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Limited Editions by Aleister Crowley & Victor B. Neuburg



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» Victor B. Neuburg
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» Aleister Crowley
» Victor B. Neuburg
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The 100th Monkey




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Titles Arranged by Year Published




White Stains


Songs of the Spirit

The Poem




Tale of Archais

The Honourable Adulterers

Jephthah and Other Mysteries

An Appeal to the American Republic



Carmen Saeculare

The Soul of Osiris

The Mother’s Tragedy






New Year, 1903

The God-Eater

Ahab and Other Poems

Alice: An Adultery

The Star and the Garter



Summa Spes



The Star and the Garter

The Sword of Song

In Residence

The Argonauts

The Goetia

Why Jesus Wept (Prospectus)

Why Jesus Wept (1st Impression)

Mr. Crowley and The Creeds

Why Jesus Wept (2nd Impression)

Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden

Alice: An Adultery

Alice: An Adultery (Prospectus)



Songs of the Spirit



Why Jesus Wept (3rd Impression)

Why Jesus Wept (4th Impression)

Why Jesus Wept (5th Impression)

Rosa Mundi

Collected Works (Crowley's Personal Vellum Copy) - 1905-1907

Collected Works (Vol. I) (Essay Competition Edition)

A Career for an Essay



Collected Works (Vol. II) (Essay Competition Edition)




The Mother’s Tragedy


Collected Works (Vol. III) (Essay Competition Edition)

Collected Works (Essay Competition Edition - 3 volumes bound as 1)

Collected Works (Travelers' Edition.)

Rosa Coeli

Rosa Inferni

Rodin in Rime

Konx Om Pax (1st Issue)

Konx Om Pax (2nd Issue)

Konx Om Pax (3rd Issue)

The Star in the West



Amphora (1st Issue)

Amphora (2nd Issue)

Guide to the Walks & Climbs Around Arolla

The Star in the West (Popular Edition)

The Scented Garden (Prospectus) - 1908




The Holy Books (Volume I)

The Holy Books (Volume II)

The Holy Books (Volume III)

Clouds Without Water


The Equinox (Volume I, Number I)

John St. John

Handbook of Geomancy

The Soldier and the Hunchback  ! and ?

The Equinox (Volume I, Number II)



Liber Collegii Sancti

Liber LXI vel Causae

Mr. Aleister Crowley at Home

Mr. Aleister Crowley at Home (Variation)

The World’s Tragedy

Rosa Decidua

The Winged Beetle


The Scented Garden

The Rites of Eleusis

The Rites of Eleusis (Flyer)

The Equinox (Volume I, Number III)

The Equinox (Volume I, Number IV)

The Goetia



Hail Mary

The Equinox (Volume I, Number V)

The Equinox (Volume I, Number VI)

The Whirlpool (Introduction Only)

For Her Namesake

Vision and the Voice, The




Sir Palamedes

Household Gods

The Equinox (Volume I, Number VII)

The Equinox (Volume I, Number VIII)

Book 4 (Part I) (1st Issue)

Book 4 (Part I) (2nd Issue)



The Rosicrucian Scandal

Book 4 (Part II)

The Book of Lies

The Equinox (Volume I, Number IX)

The Equinox (Volume I, Number X)

John Yarker - In Memoriam

Cambridge Poets 1900-1913

The Writing On the Ground

The Tango Song (Sheet Music)

Manifesto of the M\M\M\



Cinnamon Curls (Sheet Music)

Your Grave Grey Eyes (Sheet Music)

Chicago May



The World On Fire



An Open Letter

The Message of the Master Therion

A Prophet In His Own Country  (Intro & Notes)

Stuart X the Man Who Put the OK in Book

A Dictionary of Similes



The Law of Liberty

The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse



The Equinox (Volume III, Number I)

Equinox, The (Volume III, Number I) (Prospectus)

Hymn to Pan

Private and Confidential  (1919?)

Buddhism Pamphlet  (1919?)

