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Titles Arranged Alphabetically

1066, Study of the Ruling Class of England


A Welcome to Jabez Spencer Balfour
Absinthe, The Green Goddess
After Judgment (To Ophelia L_.)
Altered Circumstance, An
American Verdict on the War, The
America's Attitude to the War
An Appeal to the American Republic (Cambridge Magazine)
An Appeal to the Viceroy. In this Supreme Hour of England's Peril.
An Improvement on Psycho-Analysis
Anna of Havana
Another Note on Cabell
Appel Au Bon Sens Francais
Argument that took the Wrong Turning, The
Art and Clairvoyance
Art in America
Art of Lord Dunsany, The
Artistic Temperament, The
At the Feet of Our Lady of Darkness
Attainment of Happiness, The
Attitude of America to the War, The
Auguste Rodin


Ballad of Bad Verses
Ballad of Burdens
Ballade of a Far Country
Ballade of Criticism
Ballad of Summer Joys
Ballade of the Mutability of Human Affairs
Ballade of Ursa and Ursula

Ballade of Whist

Balzac:  A Note
Balzac:  To Auguste Rodin
Barnard’s Lincoln Unvisited
Bathyllus.  To Sliman bin Chirch
Behind the Front (Part I)
Behind the Front (Part II)
Big Game
Billy Sunday
Black Magic is not a Myth
Black Masters’ Menace
Blizzard in the Sahara, A
Blunders of Edward VII, The
Bomb, The
Bonds of Marriage, The
Bourgeois de Calais, Le
Brain-Waves During the Heat-Wave
Burning of Melcarth, The


Camel, The
Camp Fire, The
Cancer?  A Study in Nerves
Cemetery and the Shooting Gallery, The
Chalk Climbing on Beachy Head
Chants Before Battle
Chess Notes
Chez Sherry:  A Prose Poem
Child, The
Chute, The
City of God, The , A Rhapsody
Colloque Sentimental
Concerning Blasphemy
Concerning Death
Conduct of John Briggs, The
Conversion of Austin Harrison, The
Crime of Edith Cavell, The
Crisis in Freemasonry, The
Cross of Seven Points
Curious Kind of Lightning, A


Dangers of Mysticism, The
De Thaumaturgia
Death-Bed Repentance, A
Declaration of Independence, The
Delenda Est Britannia
Discovery of Gneugh-Ioughrck, The
Dome. The
Dr. Waite's "Wicked Man from Egypt"
Drama Be Damned!
Drug, The
Drug Panic, The
Dynamic and Static Concentration (Letter)


Editor Boosts the Next Number, The
Elder Eel:  A Sketch
En Sourdine
End of England, The (The International)
England on the Brink of Revolution
England or Germany?  Mr. Harris
England Speaks
England’s Blind Spot
Epigram, An
Eruption of Aetna, The
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part I)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part II)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part III)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part IV)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part V)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part VI)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part VII)
Expedition to Chogo-Ri, The (Part VIII)
Ezekiel in the Quarter Montparnasse


Felo De Se
Frank Harris, an Attempt at Appreciation
Frank Harris' Great Book
Future of the Submarine, The


Genius of Mr. James Joyce, The
Geomancy by One Who Uses It Daily
German View of War, The
German Views of the War
Gnostic Mass, The
God of Ibreez, The
Gods, The
Good Hunting
Great Climb.  Ready to Ascend Kinchinjumga
Great Climb.  Four Men Killed on Kinchinjunga
Great Drug Delusion, The
Great Irish Poet’s Indorsement, A
Groans from a Padded Cell


Hawk and the Babe, The
Heart of Holy Russia, The
Hearth, The
Henrik Ibsen
Hermit's Hymn to Solitude, The
Hindu at the Polo Ground, A
Hokku, The – A New Verse Form
Hokku Winners, The
Honesty is the Best Policy (Part I)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Part II)
How Horoscopes are Faked
How To Tell an Englishman from an American
How to Write a Novel!  After W. S. Maugham
Humanity First (The International)
Humanity First (Viereck's American Weekly)
Hymn of Orpheus
Hymn for the American People


I Have Killed Them
I Make Myself Invisible
Ideal Idol, The
In the Garden of Pan
In the Red Room of Rose Croix
Irish Flag


Jeremiah in the Quarter Montparnasse
Jew of Fez, The
Jewish Problem Re-Stated, The
Jugging the March Hare


