Versions: |
Editions: |
Sources: |
1. |
Yorke, A Bibliography of the Works of Aleister Crowley
(Expanded and Corrected by Clive Harper from Aleister
Crowley, the Golden Dawn and Buddhism:
Reminiscences and Writings of Gerald Yorke, Keith
Richmond, editor, The Teitan Press, York Beach, ME,
2011, p. 53. |
2. |
Dianne Frances
Rivers, A Bibliographic List with
Special Reference To the Collection at the University of
Texas, Master of Arts Thesis, The University
of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1967, pp. 96-98. |
3. |
observation of the item. |
4. |
Aleister Crowley with Victor B. Neuburg and Leila
Waddell, Magick, Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, San
Francisco, CA, 2008, pp. 718-719. |
Crowley: |
She was
very unsatisfactory as a clairvoyant; she resented these
precautions. She was a quick-tempered and impulsive woman,
always eager to act with reckless enthusiasm. My cold scepticism
no doubt prevented her from doing her best. Ab-ul-Diz himself
constantly demanded that I should show “faith” and warned me
that I was wrecking my chances by my attitude. I prevailed upon
him, however, to give adequate proof of his existence and his
claim to speak with authority. The main purport of his message
was to instruct me to write a book on my system of mysticism and
Magick, to be called Book Four, and told me that by means
of this book, I should prevail against public neglect. It saw no
objection to writing such a book; on quite rational grounds, it
was a proper course of action, I therefore agreed to do so. But
Ab-ul-Diz was determined to dictate the conditions in which the
book should be written; and this was a difficult matter. He
wanted us to travel to an appropriate place. On this point I was
not wholly satisfied with the result of my cross-examination. I
know now that I was much to blame throughout. I was not honest
either with him, myself or Virakam. I allowed material
considerations to influence me, and I clung—oh triple fool!—to
my sentimental obligations towards Laylah.
We finally decided to do what he asked, though part of my
objection was founded on his refusal to give us absolutely
definite instructions. However, we crossed the passes in a
sleigh to Chiavenna, whence we took the train to Milan. In this
city we had a final conversation with Ab-ul-Diz. I had exhausted
his patience, as he mine, and he told us that he would not visit
us any more. He gave us his final instructions. We were to go to
Rome and beyond Rome, though he refused to name the exact spot.
We were to take a villa and there write Book Four.
— The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. New
York, NY. Hill and Wang, 1969. Pages 677-678.
The idea
was as follows. I was to dictate; Virakam to transcribe, and if
at any point there appeared the slightest obscurity—obscurity
from the point of view of the entirely ignorant and not
particularly intelligent reader; in a word, the average
lower-class man in the street—I was to recast my thoughts in
plainer language. By this means we hoped to write a book well
within the compass of the understanding of even the simplest-minded seeker after spiritual enlightenment.
Part One of Book Four expounds the principles and
practice of mysticism in simple scientific terms stripped of all
sectarian accretion, superstitious enthusiasms or other
extraneous matter. It proved completely successful in this
Part Two deals with the principles and practice of Magick. I
explained the real meaning and modus operandi of all the
apparatus and technique of Magick. Here, however, I partially
failed. I was stupid enough to assume that my readers were
already acquainted with the chief classics of Magick. I
consequently described each Weapon, explained it and gave
instructions for its use, without making it clear why it should
be necessary at all. Part Two is therefore an wholly admirable
treatise only for one who has already mastered the groundwork
and gained some experience of the practice of the art.
The number 4 being the formula of the book, it was of course to
consist of four parts. I carried out this idea by expressing the
nature of the Tetrad, not only by the name and plan of the book,
but by issuing it in the shape of a square 4 inches by 4, and
pricing each part as a function of 4. Part One was published at
4 groats, Part Two at 4 tanners, Part Three was to cost 3 “Lloyd
George groats” (at this time the demagogue was offering the
workman ninepence for fourpence, by means of an insurance
swindle intended to enslave him more completely than ever). Part
Four, 4 shillings. Part Three was to deal with the practice of
Magick, and Part Four, of The Book of the Law with its
history and the Comment; the volume, in fact indicated in the
Book itself, chapter III, verse 39.
— The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. New
York, NY. Hill and Wang, 1969. Page 680.
