Scan of the Original Book «« |
Thumbnails |
Title: |
Equinox (Volume I, Number III).
The Official Organ of the A\A\ |

Upper Cover
State (a)

Upper Cover
State (b)

Lower Cover
State (b)

State (b)

Title Page

Advertisement from
The Duece and All
by George Raffolovich |
Variations: |
State (a): |
“deluxe edition” subscription copies bound in white
Upper cover stamped in gilt ‘THE EQUINOX’ within a gilt
frame that is crossed horizontally by 16 gilt lines.2
Spine stamped in gilt horizontally across the spine
[within a gilt frame] ‘THE | EQUINOX| [6 horizontal
lines] | VOLUME I | NUMBER III | [8 rules] |
| AN VI’2
edge gilt.5
Deluxe editions were slightly larger than the standard
issue due to the pages not being trimmed.5 |
State (b): |
1000 copies for the early numbers and less (probably
500) for later numbers.3
in decorated papered boards.1
Upper cover has an Equinox “coat of arms” design.2
Brown cloth spine with a printed title label.1
Spine has a paper label lettered in black within a black
|[horizontal rule] | SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, | HAMILTON, KENT
9 1/2” x 7 3/8”. |
Publisher: |
Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co.1 |
Printer: |
& Company, Limited.2
Published At: |
London.1 |
Date: |
1910.2 |
Edition: |
Edition. |
Pages: |
xviii +
332 + 76 (Supplement) + vii advertisements.2 |
Price: |
Priced at
1 guinea6 for the subscriber‘s edition and 5 shillings2 for the
regular edition. |
Remarks: |
The title
page is printed in black and red.2
volume had already been printed and was at the binders when
Crowley received word that MacGregor Mathers had obtained an
injunction to prevent publication. The fifty Deluxe
buckram copies had already been bound and so went out to
subscribers. The remaining ordinary copies were held until
the outcome of the court case was settled. Once the
verdict was rendered in Crowley's favor he had the original
editorial page removed from the ordinary copies and replaced
with a 'cancel' giving details of the court case.7
The editorial contained in the “deluxe edition” subscription
copies is different from the editorial contained in the
“standard” edition. The editorial originally read, at the
bottom of page 1, “Mr. H. Sheridan-Bickers will lecture on
behalf of The Equinox during the year. We shall be glad if
our readers will arrange with him through us to speak in their
towns. Mr. Bickers makes no charge for lecturing, and The
Equinox may assist if desired in meeting the necessary
expenses.” This original editorial was excised and a
modified editorial was tipped into the “standard” edition that,
at the bottom of page 1, now read “Two days after the bound
advance copies of this Number were delivered by the printer, an
order was made restraining publication, continued by Mr. Justice
Bucknill, and dissolved by the Court of Appeal.”
Some of the
“deluxe edition” subscription copies have a color
frontispiece of the Equinox “coat of arms” design which is not
present in the standard editions.4 |
Pagination:2 |
Page(s) |
[i-ii] |
Blanks |
iii] |
The Equinox |
[iv-vii] |
Advertisements |
viii] |
‘£10 REWARD’ |
ix] |
Advertisement |
x] |
page reserved for Official Pronouncements by the
Chancellor of the A\A\’ |
[ xi] |
Half-title |
xii] |
‘The Editor will be glad to consider contributions and
to return such as are unacceptable if stamps are
enclosed for the purpose.’ |
xiii] |
Title-page |
xiv] |
Blank |
xv] |
xvi] |
Blank |
xvii] |
Illustrations |
xviii] |
Blank |
[1-331] |
Text |
[332] |
Blank |
[ 1] |
Divisional title ‘LIBER DCCCCLXIII’ |
[ 2] |
Blank |
[ 3] |
Publication in Class B.’ |
[ 4] |
Illustration |
[ 5] |
| Publication in Class A | A NOTE UPON LIBER DCCCCLXIII’ |
[ 6] |
beginneth the Book of | the Meditations on the |
Twelvefold Adora- | tion, and the | Unity of | GOD.’ |
[7-76] |
Text |
[i-vii] |
Advertisements |
Contents: |
- |
Editorial |
- |
Liber XIII |
- |
- |
The Herb Dangerous—(Part II The Poem Of Hashish. By Charles
Baudelaire. (Translated By Aleister Crowley) |
- |
An Origin |
- |
The Soul-Hunter |
- |
Madeleine |
- |
The Temple Of Solomon The King (Book II—Continued) |
- |
The Coming Of Apollo |
- |
The Brighton Mystery |
- |
Reviews |
- |
The Shadowy Dill-Waters |
- |
Liber DCCCCLXIII—The Treasure-House Of Images.