Kangchenjanga:  II.  Bandobast
Kangchenjanga:   III.  The March
Kangchenjanga:  IV.  The Glacier
Kangchenjanga:  V.  Mountains or Metaphysics
Kangchenjanga:  V.  Mountains or Metaphysics (Continued)
King of the Wood, The
Knight-Errant, A Dramatic Miniature


L'Alchimie de Douleur
L'Amour et le Crane
L'Invitation Au Voyage
Latest Submarine Outrage, The
Law of Liberty, The
Le Balcon
Le Revenant
Le Sacrament
Le Vin Des Amants
Le Vin de L'Assassin
Leaves from a Lost Portfolio
Letter to the Editor:  "A Necessary Disclaimer"
Letter to the Editor:  "Bartzabel"
Letter to the Editor:  "Chew Your Food"
Letter to the Editor Re:  "End of England"
Letter to the Editor:  "From Esdras"
Letter to the Editor:  "I am not "Stuart X"
Letter to the Editor: "Ireland as Peace Arbiter"
Letter to the Editor:  "The Kingchinjunga Expedition"
Letter to the Editor:  "Poet and Reviewer"
Letter to the Editor:  "Poetic Justice"
Letter to the Editor:  "Poisoned Bullets"
Letter to the Editor:  "Protests Against Normal Way of Giving Anesthetics"
Letter to the Editor:  "Recovery of Lieutenant Pache's Body"
Letter to the Editor:  "Somewhere in America"
Letter to the Editor:  "Strange Hypnotic Phenomena"
Letter to the Editor:  "The Herb Dangerous"
Letter to the Editor:  "The Secret Doctrine in Israel"
Letter to the Editor:  "Vampirism"
Letter to the Editor:  "Vertebrates and Invertebrates"
Letter to the Editor of the Occult Review
Letter from the Master Therion, A
Lieutenant Finn's Promotion
Lifting the Mask from England
Listen to the Bird Man
Love and Laughter
Love and Time
Love is One
Love Lies Bleeding


Magician of Loch Ness, The
Man in the Yellow Robe, The
Mantra Yogi
Mass of St. Secaire, The
Master of Maths
Message of the Master Therion
More War Poetry
Murder in X Street, The (Part I)
Murder in X Street, The (Part II)
Murder in X Street, The (Part III)
Murder in X Street, The (Part IV)
The Murder in X Street (Part V)
Muse, The
My Wanderings in Search of the Absolute
Mystic, The
Mystics and Their Little Ways


Near Poetry:  Mr. George Santayana
Near Poetry:  Thoughts on Blank Verse with Special Reference to Mr. Robert Frost
New Heaven and a New Earth
New Parsifal, A (Continental Times)
New Parsifal, The (Open Court)
Noisy Noise Annoys an Oyster, A
Nonsense About Vers Libre, The
Not Good Enough


Old Man of the Peepul-Tree, The
On A Burmese River (Part I)
On A Burmese River (Part II)
On A Burmese River (Part III)
On A Burmese River (Part IV)
On A Burmese River (Part V)
On A Burmese River (Part VI)
On the Edge of the Desert
On the Kinchin Lay: Prospect and Retrospect
On the Kinchin Lay:  Bandobast
On the Kinchin Lay:  The March
On the Kinchin Lay:  Mountains or Metaphysics
On the Kinchin Lay:  Mountains or Metaphysics (Pioneer Mail)
On the Management of Blondes
Open Letter to General White, An
Open Letter to the National Suffrage Movement
Orgy of Cant, An (The Open Court)
Orgy of Cant, An (The Continental Times)
Oriental Mind, The
Origin of the Game of Pirate Bridge, The
Ouija Board, The – A Note
Outside the Bank’s Routine


Pax Hominibus Bonae Voluntatis
Pentagram, The
Perfect Pianissimo, A
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Mackaye
Pirate Island Nations Must Yield to Continent Civilization
Poem, A
Poetry Society in Madagascar, A ?
Priestess of the Graal, The
Prize Winners of the Hokku Contest, The
Professor and the Plutocrat, The
Prose Poem
Prose Poems
Pseudo-Occultist, The
Purple Mandarin, The