Reviews: |
hater of mystery-mongering, the late Swami Vivekanandar, gave us
one of the clearest expositions of Raja Yoga extant. Frater
Perdurabo, with virile forcefulness, follows in the footsteps of
his worth predecessor. In taking his readers through the
various stages of Raja Yoga, he develops his theme with a
terseness and lucidity all too rare in this field of
literature. He begins with the assertion of "a secret source of
energy which explains the phenomenon of genius" (in this case
religious genius). Naturally the attainment of Samadhi is not
unattended with danger, and the adventure is not lightly to be
entered on. In Raja Yoga there is no room for half measures:
one must push on relentlessly to success—failure means
disaster. The effect of Samadhi on the mind is tremendous. "It
is the most vivid and catastrophic of all experiences. But the
result of the most transitory flash (of Samadhi or Union) repays
a thousandfold the pains taken to attain it." But of union in
its higher stages we are told that only a few characteristics
can be specified, and that in language that forms no image in
the mind. Those who experience it fail to bring back any
adequate memory. In it "the All is manifested as the One: it
is the universe freed from its conditions. Each part has become
the whole, and phenomenon and noumenon are no longer opposed."
Such is a brief sketch of a noteworthy shillingsworth, which no
student of Raja Yoga should be without."
Review, date unknown.
Book Four. By Frater Perdurabo and Soror Virakam. (Wieland &
Co., 33, Avenue Studios, Fulham Road, S.W.)
The price of this book is not three pence but one
shilling. One is “a” and “a” is one—according to
Qabalistic enumeration. So, in some ways this book may be
described as A.1. Inside we learn that the price is four
groats or one shilling net. Hitherto we had thought that a
groat was worth four pence. Evidently the odd groat
represents a discount of one-fourth of the gross price, which
you can claim when paying the 3 groats or one shilling net.
It is noticeable that everything so far as practicable is “on
the square,” and made subservient to 4. The pages, for
instance, are printed on forms 4 inches by 4 inches.
Presumably the publisher, in sending this book to us for review,
was under the impression that the unlimited genius and talent at
our disposal embraced an expert knowledge of Voodoo, Juju,
Qabalah, and Magic. Indeed, we learn that “Book Four” is but
the precursor of a twin volume on “Magick”—with a K.
Although the authorship of this exotic exudation of esoteric
exegesis is attributed, on the title, to Frater Perdurabo and
Soror Virakam, a note at the beginning tells us that “This book
is intentionally not the work of Frater Perdurabo,” as
“Experience shows that his writing is too concentrated, too
abstruse, too occult, for ordinary minds to apprehend.”
We should shay sho ! The book, then consists of a record
of some disjointed fragments of his (Frater Perdurabo’s)
casual conversation (duly noted by Soror Virakam) which it
is hoped “may prove alike more intelligible and more
convincing.” So mote it be !
So we set our ordinary minds to work with the idea of

After a poem by “Crowley Aha” (Ha-ha !) and a photograph of a
gentleman, whose hair and beard seem to be shouting for the
attention of the barber’s shears; and who appears to be
indulging in a Sitz Bath on the shore of some Grecian Isle—or
who otherwise might easily be mistaken for the “Wild Man of
Borneo” when “out of town”—we come to Part I, entitled
“Meditation, or the way of attainment to Genius or Godhead,
considered as a development of The Human Brain.”
In 18 pages of “Preliminary Remarks” we get the foundation of
the argument and the premises of what is to follow. We learn
that the geniuses who were the accredited founders of the
world’s great religions had one point in common; they went away
beyond human ken (into the wilderness presumably) where they
discovered the secret source of energy which explains the
Phenomenon of Genius. On their return, with this tremendous
power to back them up, they started the revolutions which upset
the existing evil state of things and made multitudes of
disciples. Anyone by following out definite rules can go and do
likewise. An indication of the method is given in the
succeeding chapters on Asana, Pranayama, Yama and Niyama,
Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samahdi. (The Indian names of
certain mental states and conditions.) These are described in
plain English, and evidently are most adapted to the
requirements of those who can afford to leave the hustle of
modern conditions of life, and enter into a retirement
favourable to the indulgence of remaining for hours in some
particularly painful and tortuous attitudes, in the attire which
Nature has bestowed at birth (vide photo of a gent who seems to
be emulating a foetus in its pre-natal moments). Can it be F.
Perdurabo? Finally, students are invited to offer themselves as
probationers for instruction, and must possess certain
books, which can be secured on payment of the modest sum of Six
guineas, $31, or 156 francs. What ho!

A clever book, and well worth a shilling, as it gives you a “run
for your money!”
Thus, the short cut to the attainment of “Genius.” We hope we
may be pardoned for humbly suggesting that a cheaper and quite
as practical a cut, is to become a regular, faithful subscriber
and reader of The African Times and Orient Review.
African Times and Orient Review, Feb.-Mar. 1913, Frater Ad
Infinitum. |