Xmas Card



Diary of a Drug Fiend (UK Edition)

Poetica Erotica - 1922 



Diary of a Drug Fiend (American Edition)

Diary of a Drug Fiend (Canadian Edition)

Sing, Happy Nightingale, Sing

Songs for Italy (1st Edition)

Songs for Italy (2nd Edition)



An Open Letter to Lord Beaverbook

To Man



Avenger to the Theosophical Society

Madame Tussaud–Besant

World Teacher to the Theosophical Society



AL Liber Legis

Extenuation of the Book of the Law



Astrology Your Place in the Sun



Little Poems in Prose



Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 1)

The Stratagem and Other Stories

Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Volume I)

Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Volume II)

Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Prospectus)




The Banned Lecture

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 2)

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 3)

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 4)

Magick in Theory and Practice (Subscriber’s Edition)

Astrology Your Place Among the Stars

Mandrake Press Catalog (Works by Aleister Crowley) 1930



Art Exhibition Catalog - Galerie Neumann-Nierendorf



Your Interest in Magick



One Star in Sight



The Equinox of the Gods

The Equinox of the Gods (Prospectus)

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) (Variation)

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) (Variation)



The Equinox of the Gods

The Equinox of the Gods (Subscriber's Edition)

The Equinox of the Gods (Prospectus)

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) (Variation)

Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War

Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government



The Book of the Law

The Heart of the Master

Little Essays Toward Truth

Little Essays Toward Truth (Prospectus)



England, Stand Fast!

Eight Lectures on Yoga

Eight Lectures on Yoga (Prospectus)

Khing Kang King

Temperance:  A Tract for the Times

Liber OZ (Single Sheet)



Thumbs Up!  A Pentagram – A Pantacle to Win the War

Thumbs Up!  Five Poems by the Author of “The V Sign”

Liber OZ (Folded Sheet)

Thoth Tarot Cards Exhibition Catalog



Thumbs Up!  Five Poems by Aleister Crowley (2nd Edition)

Thumbs Up!  Five Poems by Aleister Crowley (2nd Edition)

Liber OZ  (Post Card)

Liber OZ  (Envelope)

La Gauloise.  Song of the Free French

La Gauloise.  Song of the Fighting French

The Fun of the Fair

The Fun of the Fair (Prospectus)

The Book of the Law

Thoth Tarot Cards Exhibition Catalog

The Equinox of the Gods



The Message of the Master Therion

The City of God

The City of God (Prospectus)

The Oriflamme, Vol. I, No. I



The Book of Thoth

The Book of Thoth (Prospectus) (UK)

The Book of Thoth (Prospectus) (US)



The Oriflamme, Vol. I, No. 2




Olla (Prospectus)



The Last Ritual



The Creed of the Thelemites



The Vision and the Voice



The Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw



Magick Without Tears

Magick Without Tears (Prospectus)

Prophet In His Own Country, A  (Introduction)



The Equinox of the Gods



The Book of Wisdom or Folly

Book of Wisdom or Folly, The (Prospectus) - 1961



The Vision and the Voice



The Equinox of the Gods



The Book of Thoth


Titles Arranged Alphabetically


777 - 1909



Aceldama - 1898

Ahab and Other Poems - 1903

AL Liber Legis - 1926

Alexandra – 1909

Alice: An Adultery - 1903

Alice: An Adultery - 1904

Alice: An Adultery (Prospectus)- 1904

Ambergris - 1910

Amphora (1st Issue) - 1908

Amphora (2nd Issue) - 1908

An Appeal to the American Republic - 1899

Argonauts, The - 1904

Art Exhibition Catalog - Galerie Neumann-Nierendorf - 1931

Astrology Your Place Among the Stars - 1930

Astrology Your Place in the Sun - 1927

Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War - 1937

Avenger to the Theosophical Society - 1925



Balzac - 1903

Banned Lecture, The - 1930

Berashith - 1903

Book 4 (Part I) - 1912

Book 4 (Part I) (2nd Issue) - 1912

Book 4 (Part II) - 1913

Book of Lies, The - 1913

Book of the Law, The - 1938

Book of the Law, The - 1942

Book of Thoth, The - 1944

Book of Thoth, The (Prospectus) (UK) - 1944

Book of Thoth, The (Prospectus) (US) - 1944

Book of Thoth, The (Subscription Form) - 1944

Book of Thoth, The - 2007

Book of Wisdom or Folly, The - 1961

Book of Wisdom or Folly, The (Prospectus) - 1961

Buddhism Pamphlet - 1919? 