Rabindranath Tagore, Sir
Rake’s Progress, The
Ratan Devi:  Indian Singer
Revival of Magick, The (Part I)
Revival of Magick, The (Part II)
Revival of Magick, The (Part III)
Revival of Magick, The (Part IV)
Riddle, A
Ridiculous Accusation, A
Rites of Eleusis, The
Rites of Eleusis, The, Their Origin and Meaning
Robbing Miss Hornimann
Robbing the Poor Man of His Beer?
Rock, The
Rodin I:  Eve
Rodin II:  Tête de Femme (Luxembourg)
Rodin III:  Syrinx and Pan
Rodin IV:  Illusion
Rodin V:  La Fortune
Rodin VI:  Paolo and Francesca
Rodin VII:  Les deux Génies
Rodin VIII:  La Vielle Heaulmière
Rodin IX:  La Tentation de Saint-Antoine
Rodin X:  La Main de Dieu
Rodin XI:  An Incident (Ruede l'Université)
Rondel, A


Saviour, The
Sekhet (Shall it be claws or paws today)
Sekhet (Eatest thou me, O Sekhet. . . .)
Septennial, A
Sevenfold Sacrament, The
Siegfried Finale, The
Sinn Fein
Silent Partner, The
Six Little Poems in Prose
Skeletons in the Cabinet
Sonnet, A
Sonnet of Spring Fashions, A
Soul of the Desert, The
Spoils to the Strong!
Star-Spangled Banner, The
Stratagem, The (The English Review)
Stratagem, The (The Smart Set)
Stuart X, the Great Unknown
Suffragette:  A Farce
Sweet Reasonableness


Tent, The
They Called Me a Renegade
Third Liberty Loan, The
Three Great Hoaxes of the War (Vanity Fair)
Three Great Hoaxes of the War (The Lone Hand)
Three Little Poems in Prose
Titanic Disaster
To America
To A Brunette
To a New Born Child
Tout Entiere
Triads of Despair, The
True Methods and the False, The
Two Secrets, The


Vain Tale: With A Madman on the Alps
Vampire, The
Vampire Women
Vanity Fair’s Prize Movie Scenario
Villon's Apology (On Reading Stevenson's Essay)
Vision of the Eucharist, A
Visit of Mr. Mencken, The


Wanted – Moderate Men
War Poetry
We Stand Above
What’s Wrong with the Movies?
With Muted Strings (translation in Vanity Fair)
With Muted Strings (Musical Score)
Wonderful Teaching, The
“Worst Man in the World", The

Titles Arranged by Year Published



A Welcome to Jabez Spencer Balfour
Chess Notes


Chalk Climbing on Beachy Head


Ballade of the Mutability of Human Affairs
Ballad of Bad Verses
A Sonnet of Spring Fashions


Ballade of a Far Country
The Siegfried Finale
Ballade of Ursa and Ursula

Ballade of Whist

Ballade of Criticism

Ballad of Summer Joys
An Appeal to the American Republic (Cambridge Magazine)


Ballad of Burdens


Balzac:  To Auguste Rodin
The Triads of Despair
Hermit's Hymn to Solitude, The
Rodin II:  Tête de Femme (Luxembourg)
Rodin III:  Syrinx and Pan
Rodin IV:  Illusion
Rodin V:  La Fortune
Rodin VI:  Paolo and Francesca
Rodin VII:  Les deux Génies
Rodin VIII:  La Vielle Heaulmière
Rodin IX:  La Tentation de Saint-Antoine
Rodin X:  La Main de Dieu
Rodin XI:  An Incident (Ruede l'Université)
Rodin I:  Eve
Le Bourgeois de Calais
Le Baiser


Le Penseur
Letter to the Editor - Poet and Reviewer


Great Climb.  Ready to Ascend Kinchinjumga
Great Climb.  Four Men Killed on Kinchinjunga
On the Kinchin Lay:  Prospect and Retrospect
On the Kinchin Lay:  Bandobast
On the Kinchin Lay:  The March
On the Kinchin Lay: Mountains or Metaphysics
On the Kinchin Lay:  Mountains or Metaphysics (Pioneer Mail)
Letter to the Editor:  "The Kingchinjunga Expedition"
Letter to the Editor: "Recovery of Lieutenant Pache's Body"
An Appeal to the Viceroy. In this Supreme Hour of England's Peril.