(Special Supplement) |
- |
Stop Press Reviews |
Illustrations |
- |
The Slopes Of Abiegnus (Facing Page 4) |
- |
The Student (Facing Page 10) |
- |
The Complete Symbol Of The Rose And Cross (Facing Page 210) |
- |
The Elemental Symbols And Cherubic Emblems (Facing Page 212) |
- |
The Lid Of The Pastos (Facing Page 218) |
- |
The Ceiling Of The Vault (Facing Page 222) |
- |
The Floor Of The Vault (Facing Page 222) |
- |
The Circular Altar (Facing Page 222) |
- |
The Rose And Cross (Facing Page 222) |
- |
Triangle Of The Universe (Facing Page 4) |
- |
The Greek
Cross Of The Zodiac (Facing Page 70) |
Versions: |
Editions: |
Sources: |
1. |
Bibliography of the Works of Aleister Crowley”
(Expanded and Corrected by Clive Harper from Aleister
Crowley, the Golden Dawn and Buddhism:
Reminiscences and Writings of Gerald Yorke, Keith
Richmond, editor, The Teitan Press, York Beach, ME,
2011, pp. 53-54. |
2. |
Personal observation of the item. |
3. |
Weiser Antiquarian Books, Catalog # 97, “Aleister
Crowley. Used and Rare Books and Ephemera.” |
4. |
Edward Cornelius, The Aleister Crowley Desk
Reference, The Teitan Press, York Beach, Maine,
2013, p. 110. |
5. |
Weiser Antiquarian Books, Catalog # 26, “Aleister
Crowley Rarities. Books and Manuscripts.” |
6. |
Martin Booth, A Magick Life, Hodder and
Stoughton, London, 2001, p. 266. |
7. |
Keith Richmond, Progradior & the Beast: Frank
Bennett & Aleister Crowley, Neptune Press, London,
England, 2004, pp. 68-69. |
Crowley: |
“The Equinox” should have been, on its merits, a very successful
venture. Frank Harris had generously given me one of the best
stories he ever wrote, “The Magic Glasses”. Fuller had
contributed a gargantuan preface to
Temple of Solomon the King (the title of the story of
my magical career), a series of sublimely eloquent rhapsodies
descriptive of the various possible attitudes towards existence.
There were three important instructions in Magick; the best poem
of its kind that I had so far written, “The Wizard Way”; “At the
Fork of the Roads”, a true and fascinating story of one of my
early magical experiences;
Soldier and the Hunchback ! and ? which I still think one
of the subtlest analyses that has ever been written on ontology,
with its conclusion: that ecstatic affirmation and sceptical
negation are neither of them valid in themselves but are
alternate terms in an infinite series, a progression which is in
itself a sublime and delightful path to pursue. Disappointment
arises from the fear that every joy is transient. If we accept
it as such and delight to destroy our own ideals in the faith
that the very act of destruction will encourage us to rebuild a
nobler and loftier temple from the debris of the old, each phase
of our progress will be increasingly pleasant. “pi alpha mu phi
alpha gamma epsilon pi alpha gamma gamma epsilon nu epsilon tau
omega rho”, “All devouerer, all begetter”, is the praise of Pan.
— The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. New
York, NY. Hill and Wang, 1969. Page 603.
The supplement to the first number of
Equinox is a plain reprint of my Magical Record in
Paris, mentioned above. I have omitted no detail of my doings.