Cambridge Poets 1900-1913 - 1913

Career for an Essay, A - 1905

Carmen Saeculare - 1901

Chicago May - 1914

Cinnamon Curls (Sheet Music) - Circa 1914

City of God, The - 1943

City of God, The (Prospectus) - 1943

Clouds Without Water - 1909

Collected Works (Crowley's Personal Vellum Copy) - 1905-1907

Collected Works (Vol. I) (Essay Competition Ed.) - 1905

Collected Works (Vol. II) (Essay Competition Ed.) - 1906

Collected Works (Vol. III) (Essay Competition Ed.) - 1907

Collected Works (Essay Competition Ed. - 3 volumes bound as 1) - 1907

Collected Works (Travelers' Ed.) - 1907

Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Volume I) - 1929

Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Volume II) - 1929

Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Prospectus) - 1929

Creed of the Thelemites, The - 1949



Diary of a Drug Fiend - 1922 (UK Edition)

Diary of a Drug Fiend - 1923 (American Edition)

Diary of a Drug Fiend - 1923 (Canadian Edition)

Dictionary of Similes, A - 1916



Eight Lectures on Yoga - 1939

Eight Lectures on Yoga (Prospectus) - 1939

England, Stand Fast! - 1939

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number I) - 1909

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number II) - 1909

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number III) - 1910

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number IV) - 1910

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number V) - 1911

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number VI) - 1911

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number VII) - 1912

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number VIII) - 1912

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number IX) - 1913

Equinox, The (Volume I, Number X) - 1913

Equinox, The (Volume III, Number I) - 1919

Equinox, The (Volume III, Number I) (Prospectus) - 1919

Equinox of the Gods, The - 1936

Equinox of the Gods, The - 1937

Equinox of the Gods, The (Subscriber's Edition) - 1937

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) - Circa 1936

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) - Circa 1936 (Variation)

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) - Circa 1936 (Variation)

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) - Circa 1937

Equinox of the Gods, The (Prospectus) - Circa 1937 (Variation)

Equinox of the Gods, The - 1942

Equinox of the Gods, The - 1955

Equinox of the Gods, The - 1987

Excerpt A - From the Catalogue (S.P.R.T.)

Extenuation of the Book of the Law



For Her Namesake - 1911

Fun of the Fair, The - 1942

Fun of the Fair, The (Prospectus) - 1942



Gargoyles - 1906

God-Eater, The - 1903

Goetia, The - 1904

Goetia, The - 1910

Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw, The - 1953

Guide to the Walks & Climbs Around Arolla - 1908



Handbook of Geomancy - circa 1909

Hail Mary - 1911

Heart of the Master, The - 1938

Holy Books, The (Volume I) - 1909

Holy Books, The (Volume II) - 1909

Holy Books, The (Volume III) - 1910

Honourable Adulterers, The - 1898

Household Gods - 1912

Hymn to Pan - 1919



In Residence - 1904



Jephthah - 1898

Jephthah and Other Mysteries - 1899

Jezebel - 1898

John St. John - 1909

John Yarker - In Memoriam - 1913



Khing Kang King - 1939

Konx Om Pax (1st Issue) - 1907

Konx Om Pax (2nd Issue) - 1907

Konx Om Pax (3rd Issue) - 1907



La Gauloise.  Song of the Free French - 1942

La Gauloise.  Song of the Fighting French - 1942

Last Ritual, The - 1947

Law of Liberty, The - 1917

Liber Collegii Sancti - 1910

Liber LXI vel Causae - 1910

Liber OZ (Card) - 1941

Liber OZ (Postcard - 1st Edition) - 1942

Liber OZ (Postcard - 2nd Edition) - 1942

Liber OZ  (Envelope) - 1942

Liber OZ (Folded Sheet) - 1942 (American Edition)

Liber OZ  (Post Card) - 1945 (American Edition)