Letter to the Editor:  "Chew Your Food"


The Murder in X Street (Part I)
The Murder in X Street (Part II)
The Murder in X Street (Part III)
The Murder in X Street (Part IV)
The Murder in X Street (Part V)
Letter to the Editor:  "Vertebrates and Invertebrates"
The Pentagram,
Suffragette:  A Farce
Jeremiah in the Quarter Montparnasse
The Man in the Yellow Robe
Vain Tale, With A Madman on the Alps
In the Garden of Pan
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part I)
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part II)
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part III)
Mystic, The
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part IV)
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part V)
Ezekiel in the Quarter Montparnasse
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part VI)
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part VII)
The Expedition to Chogo-Ri (Part VIII)
Bomb, The
The Two Secrets
How to Write a Novel!  After W. S. Maugham


After Judgment (To Ophelia L_.)
Bathyllus.  To Sliman bin Chirch
The Camp Fire
The Hawk and the Babe
The Muse
The Jew of Fez
En Sourdine
L'Alchimie de Douleur
L'Amour et le Crane
L'Invitation Au Voyage
Le Balcon
Le Revenant
Le Vin de L'Assassin
Le Vin Des Amants
Prose Poem
Prose Poems
The Vampire
Tout Entiere
The Drug
Cancer?  A Study in Nerves
On A Burmese River (Part I)
On A Burmese River (Part II)
On A Burmese River (Part III)
On A Burmese River (Part IV)
The Child
On A Burmese River (Part V)
The Mantra Yogi
On A Burmese River (Part VI)
Art of Lord Dunsany, The
Letter to the Editor:  "The Herb Dangerous"
Kangchenjanga:  II.  Bandobast
Kangchenjanga:   III.  The March
Kangchenjanga:  IV.  The Glacier
Kangchenjanga:  V.  Mountains or Metaphysics
Kangchenjanga:  V.  Mountains or Metaphysics (Continued)


The Tent
Dynamic and Static Concentration (Letter)
The Rites of Eleusis
Concerning Blasphemy
The Rites of Eleusis, Their Origin and Meaning


A Blizzard in the Sahara
The Camel
On the Edge of the Desert
The Sevenfold Sacrament
Letter to the Editor of the Occult Review


Villon's Apology (On Reading Stevenson's Essay)
Titanic Disaster
Letter to the Editor:  "A Necessary Disclaimer"


Art in America
Letter to the Editor:  "Strange Hypnotic Phenomena"


The City of God, A Rhapsody
The Stratagem
Letter to the Editor:  "The Secret Doctrine in Israel"
Letter to the Editor:  "Bartzabel"
Letter to the Editor:  "From Esdras"
Letter to the Editor:  "Poetic Justice"
Letter to the Editor: "Poisoned Bullets"
Letter to the Editor:  "Vampirism"
The Pseudo-Occultist
The Soul of the Desert
Chants Before Battle
To America
Wonderful Teaching, The


The End of England (The International)
England or Germany?  Mr. Harris
Honesty is the Best Policy (Part I)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Part II)
German View of War, The
German Views of the War
Frank Harris' Great Book
The Blunders of Edward VII
England on the Brink of Revolution
Letter to the Editor Re:  "End of England"
The Dome
A Rondel
Hymn for Orpheus
Irish Flag
A Great Irish Poet’s Indorsement
A New Parsifal (Continental Times)
The New Parsifal (Open Court)
A Hindu at the Polo Ground
The Hokku – A New Verse Form
The Prize Winners of the Hokku Contest
Lieutenant Finn's Promotion
The Attitude of America to the War
America's Attitude to the War
Appel Au Bon Sens Francais
Billy Sunday
Orgy of Cant, An (The Continental Times)

The Future of the Submarine

Skeletons in the Cabinet
Three Little Poems in Prose
The Declaration of Independence
Behind the Front (Part I)
The Hokku Winners
The Nonsense About Vers Libre
Six Little Poems in Prose
Sweet Reasonableness
The Chute
Colloque Sentimental
Vampire Women
With Muted Strings (translation in Vanity Fair)