My dinners, my dalliance and my other diversions are described
as minutely as my Magick, my mantras and my meditations. Nothing
of the sort had ever been published before. It is a complete
demonstration of the possibility of achieving the most colossal
results in conditions which had hitherto been considered an
absolute bar to carrying on even elementary work. It proves my
proposition that the efficacy of traditional practices is
independent of dogmatic and ethical considerations; and,
moreover, that my sceptical formulae based on a purely agnostic
viewpoint, and on the facts of physiology and psychology, as
understood by modern materialists, were entirely efficacious.
In summary, let me add that
Equinox was the first serious attempt to put before
the public the facts of occult science, so-called, since
Blavatsky’s unscholarly hotch-poch of fact and fable, Isis
Unveiled. It was the first attempt in history to treat the
subject with scholarship and from the standpoint of science. No
previous book of its kind can compare with it for the perfection
of its poetry and prose; the dignity and sublimity of its style,
and the rigidity of its rule never to make any statement which
could not be proved as precisely as the mathematician exacts. I
confess to being entirely proud of having inaugurated an epoch.
From the moment of its appearance, it imposed its standards of
sincerity, scholarship, scientific seriousness and aristocracy
of all kinds, from the excellence of its English to the
perfection of its printing, upon everyone with ambition to enter
this field of literature.
It did not command a large public, but
its influence has been enormous. It is recognized as the
standard publication of its kind, as encyclopedia without
“equal, son, or companion”. It has been quoted, copied and
imitated everywhere. Innumerable cults have been founded by
charlatans on its information. Its influence has changed the
whole current of thought of students all over the world. Its
inveterate enemies are not only unable to ignore it, but submit
themselves to its sovereignty. It was thus entirely successful
from my personal point of view. I had put a pearl of great price
in a shop window, whose other exhibits were pasted diamonds and
bits of coloured glass for the most part, and at best, precious
stones of the cheaper and commoner kind. From the moment of its
appearance, everyone had to admit — for the most part with
hatred and envy in their hearts — that the sun had appeared in
the slum and put to shame the dips and kerosene lamps which had
lighted it till then. It was no longer possible to carry on
hole-in-the-corner charlatanism as heretofore.
I printed only one thousand and fifty
copies, the odd fifty being bound subscription copies at a
guinea, and the rest in boards at five shillings. Had I sold a
complete edition straight out without any discounts my return
would thus have been three hundred pounds. The cost of
production was nearer four hundred. Similar figures apply to the
other nine numbers. In this way I satisfied myself that no one
could reproach me with trying to make money out of Magick. As a
matter of fact, it went utterly against the grain to take money
at all. When anyone showed interest in my poetry or my magical
writings, the attitude so delighted me that I felt it utterly
shameful to have any kind of commercial transaction with so
noble an individual, and I used, as often as not, to beg him to
accept the book as a present.
— The Confessions of Aleister
Crowley. New York, NY. Hill and Wang, 1969.
Pages 604-605.
To return to
Equinox, there was no question of selling even that
small edition even at that pitiful price. I have never had any
idea of how to do business. I can make plans, both sound and
brilliant; but I cannot force myself to take the necessary steps
to put them into practice. My greatest weakness is that as soon
as I am sure that I can attain any given object, from climbing a
mountain to exploiting a beauty spot, I lose interest. The only
things I complete are those of which (as for instance, poetry
and Magick) I am not the real author but an instrument impelled
by a mysterious power which sweeps me away in effortless
enthusiasm which leaves no room for my laziness, cynicism and
similar inhibiting qualities to interfere.
I did try to get a few booksellers to
Equinox but found myself immediately up against a
blank wall of what I must call Chinese conventionality. I
remember hearing of an engineer in the East who wanted to built
himself a house and employed a Chinese contractor. He pointed
out that the work would be much easier by using bricks of a
different size to that which the man was making. He obeyed, but
a day later went back to the old kind. The engineer protested,
but the man explained that his bricks were of a “heaven-sent”
So I found that the format of
Equinox shocked the bookseller; worse still, it was
not a book, being issued periodically, nor a magazine, being to
big and well produced! I said, “What does it matter? All I ask
you to do is to show it and sell it.” Quite useless.