Little Essays Toward Truth - 1938

Little Essays Toward Truth (Prospectus) - 1938

Little Poems in Prose - 1928



Madame Tussaud–Besant - 1925

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 1) - 1929

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 2) - 1930

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 3) - 1930

Magick in Theory and Practice (Section 4) - 1930

Magick in Theory and Practice (Subscriber’s Edition) - 1930

Magick Without Tears - 1954

Magick Without Tears (Prospectus) - 1954

Mandrake Press Catalog (Works by Aleister Crowley) 1930

Manifesto of the M\M\M\ - About 1913

Message of the Master Therion, The - 1916

Message of the Master Therion, The - 1943

Moonchild - 1929

Mortadello - 1912

Mother’s Tragedy, The - 1901

Mother’s Tragedy, The - 1907

Mr. Aleister Crowley at Home - 1910

Mr. Aleister Crowley at Home (Variation) - 1910

Mr. Crowley and The Creeds - 1904



New Year, 1903 - 1903



Olla - 1946

Olla (Prospectus) - 1946

One Star in Sight - 1935

Open Letter, An - 1916

Open Letter to Lord Beaverbook, An - 1924

Oracles - 1905

Oriflamme, Vol. I, No. I

Oriflamme, Vol. I, No. 2

Orpheus - 1905

Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse, The - 1917



Poem, The - 1898

Poetica Erotica - 1922

Prophet In His Own Country, A  (Intro & Notes) - 1916

Prophet In His Own Country, A  (Introduction) - circa 1954

Private and Confidential - 1919?

Prospectus - Alice: An Adultery - 1905

Prospectus - Book of Thoth, The (UK version) - 1944

Prospectus - Book of Thoth, The (US version) - 1944

Prospectus - The Book of Wisdom or Folly - 1961

Prospectus - City of God, The - 1943

Prospectus - Confessions of Aleister Crowley - 1929

Prospectus - Eight Lectures on Yoga - 1939

Prospectus - The Equinox (Volume III, Number I) - 1919

Prospectus - Equinox of the Gods, The - Circa 1936

Prospectus - Equinox of the Gods, The - Circa 1936 (Variation)

Prospectus - Equinox of the Gods, The - Circa 1936 (Variation)

Prospectus - Equinox of the Gods, The - Circa 1937

Prospectus - Equinox of the Gods, The - Circa 1937 (Variation)

Prospectus - Fun of the Fair, The - 1942

Prospectus - Little Essays Toward Truth - 1938

Prospectus - Magick Without Tears - 1954

Prospectus - Olla - 1946

Prospectus - Why Jesus Wept - 1904



The Rites of Eleusis - 1910

The Rites of Eleusis (Flyer) - 1910

Rodin in Rime - 1907

Rosa Coeli - 1907

Rosa Decidua - 1910

Rosa Inferni - 1907

Rosa Mundi - 1905

Rosicrucian Scandal, The - 1913



Scented Garden, The - 1910

Scented Garden, The (Prospectus) - 1908

Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government - 1937

Sing, Happy Nightingale, Sing - 1923

Sir Palamedes - 1912

Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden - 1904

The Soldier and the Hunchback  ! and ? - circa 1909

Songs for Italy (1st Edition) - 1923

Songs for Italy (2nd Edition) - 1923

Songs of the Spirit - 1898

Songs of the Spirit - 1905

The Soul of Osiris - 1901

Star and the Garter, The - 1903

Star and the Garter, The - 1904

Star in the West, The - 1907

Star in the West, The (Popular Edition) - 1908

Stratagem and Other Stories, The - 1929

Stuart X the Man Who Put the OK in Book - 1916

Summa Spes - 1903

Sword of Song, The - 1904



Tale of Archais - 1898

Tango Song, The (Sheet Music)- 1913

Tannhäuser - 1902

Tannhäuser - 1907

Tarocchi, Rules for Playing the Game of

Temperance:  A Tract for the Times

Thoth Tarot Cards Exhibition Catalog - 1941

Thoth Tarot Cards Exhibition Catalog - 1942

Thumbs Up!  A Pentagram – A Pantacle to Win the War - 1941

Thumbs Up!  Five Poems by the Author of “The V Sign” - 1941

Thumbs Up!  Five Poems by Aleister Crowley (2nd Edition) - 1942

Thumbs Up!  Five Poems by Aleister Crowley (2nd Edition) - 1942

To Man - 1924



Vision and the Voice, The - 1911

Vision and the Voice, The - 1952

Vision and the Voice, The - circa 1980



Whirlpool, The (Introduction Only) - 1911

White Stains - 1898

Why Jesus Wept (1st Impression) - 1904

Why Jesus Wept (2nd Impression) - 1904

Why Jesus Wept (3rd Impression) - 1905

Why Jesus Wept (4th Impression) - 1905

Why Jesus Wept (5th Impression) - 1905

Why Jesus Wept (Prospectus) - 1904

Winged Beetle, The - 1910

World On Fire, The - 1915

World Teacher to the Theosophical Society - 1925

World’s Tragedy, The - 1910

Writing On the Ground, The - 1913



Xmas Card



Your Grave Grey Eyes (Sheet Music) - Circa 1914

Your Interest in Magick - 1934





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