Anna of Havana
Behind the Front (Part II)
The Crime of Edith Cavell
Three Great Hoaxes of the War
To A Brunette
Leaves from a Lost Portfolio
Lifting the Mask from England
Vanity Fair’s Prize Movie Scenario
The American Verdict on the War
Mystics and Their Little Ways
The Attainment of Happiness
Ratan Devi:  Indian Singer
On the Management of Blondes
An Improvement on Psycho-Analysis
A Noisy Noise Annoys an Oyster
Stuart X, the Great Unknown
Letter to the Editor:  "Protests Against Normal Way of Giving Anesthetics"
The Stratagem
Cemetery and the Shooting Gallery, The
Orgy of Cant, An (The Open Court)
Letter to the Editor "Ireland as Peace Arbiter"
Letter to the Editor:  "Somewhere in America"
Dr. Waite's "Wicked Man from Egypt"
Letter to the Editor:  I am not "Stuart X"
With Muted Strings (Musical Score)
A Curious Kind of Lightning
The Oriental Mind


Robbing the Poor Man of His Beer?
The Latest Submarine Outrage
Delenda Est Britannia
Pirate Island Nations Must Yield to Continent Civilization
The Origins of the Game of Pirate Bridge
Percy Mackaye
England’s Blind Spot
Sir Rabindranath Tagore
A Death-Bed Repentance
What’s Wrong with the Movies?
Balzac:  A Note
Felo De Se
Listen to the Bird Man
An Open Letter to General White
The Revival of Magick (Part I)
The Revival of Magick (Part II)
The Revival of Magick (Part III)
The Revival of Magick (Part IV)
The Star-Spangled Banner
The True Methods and the False
1066, Study of the Ruling Class of England
Big Game
Brain-Waves During the Heat-Wave
Henrik Ibsen
Open Letter to the National Suffrage Movement
The Purple Mandarin
Sinn Fein
The Argument that took the Wrong Turning
The Artistic Temperament
The Burning of Melcarth
The Discovery of Gneugh-Ioughrck
Groans from a Padded Cell
In the Red Room of Rose Croix
A Letter from the Master Therion
Love is One
New Heaven and a New Earth
The Ouija Board – A Note
A Perfect Pianissimo
Spoils to the Strong!
The Silent Partner
War Poetry
An Altered Circumstance
The Editor Boosts the Next Number
The Hearth
How Horoscopes are Faked
Humanity First
Outside the Bank’s Routine
The Professor and the Plutocrat
The Rake’s Progress
Sekhet (Shall it be claws or paws today)
Art and Clairvoyance
Auguste Rodin
Barnard’s Lincoln Unvisited
Chez Sherry:  A Prose Poem
Concerning Death
The Conduct of John Briggs
Pax Hominibus Bonae Voluntatis
A Riddle
A Septennial
More War Poetry
We Stand Above
Near Poetry:  Mr. George Santayana
Near Poetry:  Thoughts on Blank Verse with Special Reference to Mr. Robert Frost


The Conversion of Austin Harrison
England Speaks
Geomancy by One Who Uses It Daily
The God of Ibreez
The Heart of Holy Russia
The Law of Liberty
Message of the Master Therion
Love Lies Bleeding
Not Good Enough
A Poetry Society in Madagascar?
Absinthe, The Green Goddess
At the Feet of Our Lady of Darkness
De Thaumaturgia
Sekhet (Eatest thou me, O Sekhet. . . .)
A Vision of the Eucharist
Jugging the March Hare
Love and Laughter
The Mass of St. Secaire
A Poem
The Priestess of the Graal
The Third Liberty Loan
Wanted – Moderate Men
The Bonds of Marriage
Elder Eel:  A Sketch
The Gnostic Mass
The Gods
Good Hunting
Hymn for the American People
Knight-Errant, A Dramatic Miniature
Love and Time
The Saviour
Drama Be Damned!
The Ideal Idol
The King of the Wood
The Old Man of the Peepul-Tree
Robbing Miss Hornimann
Le Sacrament
A Sonnet




The Drug Panic
The Great Drug Delusion
The Jewish Problem Re-Stated
Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Crisis in Freemasonry
The Rock
Frank Harris, an Attempt at Appreciation
Visit of Mr. Mencken, The
To a New Born Child


Another Note on Cabell
The Genius of Mr. James Joyce


Epigram, An
Eruption of Aetna, The


The “Worst Man in the World”
I Make Myself Invisible
Black Magic is not a Myth
Black Masters’ Menace
I Have Killed Them
The Magician of Loch Ness
They Called Me a Renegade
A Ridiculous Accusation


Cross of Seven Points


My Wanderings in Search of the Absolute




Master of Maths


The Dangers of Mysticism


How To Tell an Englishman from an American




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