— The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. New
York, NY. Hill and Wang, 1969. Pages 605-606. |
Reviews: |
From Mssrs Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., London, comes the third
number (5s.), dated March 1910, of that mystical and esoteric
publication, The Equinox, the nature of which, as a
review of “Scientific Illuminism” and the official organ of the
A.A., has already been remarked upon in these columns when its
earlier numbers came out. This number opens with a wholly
occult “Liber XIIL,” or “syllabus of steps upon the path,”
explaining (if that word can be properly used here) the
functions of various officers in some mysterious ritual.
There is an impossible poem by Allister Crowley, entitled “Aha!”
and a continuation of a translation by the same writer of a poem
by Baudelaire. Mr George Raffalovich contributes a story;
there is a continuation of the description of “The Temple of
Solomon the King,” and the number, as a whole, has every
appearance of being likely to satisfy readers who must occupy
themselves, seriously or not, with Rosicrucianism, Buddhism,
Hashish-visions, and, in short, whatsoever is ultimately
—The Scotsman, 4 April 1910.
The new
number of “The Equinox” continues to keep up the tradition of
the earlier numbers as to size, the mystical nature of its
contents, and the unintelligibility of many of its articles. . .
—Review of Reviews, date unknown.
Here is
the weirdest muddle that one could well stumble across in this
most muddled age. . . . Powerfully individualistic, descending
sometimes nearly to the level of the sordid, soaring sometimes
to the heights of genius, the matter could not be reviewed
properly in twenty times the space that we can give it. . . .
Those who are certain of their sanity and the breadth of their
viewpoint should read this magazine when they get the
opportunity. Theosophists will find the few references to
Theosophy anything but complimentary. . . .
—Theosophy in Scotland, date unknown.
Equinox is permanent in its stately size and type, continuous in
its periodical character, permanent—in the value of its
—Vanity Fair, date unknown.
Expensively printed lunacy, astrology, etc., in
oriental-occidental jargon.
—The Literary Guide, date unknown.
It easily
takes rank as the most vigorous swearer and blasphemous in
respectable modern literature. Moreover its swearing and
blasphemy are splendidly done, with immense style and glorious
colouring. Its contributors certainly know how to write,
though occasionally they remind one of certain efforts that have
emanated from lunatic asylums where gorgeousness of imagination
and riotous language are by no means unknown. But
underneath all, there is a huge wealth of knowledge, a few
indications of serious feeling, and a big flow of occult
thought. Yet with all its “illuminism” it is so much of a
mocker that we have before us the figure of a Mephistopheles. .
. . The Equinox is put forth with a certain pomp, its writers
are by no means negligible in competence. All we can say
is that they remind us of Diakkas and Jingles, and occasionally
of Colney Hatch. . . . The reference to black mass and the
chaotic mixture may possibly help to explain the rumours of
devil worship which were persistent not long ago. Perhaps
we have here the key to that dark door. . . .
—The Light, date unknown.
mysterious publication called “The Equinox,” the official organ
of the A\
has just been released upon a long-suffering world. . . . It is
a sort of thing no fellow can understand. One gathers
vaguely out of the confusion that it deals with such things as
Magic, wizardry, mysticism, and so on; but what the special line
is, remains a baffling mystery. . . . From frequent references
to some people called The Brothers of the A\
one gathers that they have a lot to do with this weird venture;
but a grim perusal of an article purporting to explain the Order
. . . leaves one without any real clue as to their identity.
True, the Chief of the Brothers is definitely names, his name
being “V.V.V.V.V.” but five V’s, do not strike one as a name
likely to be well known at any local post office. . . . One gets
all kinds of entertainments in “The Equinox” . . . Poetry gets a
strong show, but it is uncomfortable reading. . . .
—The Morning Leader, date unknown. |